Przeglądaj 2007, Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia 5 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 22
Nabytki książkowe do biblioteki domu rekolekcyjnego oo. Jezuitów we Lwowie (1913–1926)
(2007)On arriving in Poland in 1564, the Jesuits brought their most efficient spiritual weapon – The Spiritual Exercises (Exercitia Spiritualia) of St. Ignatius of Loyola, also called “the Ignatian retreats”. The first retreat ... -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 47. Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia 5
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2007) -
Charakterystyka „Bibliofilskiej edycji dzieł Henryka Sienkiewicza”
(2007)This article presents the characteristics of the bibliophile series of Henryk Sienkiewicz’s works, which has been published since 1996 by Wydawnictwo Instytutu Teologicznego Księży Misjonarzy in Cracow (St Vincent a Paulo ... -
O miejscu polskiej prozy historycznej w kulturze literackiej lat 1939–1945
(2007)During the World War II Polish books were published (either in translations or in Polish, thanks to the efforts of emigration community and institutions in exile) almost exclusively outside the occupied country, mostly ... -
Zagadnienia badawcze prac magisterskich i licencjackich napisanych w Instytucie Informacji Naukowej i Bibliotekoznawstwa Akademii Pedagogicznej w Krakowie w latach 1992–2005
(2007)The research topics dealt with in MA and BA theses defended in years 1992–2005 are thematically varied, yet they can all be subsumed in different fields of bibliology. The research problems can be divided into following ... -
„Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny WSP w Krakowie” w Oddziale Czasopism i Wydawnictw Ciągłych Biblioteki Głównej Akademii Pedagogicznej w Krakowie
(2007)„Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny WSP w Krakowie” (the Scientific-Didactic Annals of Pedagogical University in Cracow) has been published since 1954. In 1973 its title was extended, following the change of the university’s ... -
Badania nad prasą w pracach magisterskich i licencjackich powstałych w Instytucie Informacji Naukowej i Bibliotekoznawstwa AP w Krakowie w latach 1977–2004
(2007)The article brings up the large number of theses that deal with the widely understood topic of the press. As the author notices, out of 2313 seminar papers, 666 concentrate on that subject. In most cases the papers are ... -
Dywagacje wokół kwestii założeniowości oraz pola badań bibliologicznych
(2007)The author presents some reflections on the field of bibliological research in the context of postmodernist discussion of culture. It is claimed that epistemological approach and non-assumptive account and description ... -
Spójność modelowa, niepełna, ułomna i minimalna w wierszach dziecięcych
(2007)The article presents the coherence mechanisms of children’s poems, through which the texts fulfil play- and educational functions. Their unity, and thematic and genre openness are crucial features of coherence. Other ... -
Czasopismo „Znicz” (Kraków, 1930–1939)
(2007)The article presents the role that “Znicz” magazine played in 1930–1939 in shaping the social and cultural attitudes of the youth associated in “Wici”, and in the struggle against the state and church authorities that ... -
Ryszard Ergetowski – historyk nauki, bibliotekoznawca, badacz niemieckiej slawistyki
(2007)Ryszard Ergetowski (3.04.1925–18.04.2005) was a university professor, a specialist in history of science and bibliology, an expert on the 19th century Polish-German scientific contacts and a researcher of the German ... -
Cudzoziemcy w Lublinie i na Lubelszczyźnie w XIX w. Przyczynek w zbiorach rękopiśmiennych Wojewódzkiej Biblioteki Publicznej im. Hieronima Łopacińskiego w Lublinie
(2007)There is a manuscript in the Library of Hieronim Łopaciński in Lublin – biogram of the emigrant from Germany, residing in Lublin – Jan Karol Wilhelm Goetz (1813–1883) – compiled by his grandson Jan Riabinin (1878–1942). ... -
Wybrane słowniki języka polskiego dostępne poprzez strony www. Prezentacja, porównanie, próba typologii, ocena
(2007)The article discusses the existence of the Polish language dictionaries in the World Wide Web resources. It is also an attempt at a typology of that kind of publications. The paper contains descriptions of five out of ... -
Terapia książką w pracy z dziećmi szkół integracyjnych
(2007)The article deals with the subject of disabled children attending schools with integrative classes. The author, having analysed the results of a survey conducted in this type of schools, selected a representative group ... -
Biblioteczka Harcerskich Drużyn Żeglarskich
(2007)The Library of Scout Sailing Teams is an interesting example of an editorial series of the 1930s. The series of sailing course-books was originated in Warsaw in 1933, by the initiative of the Scouts Association activists ... -
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