2011, Studia Logopaedica 3: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 39
Wykładniki argumentacji w mówionym tekście programu telewizyjnego Europa da się lubić
(2011)This paper focuses on dialogical and colloquial character of utterances in the TV programme “Europa da się lubić”. Despite the fact that the main purpose of the programme is to let people know, understand, and argue for ... -
Argumentacja w języku familijnym (na przykładzie listów małżeńskich Teodory i Jana Matejków)
(2011)The author of this paper separates and characterizes argumentative structures shown in a collection of married letters written in the 60s and 70s of the 19th century. Letters can be seen as the equivalent of a conversation ... -
Argumentacja w przestrzeni sakralnej w kontekście fides et ratio
(2011)The subject of consideration in the paper is studying argumentation used in the Bible in an excerpt from Genesis. Three levels of argumentation were distinguished: a) used by the biblical narrator, b) used by God ... -
Niewerbalne strategie argumentacyjne w języku osób dotkniętych afazją
(2011)Researches into aphasic disorders with people suffering from brain damages show that the ability to communicate retains despite disintegration of a language system. In case of severe linguistic disorders, patients use ... -
Autyzm a zaburzenia komunikacji w świetle badań językoznawstwa klinicznego
(2011)The subject of the paper is autism as a disorder studied by many specialists including clinical linguists. The basis of diagnosing autistic children is a triad of disorders stated by Wing and Gould. In the sphere of ... -
Czego dowiadujemy się o argumentacji na podstawie dyskursu dziecka autystycznego?
(2011)The paper focuses on autistic children’s argumentative ability. Problems of language acqui- rement make it impossible for these children to produce sentences or even use single words accordingly to a communicational ... -
Dziecko z płodowym zespołem alkoholowym. (Za) Trudna sztuka argumentowania
(2011)The author presents FAS as a developmental disorder including communicational (also verbal) difficulties and shows that the ability to argue requires both linguistic and social skills. Some aspects of the disordered ... -
Argumentacja w wypowiedziach uczniów niesłyszących
(2011)In this paper texts produced by deaf pupils attending both to special and public schools were analyzed. Abilities of understanding and producing argumentative utterances by such pupils were also shown. The role of the ... -
Argumentacja w wypowiedziach dzieci ze specyficznymi zaburzeniami rozwoju językowego – SLI
(2011)The issue of argumentation is one of the most difficult in science, for it requires interdisciplinary approach. The great research challenge is an attempt to observe and interpret casual-effective relationships that are ... -
Argumentacja logopedyczna w dyskursie zaburzonym (artykulacja głoski „r”)
(2011)During the whole speech therapy of a particular disorder it is important to make the right diagnosis and then to do individualized exercises that are suitable for a patient’s age and abilities. The proper selection of ... -
Program „Kocham szkołę” odpowiedzią na potrzeby współczesnej edukacji
(2011)The author of this paper presents a new curriculum for teaching children at the age of six in the context of announced educational reform. The necessity of a radical reform of the teaching method in the first to third ... -
Nowa rzeczywistość – nowa metoda nauczania czytania. Argumentacja wyboru i kolejności etapów
(2011)Referring to results both of fMRI scans of the brain and of research into developmental difficulties of children at school age the author of this paper postulates the necessity of changes in the sphere of the hitherto ... -
Czy pracoholizm jest chorobą? Argumentacja w tekstach studentów z Moskwy na zajęciach z języka polskiego
(2011)The paper is focused on analysis of the ways of argumentation in texts written by students from the State University in Moscow who came to Poland realizing a project of students’ exchange. The analysis allowed to ... -
Argumentacja uczniowska w wypowiedziach na temat uzależnienia jako rodzaju współczesnej niewoli
(2011)The aim of this paper is to show ways of pupils’ argumentation referring to the subject: Addiction as a threat to men’s freedom. The subject was realized mainly in the form of argumentative texts (essays) by pupils from ... -
Sposoby argumentowania (na przykładzie wykonań gimnazjalistów)
(2011)In this paper different ways of argumentation were described. On the material of questionnaires filled up by pupils from some chosen grammar schools in the Lublin district it appeared that in inducing utterances young ...