Przeglądaj 2014, Studia Historicolitteraria 14 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 22
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 173. Studia Historicolitteraria 14
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2014)Artykuły zebrane w niniejszym tomie rocznika „Studia Historicolitteraria” stanowią (w zamyśle redaktorek numeru) wkład do refleksji na temat kategorii miejsca oraz przestrzeni w literaturze. Czytelnik znajdzie tu rozmaite ... -
Architektura pamięci – (nie)literackie przestrzenie getta
(2014)The author of the article makes an attempt to collocate and consequently show the similarities in the literary texts aimed at the young reader and the artistic projects connected with the area of the ghetto. The scholar ... -
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam. Эскиз о пространстве в драмах Ивана Вырыпаева
(2014)Playwriting can be divided into two schools in Modern Russian: Moscow (Teatr.doc and Praktika) and Ural (Kolyada-Theater in Yekaterinburg). The most prominent representative of the second one is Nikolai Kolyada – the ... -
Awanturniczy pejzaż zdegradowany w Przygodach i Zdarzeniach na brygu Banbury Witolda Gombrowicza
(2014)The aim of the article is the landscape construction in stories by Witold Gombrowicz referring to adventure literature pattern. In Przygody (Adventures) and Zdarzenia na brygu Banbury (Events on the Banbury Brig), similarly ... -
„Co za piękny kraj i jak cudna była tam wiosna!” Księdza Platera sentymentalne „obmapywanie” Krasławia
(2014)The proxemic patterns, found inter alia in literature studies, can prove to be useful also in the study on the personal document literature. The quasi-diary of Leon Broel Plater (1897-1980) entitled Pan Stanisław na ... -
Domowe kobiety i mężczyźni w podróży kontra kobiety w podróży i zagubieni mężczyźni. Baśniowe przestrzenie kobiet (komunikat)
(2014)The Author of the article looks into the problem of space in the selected magical stories (from the anthology: Kinder- und Hausmärchen by J. and W. Grimm, Żółty smok. Baśnie chińskie, Zamek Soria Moria. Baśnie norweskie) ... -
„Gdy rozum śpi budzą się… potwory”. Monstrualne przestrzenie w prozie Izabeli Filipiak i Olgi Tokarczuk
(2014)The article puts a question about the significance of the monster figure understood as the epistemological metaphor of rebellious otherness in the context of power relation between the center and the margin. Referring ... -
Modyfikacje realności w Dziwnej historii Bolesława Prusa
(2014)The article is an interpretation of the novel by Bolesław Prus, Dziwna historia (A Strange Story). Its purpose is to show how the author of Lalka (Doll) experiments on the traditional model of the presented world and, ... -
Nie-miejsca jako przestrzeń intensywnych interakcji: kilka przykładów z teatru
(2014)The article presents several examples of the theatric use of non-places, which are transit, temporary spaces, located most commonly in the big city scenery. The modern theater presents interpersonal relations in their ... -
O dobrej dziewczynie (na podstawie wybranych baśni braci Grimm)
(2014)The author of this article presents a certain aspect of the female sphere, the way it can be understood and perceived by a child. She is aware that some of the problems tackled here, connected with the motifs, attitudes ... -
Obcość jako kategoria interpretacyjna w badaniach nad dzieciństwem i literaturą dziecięco-młodzieżową
(2014)The notions of otherness and alienation are among the privileged topics of the 20th and 21st centuries. Philosophers, analysts of social phenomena and psychologists use these terms when diagnosing the situation of ... -
Oбраз леса в немецком романтизме
(2014)The German Romantics were the first to discover the unique beauty of nature - in surprising shapes and sizes, in silence and fear, but also linked their and its destiny with history. In works of fiction such poets as L. ... -
„Pierzchnęły marzenia…”. O trudach dorastania w Grzechach dzieciństwa Prusa i Great Expectations Dickensa
(2014)The article is a comparative analysis of two literary texts: Bolesław Prus’s Grzechy dzieciństwa (Sins of Childhood) and Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations. What these texts have in common is the narrator – a young boy ... -
„Podlotek z wiecznością na ty”. Bóg i człowiek w wierszach Agnieszki Kotei
(2014)The article presents the poetry of Agnieszka Koteja to the wider audience. The literary output of the author is being depicted through the prism of the ruling central childhood categories, motherhood, love and simplicity. ... -
Przestrzeń dojrzewania w Zmorach Emila Zegadłowicza
(2014)The article presents the individual growing-up process shown in Zmory (Nightmares) by Emil Zegadłowicz. The start thesis is that novel, playing with autographic and geographic references, has features of a parable, and ... -
Puchatek, Uszatek, Fantazy… i spółka. Miś w literaturze dla dzieci
(2014)This article presents the texts for children, both Polish and foreign, whose hero was a plush toy, a teddy bear. The object of the description were books: Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner by AA Milne, a series ... -
Tajemniczy świat Doroty Terakowskiej
(2014)The literary work of Dorota Terakowska may, and in fact should be read in the context of a criticism project of the phantasmatic Maria Janion. This can be seen in the characters of the main protagonists of the novels of ... -
W stronę przeszłości i marginesu. Miejsca dotknięte Jarosława Iwaszkiewicza
(2014)The article refers to the term “autobiographic place” first proposed by Małgorzata Czermińska in the field of geopoetics. More precisely, it refers to one of the kinds of such a place – a touched place. Such a place is ... -
Warszawa jako przestrzeń gry w Klimku i Klementynce Marii Krüger
(2014)In my article I present historic novel for young readers (aged 8 to 10) Klimek i Klementynka by Maria Krüger. I’m shortly depicting the book’s plot, structure and reception. However, the main part of the essay is an ... -
Wybrane warianty czasoprzestrzenne literatury XX i XXI wieku
(2014)A writer, accepting a pedantic strategy of creating of a world of literary work according to rules of physic and logic in real or in fiction-real is compelled to serve spacetime, because spacetime is one of the main ...