2008, Studia Linguistica 4: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 36
Formy pierwszej osoby liczby pojedynczej czasu teraźniejszego w dyskursie szkolnym
(2008)The way of functioning of teachers' "I" in configuration of different personal relationships (existing in the situation of classroom communication) is very important for the reason of the role that a teacher plays in the ... -
Elementy potoczne w tekstach Janusza Andermana (na przykładzie wybranych struktur składniowych)
(2008)Research material are the following works by Janusz Anderman: Brak tchu (Breathlessness), Choroba więzienna (Prison Illness), Fotografie (Photographs), Gra na zwlokę (Temporization), Kraj świata (Outskirts of the World), ... -
Nauczycielskie i uczniowskie trzeba (to zrobić) na lekcjach języka polskiego (w szkole podstawowej i w gimnazjum)
(2008)Utterances including modal predicates trzeba i należy ("it ought to should be done") differ from sentences including powinien ("one ought to/should do") in lack of an index of personal subject. Activities the sentences ... -
Niektóre wyróżniki gatunkowe debaty telewizyjnej i debaty szkolnej (na tematy historyczne)
(2008)Analyzed by the author text of a television debate on the controversial topic of the dramatic events at Jedwabne (that took place on the 10th July 1941) may be defined as both spoken and visual transmission of an (arranged, ... -
Uwagi o tytułach artykułów naukowych
(2008)The paper brings a description of structures and functions of titles of scientific papers. Linguistic material are excerpts from the periodical "Polonica" (vol. I-XXIV/XXV) published since 1975 by the Institute of Polish ... -
Modalność oraz illokucja wypowiedzi dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym w sytuacjach zabawowych
(2008)An amusement situation makes occasion for spontaneous utterances the big part of which has the modal character. Children’s language contains several lexical indexes of modality (proper modal verbs, modal predicates, modal ... -
Kamienie szlachetne i metale szlachetne we współczesnej frazeologii polskiej
(2008)The subject of a description and an analysis in this paper are expressions and sayings functioning in modern Polish language — expressions, sayings, phrases, phrasemes, proverbs, idioms, phraseological comparisons ... -
Kolokacje rzeczownikowo-przymiotnikowe w dwudziestowiecznych tekstach konstytucji państwa polskiego
(2008)The subject of this linguistic reflection are nominal collocations, i.e. syntactic structures from the border line of syntax and phraseology. Belonging to the passing-line of what is grammatically regular, thus refers ... -
Dawne zwyczaje handlowe utrwalone w polskiej frazeologii
(Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 62, Studia Linguistica 4 (2008), s. [292]-301, 2008)The material basis of the paper are idiomatic expressions recorded in Linde's dictionary and including at least one semantic component connected with trade. In original word formation of these expressions old realities ... -
Pilnować, strzec jak źrenicy oka, jak oka w głowie. Losy zwrotu na tle pokrewnych konstrukcji frazeologicznych
(2008)The paper brings an attempt to describe the formal and semantic as well as the etymological status of one of strongly fixed in Polish language somatic expressions: pilnować, strzec jak źrenicy oka, jak oka w głowie (to ... -
Marginalia w utworach polskich Sebastiana Fabiana Klonowica
(2008)The paper focuses on marginalia - short texts usually omitted by editors and researchers. These notes are considerably formally differentiated. Glosses, subtitles, explanation notes, vocabularies, etymologies, metatext ... -
Leksykalne nieczasownikowe wykładniki hipotezy w autobiografiach zwyczajnych
(2008)The subject of the author's research is a speech micro-act — a hypothesis — that builds a speech macro-act — which is an autobiography. A condition of efficiency of such a speech act like a hypothesis is the speaker's ... -
O znaczeniu pojęcia AGRESJA w języku studentów
(2008)The purpose of considerations presented in the paper is to show how twenty years olds understand the term 'aggression', how they conceptualize one of the cruellest act at the beginning of the second millennium. Exemplifying ... -
Ze słownictwa rodzinnego w literaturze epoki pozytywizmu
(2008)In the paper an analysis of family vocabulary, in particular names of children born out of wedlock, was presented. Research material was excerpted from novels, short stories, and novellas written by the following outstanding ... -
Przeciwstawność determinowana językowo i kulturowo w poemacie Elżbiety Drużbackiej Opisanie czterech elementów szkodliwych i pożytecznych: ziemi, wody, ognia i powietrza
(2008)In the paper one element, i.e. ziemia/earth, was analyzed. It includes contrasts that are linguistically determined, e.g. useful : harmful, hot : cold. It also includes lexical items used to outline different cultural ... -
Wyrazy nacechowane ekspresywnie we współczesnych ludowych przyśpiewkach weselnych z powiatu jarosławskiego
(2008)The subject of a linguistic analysis the author made is expressive vocabulary occurring in contemporary wedding songs performed at the villages Piwoda and Hawłowice in the Jarosław District. Songs from Piwoda were written ... -
Sposoby wartościowania w socjolekcie uczniowskim (na przykładzie przezwisk nauczycieli)
(2008)The paper refers to one of social varieties of contemporary Polish language - pupils' sociolect. The author focuses his research attention to teachers’ nicknames that are inseparable elements of children and youth's ... -
Nazwy wykroczeń w Statutach kapituły norbertańskiej z roku 1340
(2008)In the paper the author conducts a semantic analysis and discusses structures of names of offences that appeared in the text of Premonstratensian Chapter Statutes from the Year 1340. A general name used to name each ... -
Językowy obraz przyjaźni w wypowiedziach licealistów klas pierwszych
(2008)The aim of research presented in the paper is an attempt to reconstruct a linguistic image of friendship, i.e. cognitive structures of chosen notions, recorded in opinions of pupils attending grammar school. It is joined ... -
Wyrazy ekspresywne z historycznej Litwy w Słowniku gwar polskich Jana Karłowicza
(2008)The paper is regarded as a contribution to studies of expressive vocabulary in collections of regional and dialectal vocabulary of the 19th century. In this paper it was shown the part of the vocabulary the expressive ...