Studia de Securitate: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 81-100 z 184
Legalna korupcja metodą zapewniania korzyści majątkowych i osobistych
(2020)The article presents analyzes and considerations devoted to discussing the conditions, activities and mechanisms that are characteristic for the so-called legal corruption that occurs in daily management practice. At the ... -
Ewolucja zadań policyjnych wykonywanych przez służby specjalne na przykładzie Urzędu Ochrony Państwa oraz Agencji Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego
(2020)In addition to intelligence and counterintelligence tasks, Polish special services also carry out police tasks. Police tasks should be understood as detecting and prosecuting perpetrators of crimes specified in the ... -
Bezpieczeństwo w szkole przyszłości – wizja zmian współczesnej rzeczywistości edukacyjnej w Polsce
(2020)The thought of the need to shape the vision of the future student developed and develops in Poland among many philosophers, educators and sociologists. Already Bogdan Suchodolski, the author of the “concept of education ... -
Bezpieczeństwo społeczności lokalnych w czasach zaborów na przykładzie działalności organizacji społecznych
(2020)Charity organizations have played a key role in a civil society over the ages. They contribute to the process of creating the reality we live in, and often provide solutions which are not available to public or private ... -
Wpływ węgiersko-tureckiej współpracy gospodarczej na bezpieczeństwo energetyczne Węgier po 2010 roku
(2020)The outcomes of the international economic crisis that struck financial and banking markets between 2007 and 2009 had a direct impact on economic and foreign policies realized by individual nations affected by the crisis. ... -
Pięć lat zmian w polskim sądownictwie z perspektywy bezpieczeństwa prawnego
(2020)The last 5 years have brought significant changes in legal regulations of primary importance for the judiciary in Poland. For the subjective sense of legal security of a citizen, his conviction that he is duly protected ... -
Polityczne i militarne przesłanki utworzenia w Polsce Wojsk Specjalnych
(2020)Special Forces constituting a specific type of armed forces of each state play an important role in combating non-standard threats to the security of contemporary states. Contemporary Special Forces are used in various ... -
Japoński lotniskowiec zaopatrzeniowy Shinano – analiza funkcjonalna. Część 2: Charakterystyka techniczna i grupa lotnicza
(2020)Niniejszy artykuł stanowi kontynuację rozważań zapoczątkowanych w części pierwszej: Źródła koncepcji i geneza Shinano oraz losy programu budowy pancerników typu Yamato, opublikowanej w poprzednim zeszycie „Annales ... -
Komik prezydentem: ukraińskie wybory prezydenckie z 2019 roku w wybranych polskich mediach
(2020)The purpose of the article was to analyze the content of media coverage of presidential elections in Ukraine in 2019. Newscasts and socio-political weeklies with the greatest interest of recipients were selected. Then ... -
Komik prezydentem: ukraińskie wybory prezydenckie z 2019 roku w wybranych ukraińskich mediach
(2020)The purpose of the article is to analyze the presidential elections in Ukraine in 2019 and to show how they were reported in the Ukrainian media. Content analysis of news and socio-political weeklies was carried out. ... -
Rola mediów społecznościowych jako instrumentu terroryzmu: analiza zamachu Brentona Tarranta
(2020)The scale of the impact of terrorist attacks on social perceptions depends on how many people learn about such an event in the shortest possible time. Social media currently provides the opportunity to maximize this ... -
Directions of the provision of Ukrainian information security in media sphere
(2020)The article is a study of mechanisms of information security of Ukraine in the context of global information influence. The concept of information security of Ukraine in the context of the influence of modern mass media ... -
Security vs. traditional and new media
(2020)The article presents selected links between security and old and new media. The subject of consideration is the area of communication about security, with particular emphasis on the issue of media coverage of socio-political ... -
Comparing strategic cultures of selected member states of the Three Seas Initiative
(2020)The article describes and compares strategic cultures of selected member states of the Three Seas Initiative (Poland, Romania, the Baltic states, Hungary and Croatia) by indicating both their convergences and divergences. ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 302. Studia de Securitate 10 (1)
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2020)Przekazujemy w ręce naszych Czytelników pierwszy w 2020 roku numer Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis „Studia de Securitate”. W nowym numerze czasopisma znalazło się 15 artykułów dotykających różnych problemów ... -
Decision-forcing cases – decyzyjne studia przypadku
(2021)A decision-forcing case is an exercise which asks students to solve a problem faced by an actual person at some point in the past. Because the problem is drawn from real life, a decision- forcing case is a type of case ... -
Optymalizacja bezpieczeństwa społecznego w środowisku lokalnym – zarys problematyki
(2021)The article presents the dependence of social security in relation to the problem of local environments. There was an in-depth analysis of social security from the terminological outline to the search for optimal ... -
Krążownik ciężki – problemy klasyfikacyjne. Część 1: Geneza i definicja krążownika ciężkiego
(2021)This article is the first in a series of six texts devoted to classification problems in the group of artillery ships such as heavy cruisers. He deals with the genesis of the heavy cruiser and formulates its definition, ... -
Ochrona granicy państwowej z wykorzystaniem bezzałogowych statków powietrznych
(2021)The article describes the basic tasks of the Border Guard as the Polish security formation. After Poland joined the Schengen Area, the external border became the common border of the European Union. The use of unmanned ... -
Zagrożenia militarne i wojenne a bezpieczeństwo gospodarcze państwa. Case study: konflikt zbrojny między Ukrainą a Rosją w 2014 roku
(2021)Guaranteeing security is the overriding goal of the state. Military threats and threats of war are the most serious challenges to the nation’s defense. The main question of the article concerned the extent to which ...