Studia ad Didacticam Biologiae Pertinentia: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 85
Students‘ alternative conceptions of animal classification
(2012)Students’ conceptions of animal classification are the subject of several investigations. In previous research the criteria of classification used by the students were generally neglected. In a constructivistic view of ... -
O potrzebie uczenia się biologicznej systematyki
(2012)The article presents the significance and necessity of learning biological systematics and discovering the biodiversity of the Earth. It shows the need of conducting research on the choice of content of biological ... -
Studenci wobec bioróżnorodności
(2012)A survey among the students of the Academy of Podlasie was carried out in order to examine their views on the significance of living organisms in nature and the ways in which the organisms are used by man. This paper ... -
Zagadnienia bioróżnorodności w programie nauczania przyrody
(2012)The realization of is the pupils of effectiveness of protection biological variety the very important factor in formation in the face environment of natural the man’s young the attitude. Teacher’s part in this process ... -
Problemy bioróżnorodności w podstawie programowej kształcenia ogólnego
(2012)The main conclusion of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 (UNCED) was the necessity of immediate undertaking any activities to protect biological diversity (biodiversity). That Conference ... -
Zrównoważony rozwój i bioróżnorodność w formalnym systemie kształcenia
(2012)Biodiversity includes all the richness of life on Earth - from genetic diversity to the diversity of species and ecosystems. Education for biodiversity is directly derived from biological and environmental education. In ... -
Towards new educational paradigms
(2012)All revolutions, be they scientific or social ones, are the results of changes of paradigms. And the advent of the concept of «sustainable development» in our societies is no different. The radical adjustments that must ... -
Różnorodność biologiczna jako moduł nauczania szkolnego
(2012)The article concerns the analysis of general and specific objectives in the general education curriculum. It indicates the evolution of the educational content in elementary, lower- and higher-secondary schools. The paper ... -
Wpływ substancji allelopatycznych na kiełkowanie nasion, wzrost i rozwój roślin
(2012)The effects exerted by allelochemicals on physiological and metabolic processes have been widely treated in various publications on the subject. The key allelopathic impacts consist in plants releasing into the environment ... -
Jak owady oligofagi odnajdują odpowiednie rośliny żywicielskie w zróżnicowanym biologicznie środowisku?
(2012)The process of host plant selection by aphids is very specific among insects. Aphids have a complicated life-cycle with cyclical parthenogenesis and the occurrence of different morphs of which the alatae and apterae ... -
Lebanese amber: a “Guinness Book of Records”
(2012)In Lebanon, amber is found in more than 350 outcrops. It constitutes the oldest and most important amber with intensive biological inclusion. Formation of this amber corresponds to Lowermost Cretaceous, a period crucial ... -
Bioróżnorodność w bakteriologii jako złożony problem biologiczny
(2012)The microbial biodiversity in micro-scale started to be examined at the end of 17th century, when Anton van Leeuvenhoek, as the first researcher, used simple microscopes in observation and description of the small ... -
Zmienność form morfologicznych w ujęciu ewolucyjnym na przykładzie trąbowców (Proboscidea)
(2012)The article concentrates on the evolutionary aspect of biodiversity in proboscides (Proboscidea). Main evolutionary trends in this group include the increase in body size and teeth specialization due to spread of grasslands ... -
Zmienność jako podstawowe prawo przyrody
(2012)Biological evolution is the change over time in one or more inherited traits found in populations of organisms. Two processes are generally distinguished as common causes of evolution. One is natural selection, a process ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 111. Studia ad Didacticam Biologiae Pertinentia 2
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2012)Niniejsza publikacja, traktowana jako wymiana poglądów na temat różnorodności biologicznej, na tle badań naukowych i uwarunkowań edukacyjnych, wpisuje się w te działania. Celem jest wypracowanie paradygmatu – wiodącego ... -
Edukacja przyrodniczo-leśna w nadleśnictwach
(2011)The paper presents the origins of forest and nature education. The author analyzed the bases and forms of forest and nature education within a forest district and Regional Management of State Forests. The benefits of ... -
Wspieranie zrównoważonego rozwoju ucznia z trudnościami w nauce wyzwaniem dla dydaktyków i nauczycieli biologii
(2011)Education for sustainable development is designed to assist learners in gaining skills, knowledge and attributes which ensure continuous sustainable development. Implementation of the postulates for sustainable development ... -
Wiedza ekologiczna uczniów liceum w świetle wymagań programowych
(2011)Biology teachers are increasingly interested in optimising the audit process and estimating students’ achievement; further, they are concerned with results of teaching, taking into account differences in the program ... -
Zunehmender Alkoholmissbrauch von Jugendlichen in Deutschland: Nur ein erfolgreiches didaktisches Modell kann helfen
(2011)Author describes the results of research showing the increase of alcohol consumption by young people in Germany and points to psychological, social and cultural causes of this phenomenon. Author assigns an important role ...