Now showing items 1-15 of 15

    • La crisis de refugiados en la prensa polaca y española. Análisis comparativo de valores y posicionamientos sociales (stance) 

      Dondelewski, Bartosz (2021)
      The following paper is a comparative study. We will use as a corpus some fragments of newspaper articles and debates concerning the refugee crisis which have been taking place recently in the EU. The citations have been ...
    • Do individual wisdom concepts depend on value? 

      Kałużna-Wielobób, Alina (2014)
      Psychological wisdom concepts were reviewed. 304 people aged 18-85 were tested with use of a questionnaire aimed at learning individual (popular) wisdom concepts. Popular wisdom concepts take into account broad declarative ...
    • Educational values in contemporary school - theory and practice 

      Bereźnicka, Małgorzata (2012)
      In my article I refer to the multistage research on educational values. I define them and present my own list of values grouped into four categories: cognitive-intellectual values, moral-social values, creative values, ...
    • Humanization of Physical Education in Early School Education 

      Kozdraś, Grzegorz (2019)
      The article describes the possibilities offered by organising humanistoriented physical education classes at the first stage of education. As part of physical education, which includes the process of physical upbringing ...
    • Motivational and Value-based Component as One of the Structural Elements of Engineering Educators’ Readiness for Professional Mobility 

      Malyshevskyi, Oleh (2020)
      In theoretical study of readiness of engineers-teachers of computer sciences for professional mobility, a valuative and motivated component is stated as a systemforming element and plays an important role in the process ...
    • The Need for Meta-Reflection on the Human Person’s Work 

      Furmanek, Waldemar (2018)
      The problems of trans-multi-disciplinary studies on man’s work comprises objects of research that are common to different academic disciplines but are selected in such a manner as not to distort the visions of the research ...
    • Polska szkoła wczoraj i dziś 

      Ryk, Andrzej (2015)
      Autor artykułu koncentruje się wokół kilku kluczowych kwestii dla przyszłości polskiej edukacji. Dokonując analizy wertykalnej, poszukuje odpowiedzi na pytania: Jaka wartość, czy grupa wartości są tymi, które organizują ...
    • Przemiany wartości w zmieniającym się społeczeństwie 

      Szymański, Mirosław J. (2012)
      W prezentowanym artykule autor podjął rozważania dotyczące roli wartości w zmieniającym się społeczeństwie. W społeczeństwie tradycyjnym wartości były stałym układem odniesienia. Mogły w oczywisty sposób wyznaczać ...
    • Student Time Perspective in the Context of Their Preferred Values 

      Kałużna-Wielobób, Alina (2013)
      The aim of the thesis is to research the connections between time perspective and values of university students. The following investigative methods were used: The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) and Schwartz’s ...
    • System wartości jednostek i społeczeństw we współczesnym środowisku bezpieczeństwa 

      Kaźmierczak, Danuta (2018)
      Zmienność i nieprzewidywalność uwarunkowań bezpieczeństwa narodowego i międzynarodowego skłania do formułowania strategii, która tworzy bezpieczeństwo, identyfikuje zagrożenia i podatności uwzględnia system wartości ...
    • The concept of values and hearing impairment 

      Kossewska, Joanna; Potměšil, Miloň (Šiaulių Universitetas, 2007)
      Authors are dealing with system or hierarchy of values in very specific area - in children and adolescents with hearing impairment. The main goal is to introduce a list of values, which was built- up by the Potměšil and ...
    • Uwagi o myśli politycznej Bronisława Geremka 

      Głażewski, Jacek (2015)
      Bronisław Geremek was one of the architects of the main political changes in Poland and Middle Europe. He contributed to the peaceful democratic changes and implementing the socio-political democratic rules of cooperation ...
    • Wartości i wartościowanie w języku dzieci – dobro i zło 

      Rudnicka-Fira, Elżbieta (2016)
      This article shows the linguistic view of an angel and the devil created by words of children (10–12 years old). The child's vision of an angel and the devil is affected by stereotypical perceptions, deeply rooted in our ...
    • Work as Basic Category of Work Pedagogy 

      Depešová, Jana; Noga, Henryk; Knych, Aleksandra (2015)
      Work is a form of human activity that leads to solving some situations through performing certain actions. Another important human activities, apart from work, are learning and play. There is an essential connection ...
    • Znaczenie nadawane wartościom kształcenia w praktyce edukacyjnej 

      Bereźnicka, Małgorzata (2009)
      Nowadays upbringing, together with the values connected with it, is recognized as an essential part of education. The problem has been researched morę and morę often, but in most cases only generał system of values, ...