Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Uczestnictwo dziecka ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi w przestrzeni architektonicznej a funkcja socjologiczna rodziny
The article discusses the problem of relations between the physical, architectural, and
social space in the context of the family and of the development of a child with special
educational needs. It defines the notion ...
Wykorzystanie metody EEG biofeedback w procesie wspierania rozwoju dzieci i młodzieży ze specjalnymi potrzebami
The theoretical part of the work presents the basic information on the method of biofeedback
as a way to support the development of children and adolescents with special needs. The
practical part presents the opinions ...
Applying Algorithmic Reasoning in Education of Deaf Children
This paper deals with the process of learning and memory development in children with repair impairments, relative to information processing and storage theories. The presented research clearly shows that applying algorithmic ...
Samodzielność osób z niepełnosprawnością w Internecie
The article describes the issue of adapting the Internet to the needs and requirements of
people with disabilities, in the context of the conclusions of WCAG – Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines version 2.0, which means ...
Charakterystyka twórczości głuchoniewidomych
The deaf-blind, despite the simultaneous impairment of both the sense of sight and hearing, have an immense
creative potential. Properly stimulated, they realize themselves in painting, sculpture, wickerworking as well ...