Przeglądaj Biblioteka Współczesnej Myśli Pedagogicznej ; 2 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 37
The continuing education of teachers in Japan
(2013)Ciągły rozwój nauczyciela jest jednym z kluczowych elementów do rozważenia w kontekście promowania jakości kształcenia. Budowanie potencjału nauczyciela stanowi bardzo istotny czynnik decydujący o rozwoju szkolnictwa w ... -
Czy biurokracja oświatowa może wspierać kreatywną alternatywę dla tradycyjnej szkoły?
(2013)Public, state-funded schools are by definition large bureaucracies. The consequence is that individual schools in the system tend to be rather uniform – in curriculum, pedagogy, evaluation, administration and so on. A ... -
Edukacja przez całe życie jako czynnik rozwoju osobowości zawodowej nauczyciela
(2013)The division of human life into the learning period and the professional activity period becomes nowadays more and more irrelevant. This is connected with constantly changing character of a human work and with the fact ... -
Etyczny wymiar osobowości a moralne zachowania nauczyciela – wychowawcy
(2013)It is worth noticing that the education is undeniably linked with moral values, also with the concept of good and following the “right way”. A teacher who works with the discernment of truth, who understands the meaning ... -
From traditional to modern concepts of teaching contents of the subjects the world around us and nature and society
(Wydawnictwo Wydziału Pedagogicznego Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej, 2013)The transformation of the traditional teaching of nature and society into a more modern form requires the following key transformations: the prevailing teacher’s lecturing should transform into the prevailing activity ... -
Jak być twórczym nauczycielem w odtwórczym świecie szkoły i edukacji
(Wydawnictwo Wydziału Pedagogicznego Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie, 2013)The question of a creative school and teacher has long fascinated academics and teachers – the practitioners. Both pedagogical literature and press articles provide lots of reflection of either a theoretical or a ... -
Kierunki i perspektywy zmian w kształceniu pedagogów
(2013)The subject of consideration is the analysis of so far attempts at creating a modern life-long education system for the needs and challenges of the 21st century. They are only a part of necessary constructive discussion. ... -
Klasa szkolna – lustro wychowawcy dla jego osiągnięć i porażek
(2013)Form many people a typical school is associated with the schoolteacher, screaming children, duty staying inside this building. When a child enters the school parents or guardians wonder what will be teacher, colleagues ... -
Kompetencje terapeutyczne współczesnego nauczyciela
(2013)Conversation, sometimes called a therapeutic conversation, is the key to solve pupils’ problems. It should be characterized by careful listening, skillful questions’ asking, patience and sympathy. A conversation relieving ... -
Kreatívne písanie a jeho význam pri vyučovaní cudzieho jazyka
(2013)Writing (as one of the four language skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing) has always been a part of school curriculum for a certain foreign language. The skills, however, do not stand on their own during ... -
"Miłość dusz ludzkich" podstawą działalności nauczycielskiej w "szkole twórczej"
(2013)The aim of this article is to present a personal model of a teacher created by Henryk Rowid - the representative of “the creative school” on the turn of the 19th century. There is some general image of an ideal tutor in ... -
Nauczyciel akademicki w autobiografiach naukowych
(2013)The thing that helps to shape the scientific profile of an academic teacher are the scientific autobiographies, which deal with the life and creative activity of the scientific workers. The portrait of an academic teacher ... -
Nauczyciel wspomagający w kształceniu integracyjnym i inkluzyjnym – rola, zadania, dyspozycje osobowościowe
(2013)The regulation from 7th September 1991 introduced new possibilities and forms to educate pupils of special needs. As an effect, many new forms of integrated teaching are possible. Among them “inclusive” education, which ... -
Nauczyciel – animator : rzecz o wykorzystaniu warsztatu animacji społecznej w pracy dydaktycznej
(2013)Social animation in a pedagogic thought appears thanks to works of Helena Radlińska concerning looking for resources attached in the individuals as well as in the groups, activation of these forces, finding of its ... -
Nauczyciela edukacji wczesnoszkolnej – portret własny
(2013)Early education is a special period in education of each individual. It supplies the beginning of knowledge personally, also in this period the attitudes to learning, to school and to a teacher are formed. J. Delors ... -
O duszy nauczycielstwa – przed stu laty i dziś
(Wydawnictwo Wydziału Pedagogicznego Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej, 2013)This title suggest that time may have some essential influence on the morale and other attributes of the teacher’s status. We are speaking here not about individuals, but about a collectivity. The soul of collectivity ... -
O hermeneutyce i edukacji w czasach popkultury
(Wydawnictwo Wydziału Pedagogicznego Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej, 2013)The article refers to the concept of hermeneutics with some elements of Dilthey’s approach, and the hermeneutics of Gadamer. The above assumptions are treated as primary aims in the broadly understood didactics of cultural ... -
Oczekiwania uczniów objętych nauczaniem indywidualnym wobec nauczyciela
(2013)As many contemporary authors emphasize, being a teacher nowadays, is not only a job, but also a kind of mission and vocation. To meet all the demands efficiently, a teacher should get to know the expectations placed for ... -
Oddziaływania wychowawczo-dydaktyczne a miłość pedagogiczna
(2013)The essence of educational-didactical interactions is correlated with personality education. Personality education affirms what beautiful and precious in human being: dignity of a person, love, freedom, truth and ... -
Osobowość nauczyciela – wychowawcy w zmiennych i dynamicznych warunkach życia społecznego
(2013)The problem of teacher´s personality have been discussed by many outstanding pedagogues and psychologists. They mainly focused on those qualities of teacher´s personality which determine efficient influence on the results ...