2002, Studia Linguistica 1: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 21-40 z 43
Frymark, targ lub kupia, czyli o staropolskich nazwach umów handlowych
(2002)The meaning and history of lexemes, which occurred in the old Polish or Middle Polish as names of trade agreement - a contract, on the basis of which a given property’s owner was changed upon the agreement of two interested ... -
Rekonstrukcja językowego portretu postaci literackiej
(2002)The article attempts to reconstruct a literary portrait of Rakoczy, who was Orkan’s character in his novel W roztokach. The verbal portrait of a literary character stands for an evaluation of this character done by lexical ... -
O spójności tekstu Kazań świętokrzyskich
(2002)The subject matter of the article is a functional interpretation of a medieval text of a sermon as a communicative act, which is targeted at the evaluation of a semantic and syntactic-stylistic correctness of the ... -
Jeszcze o wschodniosłowiańskich polonizmach
(2002)The article presents approximately 50 lexical borrowings from Polish in the Moscow version of the Lithuanian Statute (1588) preserved in its 18th-century manuscript translation. Thus the author completes Słownik rosyjskich ... -
Kobiety w dramatach Władysława Orkana
(2002)The article discusses social and family roles of heroines in Orkan’s dramas. Their lives are portrayed against the economic background of the Polish village at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, and they are shown ... -
Język współczesnej młodzieży w polskiej szkole w Wilnie
(2002)The article explores a fragment of linguistic reality of Poles in Lithuania, namely acquiring general Polish language competence by the Polish youth at the school age, and in consequence deleting regionalisms. The target ... -
Fora ze dwora archaizmy fleksyjne w rymach
(2002)Rhymes hinder modernization of word forms. Therefore old forms have been preserved in rhymes of proverbs and older religious songs. Such forms are also introduced into newer poems. Genitive forms of masculine nouns in ... -
O przymiotnikach ekspresywnych na -utki (częściowo też -uśki) w języku polskim
(2002)Adjectives formed with the -utki ending are most frequent and productive within to the expressive nouns group. An interesting stylistic feature, which characterises many adjectives ending with -utki is their multiple ... -
Frazeologizmy pochodzenia biblijnego z nazwami zwierząt w języku polskim
(2002)The article attempts to gather and describe selected thematic vocabulary in Polish phraseology. It is constructed by biblical expressions whose main lexical component is the name of an animal. The scope of the presented ... -
Polskie pluralia tantum w słowniku i gramatyce (próba charakterystyki fleksyjnej)
(2002)The article aims at presenting one of the ideas of inflexional description of pluralia tantum, which was dominant in the twenty century grammars and which categorised them as a sub-group of lexemes with defective inflexion ... -
Wyrazy Mickiewiczowskie w Słowniku gwar polskich J. Karłowicza
(2002)The article focuses on the lexical heritage of Adam Mickiewicz in Słownik gwar polskich (SGP) - Vocabulary of Polish Dialects. The heritage includes the following items: borowik, chołodziec, chrapy, czmychać, grankulka, ... -
Composita toponimiczne motywowane przez antroponimy w dawnym województwie tarnopolskim
(2002)The article presents toponymic processes which expose the origin of compound names in the region of tarnopolskie province and in which one of the components is motivated by a personal name. Various extra-linguistic factors ... -
Słownictwo polityczne lat 1926-1939; leksyka nazywająca warstwy i grupy społeczne
(2002)This work deals with the political language of the years 1926-1939. The lexical data come from international press: Robotnik, Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny. Gazeta Warszawska. The author presents vocabulary, which can be ... -
Argotyzmy pochodzenia rosyjskiego we współczesnym języku polskim
(2002)On the basis of the words of east-Slavonic origin isolated by S. Kania in his Słownik argotyzmow, the author undertakes the task of answering the question of which particular type of Russian, sociolect or dialect could ... -
Polska ludowa terminologia mitologiczna - demony domowe
(2002)The study describes demons present in homes or connected with them, called home demons. Four groups of beliefs constitute the cult of demons, namely the cult of deceased ancestors - family guardians, which goes back to ... -
Wyznaczniki temporalne w opisie ludowych stereotypów językowych (na przykładzie zjawisk meteorologii ludowej)
(2002)The article aims at pointing out temporal indicators occurring in folk stereotypes. The early man dividing his time according to the position of the sun and then the moon distinguished a day, a year, and a month. Culmination ... -
Zagadnienie świadomości językowej w literaturze językoznawczej
(2002)The article briefly discusses the understanding of the notion of language awareness in view of linguistic literature (specialised dictionaries, encyclopedias, articles and other academic texts). It is apparent in ... -
Z problematyki mikrotoponimii we wsi Porąbka, w powiecie limanowskim
(2002)The subject matter of the article was topographic names in an old village of Porąbka, limanowski powiat, whose beginnings reach the 12th century. These names constitute 73,3% of the micro-toponyms recorded by the author ... -
Nazwiska z przyrostkami zawierającymi podstawowy element -k- w dziewiętnastowiecznych księgach parafialnych rzymskokatolickiej parafii św. Małgorzaty w Nowym Sączu
(2002)The article presents the analysis of a small group of surnames with the formative including the -k component. The outcome of the analysis is the conclusion that the formative is highly productive in its formation of the ... -
Do genezy wyrazów "hajdamaka", "hajdamacki", "hajdamactwo"
(2002)The study explores the issue of definitional changes of the word hajdamaka and its derivatives since the 17lh century until the present day. As based on an anonymous diary of the second half of the 17th century (Pamiętniki ...