Przeglądaj 2014, Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia 12 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-15 z 15
Grimms’ Fairy Tales in Poland. The analysis of publishing production in the years 1895–2011
(2014)Two hundred years after the original edition of Kinder- und Hausmärchen (1812–1815) was published there is a possibility to ponder upon how books of the Brothers Grimm were edited in Poland. The review presents fairy ... -
Dziewięć lat „Dzienniczka dla Dzieci i Młodzieży” – dodatku do „Nowego Dziennika”
(2014)The article describes the origin and first nine years (1928–1936) of “Dzienniczek dla Dzieci i Młodzieży” (Children and Adolescents Journal), a supplement to the “Nowy Dziennik” (New Journal) published by Cracovian ... -
Książka dla dzieci i młodzieży w ofercie wydawców lwowskich w okresie dwudziestolecia międzywojennego
(2014)Lviv, being a second publishing center after Warsaw, also has its share in the production of children and adolescents literature. During the interwar period there were publishing companies working in the city which ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 171. Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia 12. Szkice o książce i prasie dla dzieci i młodzieży XX–XXI wieku
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2014) -
Słowo wstępne
(2014) -
Książka dla dzieci w ofercie wydawniczej środowiska polskich uchodźców na Węgrzech okresu II wojny światowej
(2014)According to the estimated data, among the group of Polish war refugees in Hungary in 1939– –1945 there were about 450 children at the age of primary education. After reorganizing and bringing to life the refugee structures, ... -
Czasopisma popularnonaukowe dla dzieci w latach 1945–1989
(2014)The Author’s extended research shows that among 71 magazines issued between 1945– –1989 seven (9.8%) were dedicated directly to children or children and adolescents: “ABC Horyzontów Techniki dla Dzieci” (1963–1964), “ABC ... -
Proza o tematyce lotniczej dla młodzieży w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym. Rekonesans
(2014)The article is an analysis of the chosen aviation prose for adolescents from the interwar period (novels by Z. Dromlewiczowa, K. Makuszyński, M. Wardasówna, M. Kann). The aviation pictures and motives, the depictions of ... -
Liliowy Bór Adama Szafrańca – mała historia o wielkiej idei
(2014)This article is an attempt to discuss and analyse a fairy tale The Lilac Forest (Liliowy Bór, Krakow 2009) by Adam Szafraniec – a writer, poet, composer, founder of the artistic group The Fairy Band (Baśniowa Kapela) and ... -
Pojedziemy w cudny kraj… O aspektach teorii i historii książek dla dzieci w dorobku naukowym Janusza Dunina
(2014)Professor Janusz Dunin-Horakiewicz (1931–2007) – a humanist, bibliologist, academic lecturer, bibliophile. He studied the development of the forms of children books and their structural differentiation, he analyzed the ... -
Zerwana nić. Religijne sztuki teatralne dla dzieci w latach 1945–1950. Na tropie cenzury
(2014)The article brings back the religious plays for children, which have been removed from the publishing, libraries, and readers’ circles. Their first issues were published before the Second World War. Their new editions, ... -
Kamishibai, booktalking, storytelling…, czyli formy pracy z młodym czytelnikiem
(2014)The article is an introduction to the issue of the forms of working with a library attendee. Basing on the subject literature, the currently used selections of forms were presented, including the examples of them. The ... -
(Nie tylko) książki o sztuce dla młodego odbiorcy
(2014)The aim of the article is to present the selected educational books on art, which can be divided into: informative positions, encyclopedic positions, exhibitions guides and books promoting cultural institutions; books ...