Studia Historicolitteraria: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 81-100 z 491
Дослідження життя і творчості хроніста Алессандро Ґваньїні від середини ХХ століття (польська, українська і російська історіографія)
(2020)W artykule przeanalizowano studia nad życiem i twórczością kronikarza Aleksandra Gwagnina podejmowane przez polskich, ukraińskich i rosyjskich historyków i filologów ostatnich sześciu dekad. Autor wyróżnia dwa okresy. W ... -
W kręgu późnobarokowej zootanatologii. Trzy próbki literackie Jana Ludwika Platera
(2020)A manuscript collection, literary Miscellanea, from the 18th century, which is in the possession of the Ossolineum Library, contains works written by Jan Ludwik Plater (ca. 1670–1736), a Livonian voivode. Three poems ... -
Kilka uwag na temat literackich przedstawień bitwy chocimskiej 1673 roku
(2020)The author of the paper indicates several aspects which connect the texts describing the battle of Khotyn in 1673. Epical attempts at showing those events complied with the epical model known as ‘native heroicum’, which ... -
Polska epika bohaterska przed i po Gofredzie
(2020)The article is a review of the most important trends in the development of the Polish epic in the 16th and 17th centuries. In the absence of significant traditions of knightly works, the creation of Polish heroic poetry ... -
Od „śmierdzącego dudka” po banialuki. Obraz ptaków w literaturze renesansu i baroku – rekonesans
(2020)Birds function in Polish literature of Renaissance and Baroque in three paradigms. Mostly they appear as creatures gifted with a symbolic (allegoric) meaning, seen through the prism of the tradition reaching to Aristotle’s ... -
Genologia i finezja. Najkrótsze pieśni Jana Kochanowskiego
(2020)The purpose of this paper is the analysis of the shortest songs from Jan Kochanowski’s collection Pieśni. These include a petrarchist Pieśń II 21, and above all, four horatian‑ origin works Pieśń: I 11 (Stronisz przede ... -
Contrasto tra città e campagna nella Polonia rinascimentale sullo sfondo delle aspirazioni culturali degli ex‑studenti e dei viaggiatori polacchi a Padova
(2020)Głębokie rozumienie istoty opozycji pomiędzy światem kultury, reprezentowanym przez miasto, oraz natury, związanej z życiem na wsi, uchwycone zostało na fresku Tycjana z 1511 roku, przedstawiającym cud Świętego Antoniego, ... -
Damnosa tarditas. Ślady lektury Biblii w listach Francesca Petrarki
(2020)The following paper is dedicated to the topic of biblical motifs in Francesco Petrarca’s letters, which belong to an ubi leones sphere in historical literary research both in Poland and the whole of Europe. If we are to ... -
Nobile e ignobile simbolismo islamico nella Divina Commedia
(2020)Rozpatrując zagadki Boskiej Komedii, można przyjąć, że kultura muzułmańska była dobrze znana Dantemu, przede wszystkim poprzez dzieła takie jak Księga Drabiny Mahometa, Podróże Marco Polo czy prace Riccolda z Montecroce. ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 312. Studia Historicolitteraria 20
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2020) -
Powroty Profesora
(2012)The article presents a portrait of Professor Bolesław Faron – his biography and links with the Nowy Sącz area. Professor’s work as a literary historian and an educator are also evoked. -
Mehrsprachigkeit in der Literatur Galiziens
(2012)From the historical perspective, multilingualism is a characteristic feature of Galician literature. It indicates the multiculturalism of the region, in which writers of many ethnic backgrounds came into contact. This ... -
Реґіональна ойконімія в історико-етимологічному висвітленні
(2012)The article analyses Ukrainian-Romani (Romanian) influences in the toponyms of Northern Bukovina against the background of rich interlingual exchange in the region. These influences are most prominent in translated place ... -
Garść uwag o wybranych opiniach na temat szkolnictwa niepublicznego w Polsce
(2012)The article presents a commentary on selected views regarding the Polish private education sector (excluding higher-education establishments), which currently comprises 9–10% of all schools in Poland. Amongst views ... -
Specjalność edytorska w Instytucie Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego
(2012)The specialisation came into being in the 2001/2002 academic year. Due to the abandonment of entrance examinations, it was essential to determine the aim, the content and the educational forms which would guarantee ... -
Dziennikarstwo jako dodatkowa specjalizacja. Z doświadczeń Studium Dziennikarskiego UP
(2012)The study focuses on the unique experience of the Pedagogical University in teaching journalism as an additional specialisation in its journalism school, presenting it against the background of European and American ... -
Dwadzieścia lat współpracy Instytutu Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego z Katedrą Filologii Polskiej Państwowego Uniwersytetu w Grodnie (1989–2009)
(2012)The study sums up the long-lasting cooperation between the Pedagogical University of Cracow with the University of Grodno. The article is based on the author’s own experience as well as on the records of the University ... -
Panteony narodowe w Europie
(2012)The article focuses on the importance of royal and national necropoles in the history of humanity. The so called ‘national pantheons’, the utmost form of honouring artists, writers or scholars, which began in the Renaissance ... -
Nie ma zmierzchu filozofii. Rola filozofii Anny Teresy Tymienieckiej w świecie „ponowoczesnym” – optymizm poznawczy, odkrywczość, kreatywność
(2012)The article presents Anna Teresa Tymieniecka’s work and philosophy, which centres around epistemological and axiological optimism and opposes the all too easy pessimism and nihilism. Particularly interesting insights are ... -
Jedzenie jako tekst kultury. Zarys problemu
(2012)The article defines food as discursive text. The category comprises food items, the general process of eating, the individual act of eating. The author discusses the problem by showing how it functions in different fields ...