Artykuły naukowe (WF): Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 461-480 z 600
Rośliny tatrzańskie w piśmiennictwie Zofii Radwańskiej-Paryskiej
(2015)Basing on the texts by Zofia Radwańska-Paryska, the author reconstructs the ways of describing plants growing in the Tatra Mountains. The method of looking at the plant includes four different author’s points of view, ... -
Ziarnko gorczycy - pochodzenie, status i losy frazeologizmu w języku polskim
(2015)The article is a linguistic microanalysis of the origins, status and history of a single phraseological unit ziarnko gorczycy ( the mustard seed). It is classified thematically in the Polish language as a floristic set ... -
Przymiotniki w polskich współcześnie używanych nazwach drzew
(2015)The subject of interest in the article are the names of trees appearing in Europe, commonly used in Polish elaborations. An analysis was conducted on the adjectives being a part of the binominal names, describing the ... -
Świat roślin w opowiadaniach Ludzie stamtąd Marii Dąbrowskiej
(2015)The article presents 89 names which belong to plant lexis. The linguistic material was excerpted from short stories Ludzie stamtąd (People from There) by Maria Dąbrowska. The terminology which is discussed belongs to 10 ... -
Formy adresatywne w ustnej komunikacji religijnej - aspekt empiryczno-porównawczy : (na materiale współczesnego języka polskiego i ukraińskiego)
(2015)The author talks about chosen issues connected with usage of addressing forms in oral religious communication concerning three plains of using addressing forms in communicational situational contacts with the representatives ... -
"Mała ojczyzna" Ślązaka we frazeologizmach i przysłowiach gwarowych (Śląsk Cieszyński, Górny Śląsk, Śląsk Opolski)
(2015)The article presents an analysis of phrases and proverbs with a toponymic component, which were excerpted from lexicographic sources recording Silesian dialects. The object of description is the image of “a little ... -
Północnokresowe i białoruskie nazwy jałowca na tle słowiańskim
(2015)The Polish-wide word jałowiec (Juniperus communis) in the Polish language of the northeastern borderlands exists (already since Adam Mickiewicz’s times) as the variant jadłowiec, and in the present Wilno dialects also ... -
Z klasztornego archiwum - analiza pragmalingwistyczna siedemnastowiecznego Obiecadła duchownego
(2014)The paper contains the analysis of a fragment of a seventeenth-century monument – a prayer book written by a nun-Carmelite. The selected part: Obiecadło duchowne... is a certain entity, and it stands out from the whole ... -
Osobliwe określenia przymiotnikowe i ekwiwalenty rzeczownikowe mitologizmów leksykalnych w Słowniku języka polskiego Samuela Bogumiła Lindego
(2014)Samuel Bogumił Linde’s Słownik języka polskiego comprises not only a rich set of mythology-based lexical expressions (as headwords or sub-entries in sections on derivatives), but also an account of their then-current ... -
Obraz narzędzi rękodzielniczych w polskich frazeologizmach i przysłowiach
(2014)This paper deals with Polish phraseologisms and proverbs which contain names of handicraft tools. Most of the collected material currently belongs to recessive phraseological units. Viewed from the perspective of a deeply ... -
Kompetencja składniowa jako przedmiot badań neurolingwistycznych - wprowadzenie do neurosyntaktyki
(2014)The article is a voice in favour of creating a new branch within neurolinguistics which can be described as neurosyntactics. The methodological and terminological aspects of this concept are supported by several factors ... -
Staropolska leksyka z zakresu górnictwa solnego
(2014)This paper deals with the lexical material excerpted from Słownik staropolski (Old Polish Dictionary). The author analyzes words with the main morpheme -sól-//-sol-, as well as multiple-root forms, which are connected ... -
Wybrane elementy struktury listowej na podstawie korespondencji Czesława Miłosza z Jarosławem Iwaszkiewiczem
(2013)The article analyses the private correspondence of Czesław Miłosz and Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz that includes 86 letters from the years 1930–1980. The author concentrates on selected elements of the genre structure of letters, ... -
Wokół imienia i nazwiska Jubilata - nazwy osobowe w perspektywie lingwistyki kulturowej
(2013)The author of the texts undertakes an onomastic analysis of the name Edward and the surname Stachurski. She enriches her deliberations with statistic data and remarks on the historic determinants of forming the proper ... -
Gatunki mowy czy gatunki tekstu z połowy XVIII wieku w tekstach literackich Elżbiety Drużbackiej. Propozycja metodologiczna
(2013)The author of the article aims to discuss linguistic and genre features that distinguish literary texts of the prominent poet of the King Augustus III times – Elżbieta Drużbacka. The linguistic analysis of fairy-tales, ... -
Epistolarny autoportret męża i ojca w listach familijnych Adolfa Dygasińskiego
(2013)The analysis aims at reconstructing the linguistic image of the husband and father commemorated in the published family correspondence from the end of the nineteenth century. It is based on 277 letters sent by the writer ... -
Językowy obraz rzemiosła jako zawodu i źródła utrzymania (w świetle polskich przysłów i frazeologizmów)
(2013)The author of the article analyses set phrases that are motivated by the reality of the handicraft work. The analysis proves that Polish proverbs and set phrases depict work as an activity that is a sufficient and ... -
O głowach dziwostwornych w twórczości Pawlikowskich z Kozińca
(2013)The article presents the linguistic concretisation of the motif of extraordinary heads (dialect: dziwostworne) that was conducted in the works of authors associated with Podhale and the Tatra Mountains. The starting point ... -
O przekręcaniu i błędnym rozumieniu niektórych frazeologizmów
(2013)Phraseology is a part of linguistics (lexicology) that deals with the analysis and description of set phrases – expressions whose elements cannot be changed or exchanged. Contemporary speech is full of examples of incorrect ... -
Obiektywizacja i subiektywizacja języka w narracji dziennikarskiej
(2013)The article presents an analysis of a text selected from Rzeczpospolita daily newspaper, conducted from the standpoint of the theory of language. The author formulated a thesis that the theoretical assumptions of linguistics ...