Studia de Cultura: Recent submissions
Now showing items 221-240 of 523
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 299. Studia de Cultura 12 (1). Topografie. Miejsca - media - reprezentacje
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2020)Współcześnie, w dobie zmediatyzowanego, nieustannie globalizującego się, ale też wciąż dywersyfikującego się społeczeństwa problematyka przestrzeni należy do kwestii priorytetowych. Przestrzeń i czas to wszak podstawowe ... -
Wokół Mr. Darcy, Vampyre Amandy Grange
(2013)The paper examines Amanda Grange’s Mr. Darcy, Vampyre as an adaptation of Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice, focusing on the character types and the sequence of events. -
Filmowe adaptacje Draculi Brama Stokera. Od Murnaua do Coppoli
(2013)Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897) is the most important and most renowned vampire novel, which inspired entire generations of filmmakers. The vampiric count, “with figure of eternal desire – and what’s more, both male and ... -
Transmedialne „ja” – czyli podmiot performatywny w relacji z kulturą
(2013)The author discusses the performative production of identity by the reception of films, theatre and installation art space. The author emphasizes the transgressive way of participation in cyberspace. Modernist, “locating” ... -
Gry fabularne RPG jako szczególny przykład adaptacji tekstów kultury popularnej
(2013)Role Playing Games (or narrative games) constitute an important phenomenon in the modern culture. RPGs consist in the players adopting fictitious character roles in the reality created according to a pre-established ... -
Co użytkownicy robią z treściami medialnymi? Reklama i „partyzantka semiotyczna” w kulturze uczestnictwa
(2013)Creating contents and distributing it in the Internet by the media recipients/customers is one of the determinants of the participatory culture. Amateur creativity takes different forms: from entries and comments, to ... -
Blondynki na krańcu świata. Kobieca opowieść o Czarnym Lądzie
(2013)The text is an attempt at determining in which direction the contemporary travel documentary is going, based on the example of artistic achievements of Beata Pawlikowska and Martyna Wojciechowska. The authors, using the ... -
Przyjemność „instant” w formatach rozrywkowych z perspektywy procesów poznawczych i emocjonalnych
(2013)The article examines some issues of psychological determinants in the context of potential gratification arising from the customer’s involvement in the reality mediated by the media. Using the construct of cognitive ... -
Magazyn dla kobiet jako opowieść
(2013)On the fiction pages of women’s weeklies representing mainstream popular culture, there is a constant migration of literary genres from elite culture into a mix of magazine narratives. As a result, the language and style ... -
Sensotwórcze możliwości adaptacyjne typografii kinetycznej. Rekonesans badawczy
(2013)Kinetic Typography is, generally speaking, animated text. It has been considered purely in terms of graphics as well as a new kind of communication, bringing some of the expressive power of film. It is worth looking at ... -
Gra czy film interaktywny? Czyli o wizualności współczesnych produkcji cRPG na przykładzie gry Wiedźmin 2
(2013)In the article, it is pointed out that in modern computer games extended narratives are gradually abandoned while more emphasis is put on visuality and film-like character of the image, and on mimetism, understood not ... -
Strategie obrazu. O „adaptacjach” Jeana-Luc Godarda
(2013)The article results from introductory research into the question of broadly defined pictorialness of film images in Jean-Luc Godard’s works. Strategies of the image inscribed by the director in his own films may be ... -
Twórca hiphopowy jako artysta intermedialny: άοιδός, vates, performer
(2013)This paper will analyze the hip-hop art composition as an intermedial structure created from such elements as: musical text, post-typographic orature and visual image, in which the postmoderm poetics is linked with ... -
Inscenizacje intermedialności w filmie Tlen Iwana Wyrypajewa
(2013)Intermediality of the cinema has been discussed many times, and what is especially indicated is a specific “imprint” that was left on film by the theatre. Similarities between a movie and a performance are described well ... -
Adaptacja filmowa jako przykład zjawiska intermedialności
(2013)The paper considers the problem of adapting literary works in the context of the intermediality phenomenon. The author examines the significance of the latter category, considers the movie as an example of an intermedial ... -
Ponglish jako przykład adaptacji językowo-kulturowej
(2013)This paper is devoted to the linguistic and cultural integration of Polish immigrants in Great Britain. Together with the onset of the mass immigration of Poles to Britain in 2004, our UK-based compatriots entered a ... -
Twórczość Chrisa Eyre’a w kontekście problemów filmowych adaptacji
(2013)Chris Eyre is a native American independent filmmaker. Some of his films are based on the books by Sherman Alexie and Tony Hillerman. At the same time, Eyre adapts American mainstream film genres (road movies, sport ... -
Proza żołnierska I wojny światowej i jej «re-kreacje» w Lekcji martwego języka Andrzeja Kuśniewicza
(2013)Polish prose of the First World War is mostly associated with the Polish Legions. Agnieszka Prószyńska has established that works showing battles of the Polish Legions and other national volunteer formations have similar ... -
„Przepis na adaptację” Jana Jakuba Kolskiego i jego realizacja w filmie Wenecja
(2013)In 2010 Jan Jakub Kolski published his book: Pamięć podróżna. Fragmentozbiór filmowy. In the book Kolski expresses his opinion on film adaptation from the point of view of a practitioner; in a methodical and practical ...