Przeglądaj 2011, Studia Linguistica 6 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 29
Wartości moralne i etyczne w języku prawnym
(2011)In her article, the author reflects on the ethics and morality of law. She puts forward a thesis that ethical values are not purely empty declarations in the preambles to normative acts and that the legal language itself ... -
Dialog z tradycją w nauczaniu Benedykta XVI
(2011)Tradition is what shapes the identity both of individuals and of whole nations. Perhaps this is the reason why Europeans try to actively participate in discussions about the value of connecting with tradition. Pope ... -
Francuszczyzna w rejestrze środków publicystycznych (na przykładzie felietonów Ludwika Stommy)
(2011)The present paper focuses on gallicisms (French loanwords) which appear in Ludwik Stomma’s feature articles published in Polityka between 2005 and 2007. In order to analyze aspects of French loanwords in journalistic ... -
Językowe sposoby wyrażania aktu śmierci w dawnych inskrypcjach nagrobnych z cmentarza Rakowickiego w Krakowie
(2011)The paper discusses the depictions of death and dying from the epitaphs at the Rakowicki Cemetery in Krakow. The epitaphs analyzed come from mostly non-extant gravestones form the period 1803–1865 recorded in the 19th ... -
Polski język religijny w Grodnie i na Grodzieńszczyźnie
(2011)Polish religious language in Grodno and the Grodno area is very unusual due to the historical and sociological specificity of the region. It has many varieties, depending on whether people have learnt it and used at home ... -
Janiny Porazińskiej dialog z tradycją
(2011)The article discusses the elements of tradition in the language of Janina Porazińska’s children’s fiction. The vocabulary of her prose, with elements such as compounds, diminutives, determining adjectives and neologisms, ... -
Językowe gry z tradycją w blogach politycznych
(2011)The article presents the problem of language games with tradition in political blogs. The analyzed material comes from blogs written by well-known figures from politics and the media. The examples show intertextual ... -
Językowo-kulturowo-symboliczna zaduma nad północnokresowym kultem zmarłych utrwalonym w badaniach polskich uczonych różnych pokoleń
(2011)The paper contains philological reflections on the cult of the dead in northeastern Borderlands. The cult has been a source of inspiration for interdisciplinary studies of many Polish scholars – the popularizers of Polish ... -
U prząśniczki siedzą jak anioł dzieweczki i ja jestem szparka, ja sekretarka, czyli tajemnice dawnej leksyki
(2011)In the 21st century Polish language, many of the archaic words and expressions of yesteryear still function. In spite of their relative frequency (occurrences in familiar folk or pop songs), they often remain incomprehensible ... -
Od kiedy szewc bez butów chodzi? - tradycyjne zawody rzemieślnicze w polskiej frazeologii i paremiologii
(2011)The comparison of old and contemporary idioms which contain lexemes szewc or szewski [cobbler, cobbler’s] demonstates the essential traits in the development of Polish phraselogy connected with crafts and craftsmanship. ... -
Boskie a diabelskie - na podstawie polskich przysłów i frazeologizmów
(2011)The paper analyzes proverbs and idiomatic expressions that present relations between God and the Devil. It is commonly believed that the forces of good (God) and of evil (the Devil) are clearly separated (the formula: ... -
„Misiek z okularami na hulajnodze”, czyli o CB-polszczyźnie
(2011)The paper analyzes the language used by drivers on the Citizens’ Band radio (CB radio). The users of the radio communicate only in speech, their communication is highly pragmatic and based on partnership. The utterances ... -
Winszowanie i dobre słowo w gwarze
(2011)The article analyzes traditional forms of seasonal greetings connected with Christmas, New Year and Easter celebrations. The analysis follows the ethnolinguistic and pragmatic frameworks and draws on the notion of ... -
Leksykalizacja wobec tradycji językowej
(2011)The paper concerns mutual relations between lexicalization processes and linguistic tradition. The author invokes Polish and foreign works and points to possible ways of understanding lexicalization by illustrating them ... -
Podhalańska śleboda a polska wolność
(2011)The aim of this paper is to compare śleboda (a word from the Podhale region dialect) and wolność (Polish word for ‘freedom’). The selection of these words is not accidental. Śleboda and wolność are very important concepts, ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 107. Studia Linguistica 6, Dialog z tradycją, część 1
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2011)Dynamika współczesnych przemian cywilizacyjnych objawiająca się powstaniem społeczeństwa informacyjnego i nowych technik przekazu, ujawnienie się mechanizmów globalizacyjnych oraz ekspansja wzorców kultury masowej składają ... -
Językoznawstwo subwersywne
(2011)The article attempts to present one of the trends in linguistics which blurs the distinction between the central and the peripheral. The author proposes that the margins and peripheries are potentially more fertile and ... -
Współczesne listy uczniowskie wobec tradycji epistolarnej
(2011)The following article is based on the texts which the junior high school students wrote in class. The assigned topic was: Epistolography: the art of the past? The students were presented with a linguistic challenge, the ... -
Przemiany współczesnej retoryki wykładowej (na przykładzie praktyki akademickiej z historii)
(2011)The article describes differences between the theoretical model of academic lecture established in Polish linguistics and the conclusions drawn from the analysis of the corpus of authentic utterances. The language of ... -
Język wobec procesów globalizacji
(2011)The article focuses on the role of language in the globalized world and knowledge-based civilization. The author begins by presenting language as the basic cognitive tool and the carrier of cultural heritage. The question ...