dc.description.abstract | Papers included in this book also focus on the analysis of teachers’
reflective practice. The present scientific paradigms acknowledge teachers’
right to be investigators of their own activity, allow for free experimentation,
introduction of author’s innovations, critical expression and reflective
design of the learning environment. The analysis of the problem field,
outlined in the book title, should thus be started with the answer to the
major questions: what is reflection? and what may be the consequences
of its implementation into educational practice? It should be explained
here that the term “reflection” means deeper consideration, analyzing the
problem, thinking over a certain idea (Polish Language Dictionary 1981).
In pedagogic literature, reflection is understood as critical searching for the
solutions while acting practically, or as a quest connected with the analysis
and estimation of consequences of conditions influencing education. That is
why reflection as defined in this book is always related to action (practice)
and oriented towards a solution of the actual problems.
Deriving inspiration from so defined theoretical and methodical
dimension, the authors concentrate their considerations on the following
– tradition and modernity in theory and practice of early school
education (these questions are presented by Nada Babicz);
– theoretical sources of early school education practice (analyzed by
Bożena Muchacka, Éva Bakosi Kovácsné, Jánosné Hovánszki and Korbuly
Kissné Katalin);
– inspirations and quests for new ways in methodology of research on
childhood (these issues are outlined by Aldona Kopik, Barbara Walasek-
-Jarosz and Jan Kochanowski, Bożena Grzeszkiewicz, Ewa Lewandowska
and Mateusz Muchacki);
– consequences of changes in the educational policy (a topic
undertaken by Jolanta Andrzejewska, Joanna Sosnowska, Aldona Kopik,
Barbara Walasek-Jarosz, Jan Kochanowski and Radmila Burkovičova);
– contexts and conditions of reflection on the child and childhood (this
subject is considered by Iwona Czaja-Chudyba, Lucyna Smółka, Zbigniew
Baran, Robert Haraszkiewicz and Hanna Młodożeniec);
– initiatives and searching for new directions in the practice of early
school child education (proposed by Urszula Jolanta Szuścik, Celestyna
Grzywniak, Marta Mosiołek, Kornelia Solich and Elżbieta Płóciennik). | en_EN |