2017, Studia Historicolitteraria 17
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Wszystko, co ludzkie
(2017)In Historie florenckie Ewa Białkowska focuses on the vast cultural heritage of Renaissance Florence, however, she begins by mentioning a disastrous flood of the 1960s that could have easily ruined said heritage. The ... -
Wśród gruzów
(2017)Terremoto is a literary documentary devoted to earthquakes that have struck Italy in recent years. The author mixes accounts from travels to places affected by the disaster, interviews with experts on various aspects of ... -
Modele świadectwa: „prze-pisywanie literatury Holokaustu”
(2017)The article is a critical discussion of Pawel Wolski’s treatise titled Tadeusz Borowski – Primo Levi. Prze-pisywanie literatury Holocaustu (Warsaw 2013). It is setting out selected aspects of traversing of the researcher ... -
Daleko od nigdzie
(2017)The person of and texts of Joseph Roth were used by Claudio Magris in his work to show a complex analysis of the Jewish intellectual culture of the beginning of 20th century – the writing of Roth is a counterpoint to ... -
Komedia dell’arte: między lokalnością a globalnością
(2017)Subject to the present review is Lokalność i mobilność kulturowa teatru. Śladami Arlekina i Pulcinelli of Ewa Bal. The author analyzes Italian dialectical theatre from a double perspective: local and global mobility of ... -
„Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski”. Staropolskie przekłady dramaturgii włoskiej
(2017)The text discusses the most important problems raised in Jadwiga Miszalska’s book The Song of the Tragic Playthings Teaches us Virtue: Translations from Italian as a Source for Polish Serious Drama till the end of the ... -
O micie uroczej Italii i przystojnego Włocha w najnowszych polskich powieściach romansowych
(2017)The article aims at explaining the phenomenon of mass interest in Italy as a setting for contemporary Polish romance novels. In order to understand said phenomenon, the author analyzes three romance novels published ... -
Świat onimiczny sagi o wiedźminie Andrzeja Sapkowskiego w przekładzie na język włoski
(2017)The paper presents the results of the analysis of the names in Italian translation of Andrzej Sapkowski’s fantasy saga series about The Witcher, and the video game inspired by it. The author of the article distinguishes ... -
Narracja autobiograficzna a relacje geoprzestrzenne w prozie Magdaleny Tulli
(2017)The article sets out to understand the autobiographical diptych of Magdalena Tulli’s Włoskie szpilki and Szum through the prism of geopoetics. It presents the opposition of Italianness represented by Milano against ... -
„Wszystko już tu było, od samego początku” – Mikrokosmosy Claudia Magrisa jako triesteńska auto/bio/geografia
(2017)The aim of my article is to study the relation between the subject and the city, focusing on the case of an autobiographic essayistic novel by a contemporary Italian writer Claudio Magris. The space of Trieste, author’s ... -
Różne twarze Kurta Suckerta – o twórczości Curzia Malapartego w Polsce
(2017)The article aims at showing the presence of Curzio Malaparte’s prose in Poland, mainly by characterizing subsequent Polish translations of individual works of the writer, as well as reactions to them exhibited by critics ... -
Za kulisami sądu. Ugo Betti, Trąd w pałacu sprawiedliwości (Corruzione al Palazzo di Giustizia)
(2017)The article concerns the Polish reception of Ugo Betti’s drama Corruzione al Palazzo di Giustizia. It presents the comparison of the two performances: the theatrical one, directed by Maria Wiercińska (1958), and the ... -
Ofelia Pirandella: rozważania nad kobiecym szaleństwem
(2017)The article is devoted to an analysis of Luigi Pirandello’s drama As You Desire Me which draws inspiration from an actual event connected with questions on the identity of a person suffering from amnesia. Unlike the real ... -
Telewizyjne gry z Pirandellem
(2017)In the beginning of 1960s, the Polish press witnessed a discussion on Pirandello’s right for innovation, which was started by Zygmunt Greń who harshly attacked the writer for „pseudointellectualism” and using the metaphor ... -
Pirandello jako widz zawodowy
(2017)Luigio Pirandello’s drama were unfailingly popular with Polish directors between the beginning of the 1960s until the 1970s. Native creators have undertaken dramas from different periods of the Nobelist’s output and ... -
Charles Swann e Athos Fadigati: la figura dell’ebreo e dell’innamorato in Proust e Bassani
(2017)Celem badań jest znalezienie związków pomiędzy cyklem Marcela Prousta W poszukiwaniu straconego czasu i Powieścią ferraryjską Giorgia Bassaniego. Analiza sposobu, w jaki autorzy konstruują postać Żyda, została przeprowadzona ... -
D’Annunzio w recenzjach Konecznego
(2017)Feliks Koneczny, as most Polish reviewers, distanced himself from the topics of dramatic works of Gabriele d’Annunzio. Yet due to the acting of Wanda Siemaszkowa, Stanisława Wysocka and Helena Modrzejewska he explained ... -
„Zobaczyć niebo opiewane przez poetów całej ziemi, zobaczyć Włochy” – północna Italia w relacjach Stanisława i Władysława Bełzów
(2017)Italian voyages of the 19th and 20th centuries have already been described many times. That is why this paper has been devoted to those accounts which so far have not been particularly popular with literary historians, ... -
Włochy w perspektywie Dickensa i dziewiętnastowiecznych polskich pisarzy
(2017)The paper analyzes the way Italy is presented in Dickens’, Kremer’s and Kraszewski’s travelogues and works. They sometimes construct their image of Italy from different perspectives applying various types of texts and ...