2011, Studia Logopaedica 3: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-39 of 39
Teksty argumentacyjne uczniów drugiej klasy gimnazjum na temat „autorytetu”
(2011)The paper refers to analyses of argumentative texts constructed by pupils from the second form of a grammar school in Krakow. The texts about authority are divided into three parts, which is typical for an essay, and ... -
Uczeń jako odbiorca tekstów – podstawy kształcenia
(2011)Realization of such slogans of education like stimulating pupils and developing their creativity places the centre of gravity referring to education of their linguistic and communicative competences in the position of ... -
Uwarunkowania podmiotowej komunikacji w dyskusji dydaktycznej
(2011)For its participants didactic discussion is a plane of common development through inter- actions that it involves as well as an exchange of views, opinions, and attitudes. Such motion of thoughts, ideas, and words may ... -
Argumentacja, sposoby rozumowania i budowa tekstu o muzyce przez uczniów gimnazjum
(2011)The subject of this paper is an analysis of argumentative texts constructed by grammar school pupils according to the following scheme: the main assumption, for and (rarely) against arguments with the conviction that the ... -
Argumentowanie w debacie szkolnej (na tematy historyczne)
(2011)In his paper the author describes a didactic experiment that had a form of a classroom debate. The debate referred to a judgement of the Polish King Stanisław August Poniatowski and it took place at secondary school. ... -
Sztuka argumentacji i kształcenie sprawności retorycznych w dyskursie szkolnym
(2011)In its most distinguished (Plato, Aristotle, Cicero) representatives’ intentions the art of reasoning was to be a guide to the world of values. It was to favour the choice of values by means of advice or discouragement, ... -
Formy trybu przypuszczającego (warunkowego) w wypowiedziach dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
(2011)The category of mood is an expression of the speaker’s attitude towards the content he/ she puts into words connected with ‘truthfulness’. It represents the modal component of the semantic structure of a sentence. The ... -
Argumentacja w języku dziecka w wieku przedszkolnym
(2011)It is the author’s succeeding paper focused on linguistic description and analysis of the same child’s utterances that were recorded before the examined girl was seven years old. The presented material contends that in ... -
Siła dziecięcej argumentacji
(2011)The author analyzes utterances produced by a boy suffering from ADHD. Arguments that the boy used were convincing, although they were neither factual nor scientific from adults’ point of view. It is difficult to state ... -
Argumentacja w dyskursie medialnym
(2011)According to a dictionary definition argumentation means reasoning, convincing with the use of arguments, contention, motivation, argument. Objective (referring to a thesis) and non- -objective (not directly linked to ... -
Neuropsychologiczne podstawy argumentacji
(2011)The aim of this paper is to prove that argumentative skills as being verbal and mental activities are derived from functioning of human nervous system. The author attempted to link argumentative activities interpreted ... -
Poszukiwanie kognitywnych narzędzi opisu parametryczności argumentacyjnej
(2011)The subject of this paper is searching for cognitive means of describing argumentative parametricity in pupils’ textual discourse. Conceptualizations of a magic tree in compositions written by children at the younger ... -
Argumentacja i błędne rozumowanie w perspektywie pragmatycznej (w opracowaniu Louise Cummings)
(2011)The paper is focused on application of different frameworks for research into argumentation to analyses of educational discourse. Six frameworks (semantic, epistemic, dialectical, psychological, rhetoric, and pragmatic ... -
Argumentacja a komunikowanie procesu rozumienia
(2011)The paper deals with argumentation in a didactic discourse the aim of which is first of all to impart knowledge in such a way that a receiver/ a pupil may understand a sequence of thoughts and be able to use it herself/ ... -
Rozważania o argumentacji w lingwistyce edukacyjnej
(2011)Considerations on argumentation in educational linguistics refer to “educational theory of language” that in this approach is understood wider as knowledge of “a general speech act”, a kind of which is topically specialized ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 92. Studia Logopaedica 3. Argumentacja w dyskursie edukacyjnym
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2011)Celem tego studium jest ukazanie cech konstytutywnych edukacyjnego dyskursu argumentacyjnego poprzez rozszerzenie obszaru badań o zasady retoryki i pragmatyki oraz metody językoznawstwa kognitywnego, lingwistyki tekstu ...