Artykuły naukowe (WF): Recent submissions
Now showing items 441-460 of 600
Polonika w Oddziale Książki Rzadkiej Rosyjskiego Państwowego Uniwersytetu Humanistycznego (RPUH)
(2003)The paper contains a historical outline of the Polonica (books in Polish and about Poland) found on the Russian lands. The history of Moscow’s collections of books and the Polonica they included has been presented in a ... -
Stefania Podhorska-Okołów - ostatnia redaktorka "Bluszczu"
(2003)The article features Stefania Podhorska-Okolow, the editor-in-chief of „Bluszcz”, one of the oldest periodicals for women in Europe. The magazine is also eminent in the history of Polish press for its 74-year period in ... -
Prasa żydowska w języku polskim w Krakowie w latach 1918-1939
(2003)Cracow’s Jewish press of the inter-war period was carefully researched and described by Czeslaw Brzoza. This paper deals with Jewish newspapers published in Polish in Cracow in the years 1918-1939. Titles written in ... -
Językowy autoportret malarza orientalisty w listach prywatnych Stanisława Chlebowskiego
(2017)The considerations set out in the article are the reason for the studies on idiolects of extraordinary creative persons of the past ages. The basis for the study is 487 private letters of a Sultan’s painter – Stanisław ... -
Obraz narzędzi rolniczych utrwalony w polskiej frazeologii i paremiologii
(2017)The object of analysis in this paper are fixedword combinations (phraseological units and proverbs) with components denoting names of agricultural tools. They were used to conceptualize numerous ideas connected not only ... -
O łacińskich zapożyczeniach prawnych w XVII-wiecznych statutach premonstrateńskich
(2017)Based on the hand-written text of the Premonstratensian Statutes created in 1692, the article describes the ways of including the legal terms borrowed from Latin into the Polish language. -
Z osobliwości językowych warsztatu przekładowego Biblii brzeskiej (zagadnienia wybrane)
(2017)This paper is an attempt at drawing attention to the first Protestant translation of the whole Bible into Polish, which is traditionally known as Brest Bible or Radziwill Bible, in terms of its significance and place in ... -
Zapomniane nomina acti na -ek (XVI-XVIII w.)
(2017)In the Old Polish and Middle Polish periods there existed deverbal nouns with the formant -ek, such nalazek, przepadek, spisek and others. Witold Doroszewski called them nomina acti. They are also found in Księgi gromadzkie ... -
O imieniu Krystyna - szkic onomastyczno-teologiczny
(2017)This article is an attempt to characterize the name Krystyna from the onomastic-theological point of view. The presented linguistic analysis is diachronic. On the one hand, it focuses on the presentation of this anthroponym ... -
Z historii składni polskiej
(2017)The subject of the article are certain conjuctional constructions in ancient Polish language with (1) sociative preposition, (2) participle, (3) verbe – sentence, (4) hypotaxis – parataxis, (5) repeated conjunction ... -
Badania nad imionami zakonnymi
(2016)The paper presents the state of research on the religious names in Polish onomastics (both studies relating to female and male names, as well as those in which one can find theoretical issues). The author supports the ... -
Polityczna rozrywka czy nowa retoryka? : w stronę współczesnej widoczności medialnej polityków
(2016)Numerous variables must be considered in an analysis of paradigms used to create the image of a politician in the contemporary media space. The author aims to describe the changes that have occurred in Poland in this ... -
Współczesny dyskurs polityczny a zjawisko nowomowy
(2016)In the article I discuss the problem of contemporary Polish political communication. In its communicative dimension, the contemporary mediatized reality has become an area of functioning of polarized and linguistically ... -
O potrzebie badań nad dziedzictwem kultury materialnej utrwalonym w polskiej frazeologii i paremiologii
(2016)The paper is an attempt at a synthetic presentation of one research area in phraseology and paremiology, namely the evidence of old material culture preserved in fixed multi-word units. The author considers previous ... -
O śląskiej frazeologii i paremiologii toponimicznej - raz jeszcze
(2016)The article is a special continuation of the paper published in the previous volume of Studia Linguistica entitled “A little motherland” in the Light of Phraseology and Paremiology of Silesian Dialects. It contains the ... -
Badania historycznojęzykowe w siedemdziesięcioletniej historii Katedry Języka Polskiego Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
(2016)The article illustrates the history of the Department of Polish Language at the Pedagogical University of Cracow. The author presents the scholars who, while working in the Department, greatly contributed to the development ... -
Przysłowia i wyrażenia przysłowiowe z imieniem Anna
(2015)The article presents the proverbs including the most popular name in Poland – Anna. The analyzed material – surprisingly tiny, comprising twenty-two paremiological units – has been drawn from the Nowa księga przysłów i ... -
A złote jabłko stało się jabłkiem niezgody - o kulturowym i leksykograficznym wymiarze dwóch mitologizmów z komponentem nazywającym owoc
(2015)In the phraseological stock of Polish there can be found language units which conceal a cultural symbolism of mythological provenance – symbolism that speakers are perhaps sometimes unaware of. In this group tere are two ... -
Obraz wysokogórskiej przyrody w sonetach tatrzańskich Wincentego Byrskiego
(2015)This analysis is based on an unpublished collection of 25 sonnets written by Wincenty Byrski one hundred years ago. They are devoted to the Tatra subject matter. The author of the article, applying the methods of cultural ... -
Językowo-kulturowy obraz łyka w świetle dawnych frazeologizmów i przysłów
(2015)The article deals with phraseologisms and proverbs which contain the component łyko (phloem). The analysis of collected material made it possible to reconstruct the linguistic view of old reality connected with low ...