Czasopisma Naukowe: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 281-300 z 8723
Pojęcie szczęścia w dyskursie potocznym i naukowym
(2011)A common feature of the definition of happiness (both in scientific and everyday image of the world) is that this is 1) short-lived state (mental event), which is a ‘a feeling’, ‘a very good mood’, ‘a kind of feeling ... -
Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe z czasownikiem modalnym powinien w wypowiedziach dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
(2011)The axiological profile of obligation clearly dominates in colloquial realizations of children’s utterances. The registries of volition of teacher’s ‘should’ prevail in the questions addressed by the leading journalist ... -
Co wolno, a czego nie wolno ci robić – w wypowiedziach dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
(2011)From the point of view of the acting theory, duty statements I may/ I musn’t do it are normative functors of motivation. Because communications among children is a creative process, you can’t interchangeably define and ... -
Nowatorskie formy dziecięcej aktywności komunikacyjnej
(2011)The forms chosen show how the world is evolving. The changes concern male-female relationships, children’s fashion, morality, customs and political issues. Kids demonstrate modern rules of behaviour and new ways of ... -
Modalizowanie za pomocą operatora da się w dyskursie przedszkolnym
(2011)The paper presents the structure da się (can be), specific for the colloquial Polish language. The author analyzes examples and meaning of this structure based on selected preschool 5–6-year-old) children utterances which ... -
O słownictwie żeglarskim na Niemnie
(2011)The subject of this paper is the rafting vocabulary used on the Nemunas River, preserved in Zygmunt Gloger’s work Dolinami rzek (Along Rivers’ Valleys, 1872/1903). It contains rich lexical material from the field of ... -
Nietulisko Fabryczne
(2011) -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 96. Studia Logopaedica 4. Język – kultura – edukacja
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2011) -
Wykładniki argumentacji w mówionym tekście programu telewizyjnego Europa da się lubić
(2011)This paper focuses on dialogical and colloquial character of utterances in the TV programme “Europa da się lubić”. Despite the fact that the main purpose of the programme is to let people know, understand, and argue for ... -
Argumentacja w języku familijnym (na przykładzie listów małżeńskich Teodory i Jana Matejków)
(2011)The author of this paper separates and characterizes argumentative structures shown in a collection of married letters written in the 60s and 70s of the 19th century. Letters can be seen as the equivalent of a conversation ... -
Argumentacja w przestrzeni sakralnej w kontekście fides et ratio
(2011)The subject of consideration in the paper is studying argumentation used in the Bible in an excerpt from Genesis. Three levels of argumentation were distinguished: a) used by the biblical narrator, b) used by God ... -
Niewerbalne strategie argumentacyjne w języku osób dotkniętych afazją
(2011)Researches into aphasic disorders with people suffering from brain damages show that the ability to communicate retains despite disintegration of a language system. In case of severe linguistic disorders, patients use ... -
Autyzm a zaburzenia komunikacji w świetle badań językoznawstwa klinicznego
(2011)The subject of the paper is autism as a disorder studied by many specialists including clinical linguists. The basis of diagnosing autistic children is a triad of disorders stated by Wing and Gould. In the sphere of ...