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dc.contributor.authorGawle-Wiernasz, Małgorzatapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationSzkoła twórcza w odtwórczym świecie / pod red. Jana Krukowskiego i Anny Wołoch. - Kraków, 2013. - S. [227]-240 (Biblioteka Współczesnej Myśli Pedagogicznej, ISSN 2300-2689 ; 2)pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe essence of educational-didactical interactions is correlated with personality education. Personality education affirms what beautiful and precious in human being: dignity of a person, love, freedom, truth and responsibility. Personality is closely associated with hierarchy of immutable values thus giving room for transcendence and authorities. It highlights the role of togetherness and dialogue, and expands horizons of humanity through mature love, freedom and responsibility. One of the principle methods of education is to introduce the student to the world of wise and mature love. Teacher, therefore, through personal testimony, positive attitude, empathy, competence and (trustworthiness, or) authenticity, communicates and embodies himself for the student. Pedagogical interaction that also impacts educational strategy which is aimed at the fullness of humanity, the integral education of the person and the relationship with the teacher as a master defined as personal authority. Educational– didactical interactions are, therefore, as much meaningful and stimulating to the individual as much as they are filled with constant dialogue with student and co-created in the spirit of pedagogical love.en_EN
dc.subjectsubjectivity of student and teacheren_EN
dc.subjecthierarchy of values in educationen_EN
dc.subjectcreative personalityen_EN
dc.titleOddziaływania wychowawczo-dydaktyczne a miłość pedagogicznapl_PL
dc.title.alternativeRelation between education and pedagogical loveen_EN
dc.typeBook chapterpl_PL

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