Studia de Arte et Educatione: Recent submissions
Now showing items 141-160 of 193
Edukacyjne znaczenie tybetańskiego tańca czam (’cham)
(2014)The aim of this article is to present educational properties of sacral Cham dance (‘cham) in Tibet. In the introduction, communication qualities in the art of dance are discussed, the Tibetan concept of art is outlined ... -
Edukacja artystyczna na Bliskim Wschodzie
(2014)In Arab and Persian countries, the division into craftsmanship and art, characteristic for European art, has not taken place. Both of them infiltrated each other and went in the same direction. However, the time for ... -
Współdziałanie artystyczne z dziećmi. Sztukolotnia
(2014)Being both an artists and a culture manager is a special circumstance. The situation is even more unusual, when it applies to an artistic tandem constituted by two artists. Justynas’ Duet was established in early 2010 ... -
Kreacja artystyczna – metody aktywizacji młodzieży w szkole średniej
(2014)The article discusses the following matters: low awareness about the significance of works of art, art gallery as a place of a meeting between creators. Private view – is it only an exhibition? Active participation of a ... -
Spotkania w życiu, spotkania w twórczości. O Twórczych Spotkaniach Bez Barier – doświadczeniach osobistych i kreatywnych studentów w kontekście niepełnosprawności
(2014)The topic of a creative teacher, who apart from his/her educational activities also undertakes creative endeavours, is associated with the responsibility in the experiences with fellow participants of the common reality. ... -
Myślenie artystyczne w dydaktyce. Kilka słów o metodyce i przedmiocie nauczania na kierunkach artystycznych według Jerzego Łukaszewicza
(2014)The article presents main assumptions of the artistic thinking theory by prof. Jerzy Łukasiewicz, a cameraman and Dean of the Faculty of Radio and Television at the Silesian University. The concept of artistic thinking ... -
NOTO – notujmy! Dni Notatnika w Krakowie 5–6 maja 2014 r.
(2014)On 5–6 May 2014 in Kraków “Notepad Days” organized by the Faculty of Art at the Pedagogical University of Cracow took place, as part of the Second Edition of the National Students’ NOTO Competition – an artist’s notepad ... -
Animować czy upowszechniać? Pytania na kanwie analizy programu nauczania na kierunku edukacja artystyczna w zakresie sztuk plastycznych na Wydziale Sztuki UP
(2014)The article comprises a description of activities in artistic studios and theoretical courses as part of Artistic Education in Visual Arts with elements of and references to culture management. The curriculum of this ... -
Artysta i sztuka – znaczenie w wychowaniu do twórczości
(2014)Bogdan Suchodolski’s thesis – that creativity is a human activity being of utmost importance for and among others – seems to be foundational and significant in the present age of the society, constantly transforming and ... -
Design (w) edukacji – projektowanie procesu nauczania o sztuce i dziedzictwie kulturowym w konkursie „Skarby Małopolski”
(2014)The article is devoted to utilizing methods developed through design – both as a tool for creating the process of education, as well as an element which facilitates teaching arts and cultural heritage – based on ten-year ... -
Czy artysta – animator kultury w szkole „(nie) mieści się” w podstawie programowej do zajęć artystycznych?
(2014)The article analyses the Arts Curriculum which provides for music and visual arts as subjects constituting one module for each of the three stages of educating children and adolescents. Classes in cultural studies (for ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 157. Studia de Arte et Educatione 9. Artysta – nauczycielem sztuki i animatorem kultury. Znani polscy twórcy nauczający w szkole średniej
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2014) -
Wizualny palimpsest na temat balonu. Wideo Moje nie-me balony. Balon, żyłka i trzy osoby z serii Balony
(2013)Accidental events (two spots moving in the depth of the sea), being a recipient of an image and an attempt of identifying distant signs initiated a search for and an artistic-research analysis of balloons. Its result is ... -
Obraz – tąpnięcia i rozwarstwienia w strukturze malarskiej
(2013)Both the painting series and its complementary text are a divagation on the condition of the contemporary human. They are an attempt of answering whether we are able to find our place in the world, formulate thoughts and ... -
52 LAZY WEEKS – koncepcje paraarchitektoniczne
(2013)Bartosz Mucha is a designer. The article 52 LAZY WEEKS – paraarchitectonic conceptual designs is a description of the artistic work that he carried out in the years 2010 and 2011. Undertaking a year-long action aimed at ... -
Światło jako medium w sztuce
(2013)Both this article and my work deal with the reception of light filtered by the perception of the human eye, processes associated with seeing and perceiving which can be used as the subject of art. Light and sound are ... -
Koniec „ery retuszera”?
(2013)The article discusses the issue of the portrait in pop culture on the example of a monidło. Monidło is a phenomenon that has recently gained social interest. Such portraits are the topic of more and more exhibitions, ... -
Some words about cultural identity and visual communication
(2013)Wszystko w kulturze związane jest z zachowaniami społecznymi i komunikacją jako platformą przekazywania myśli i zachowań. Kluczem do międzykulturowego porozumienia jest wiedza o potencjalnych problemach i sposobach ich ... -
„Wydział Sztuki w mieście” – refleksje z wystawy „Intermedium”
(2013)Between 17th and 28th of June 2013, students from the Faculty of Art of the Pedagogical University in Krakow presented their final works at the Intermedium exhibition that took place in Arteteka at the Garden of Arts in ...