2002, Studia Linguistica 1: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 43
Uwagi o pochodzeniu gwary muszyńskiej
(2002)On the basis of the contrastive analysis of Muszyna dialect conducted by professor Eugeniusz Pawłowski, the author of the present study came to the conclusion that the dialect was formed under the influence of the Slovakian ... -
Osobliwości regionalnego języka Muszyny i Tylicza
(2002)As a result of the separation of Muszyna and Tylicz from the homogeneous region of Polish language by the belt of Łemek (West-Ukrainian Karpatian dialect) villages, a dialect was created in both towns, which on the one ... -
Kilka uwag o językowym świecie Izaaka Babla
(2002)The conducted analysis comprises those images of reality described by Babel, which constitute the writer- ornamentalist’s characteristic substance. Such writer tends to seek a theatrical ornamentation in the surrounding ... -
Verba dicendi wprowadzające mowę niezależną w "Panu Tadeuszu" (na przykładzie ks. VII)
(2002)There exist various theories about the function performed by verba dicendi in the syntactic structure. The author of the present study adopted the meta-informative perspective. In the epic Pan Tadeusz the seventh book ... -
Warianty słowotwórcze i fonetyczne nazwisk mieszkańców Krościenka nad Dunajcem w latach 1644-1777
(2002)The corpus of data for the present study is composed of surnames of residents of the Krościenko on Dunajec parish during the years 1644-1777. The analysis proves the fact that secondary surnames, which come directly or ... -
Tytułowanie i nazywanie kobiet w listach rodzinnych Ignacego Krasickiego
(2002)On the basis of I. Krasicki’s letters it is possible to reconstruct the titles with which girls, maidens, mothers and wives (directly and through written reference) were addressed in the family, as contrasted with forms ... -
Język lagrów a język łagrów. Badania; założenia badawcze
(2002)The article focuses on two language varieties which originated at the time when the 20th century came to a sudden moral and civilisation regress and two totalitarian regimes confined Poles, the people from a democratic, ... -
Księgi miejskie Wojnicza jako nowe źródło do dawnego słownictwa polskiego (Uwagi wstępne)
(2002)Documents of the town of Wojnicz, which were published by historians, are the source of data not dealt with in linguistic research so far. The article gives preliminary comments on the sample vocabulary selected from one ... -
Mietnica, kaduk, boża kaźń, czyli o nazwach epilepsji w polszczyźnie XV i XVI w.
(2002)The subject matter of the presentation is the old vocabulary naming illnesses, and in particular its section, i.e. a group of some synonymous names for epilepsy recorded in the literary works of the 15th and 16th century ... -
Podobieństwo leksykalne wybranych poematów romantycznych
(2002)The selective contrastive analysis of seven Romantic poems leads to the conclusion that the degree of lexical similarity is conditioned by the size of vocabulary of a given work - the smallest number of common items is ... -
Słownictwo roślinne w powieściach Władysława Orkana
(2002)Nature fulfils a special function in Orkan’s novels. The writer, while creating the images of the Gorce landscape, frequently uses floral motifs. The vegetable vocabulary of three Władysław Orkan’s novels is the subject ... -
O staropolskiej pieśni Bądź wiesioła, Panno czysta... (kilka uwag wydawców)
(2002)The fifteenth-century song about seven joys of Saint Mary Bądź wiesioła, Panno czysta is a translation of a Latin song Septem Gaudia Marie Virginis. The contrastive analysis of both texts shows that an anonymous Polish ... -
Cnoty i niecnoty w wierszowanych tekstach E. Drużbackiej. Problem wartościowań
(2002)The article discusses the problem of evaluation in the literary text. Linguistic indicators of this evaluation comprise lexis, semantics, pragmatics and metaphors. The values are organised in such a way that the GOOD ... -
Obraz ekonomiczny wsi w powieści W. Orkana Komornicy
(2002)The economic image of the world presented by W. Orkan in Komornicy (The Tenants) was analysed from the holistic perspective (the notion of the whole, its structure, interrelations among its component parts) inspired by ... -
Niespodzianka dialektologiczna na południe od Myślenic
(2002)The article focused on the tendency to denasalise nasal vowels of Kielce type, such as zęby>zeby, zǫp>zop, recognised in some dialects of the Podkarpacie region to the south of Myślenice several decades ago. This tendency ... -
Grzecznościowe akty mowy w korespondencji W. Orkana z matką
(2002)The article presented polite speech acts included in terminal expressions in W. Orkan’s letters to his mother, focusing on the units performing a predicate function (requests, greetings, thanks, apologies), and non-predicate ... -
Niektóre wskaźniki klasyfikowania pojęć w polskiej terminologii logopedycznej
(2002)The input of representatives of various disciplines and fields of study in creating logopedic ideas is reflected in the subject literature by the terminological variety and diverse sets of criteria, based on which ... -
Funkcja zaimka nasz w oswajaniu przestrzeni wiejskiej na podstawie wierszy dla dzieci M. Konopnickiej
(2002)The article discusses the poetic function of pronoun nasz, especially in displaying child's world on the basis of Maria Konopnicka’s poetry. The pronoun organises the process of domesticating the rural area. It is ... -
Dopełniacz liczby pojedynczej rzeczowników męskich w XVI- i XVII-wiecznych tekstach małopolskiej literatury plebejskiej
(2002)The article is focused on the problem of choosing formal expressions -a, -u in singular genitive of masculine nouns, which has been frequently discussed in literature. The study, as distinct from an extensive work by J. ...