Przeglądaj Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Prace Psychologiczne według daty wydania
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Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 120. Prace Psychologiczne 2
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 1988)Psychologia traktowana jest jako przedmiot uzupełniający na wszystkich kierunkach studiów w Wyższej Szkole Pedagogicznej, poza kierunkami pedagogicznymi, na których realizowana jest w szerokim zakresie i włączona do grupy ... -
Adaptacja do studiów pedagogicznych i osiągnięcia akademickie a cechy temperamentalne
(1988)The paper describes an attempt to find relations between academic achievements, adaptation to studying and temperamental dimensions in the sample of 97 students of the 1st grade of Educational High School in Cracow. Selected ... -
Wpływ lęku na rozbieżność między ja-realnym a ja-idealnym w obrazie siebie
(1988)In this article the authors are trying to answer the question whether the level of divergence in self-concept depends on an anxiety. Self-Real and Self-Ideal are understood as the basics elements of self-concept and the ... -
Preferencje dotyczące stylu życia u studentów WSP
(1988)This paper is an attempt to make a psychological diagnosis concerning preferences of style of life at the students, candidates for teacher. Style of life is understood as a set of general values prefered by the man. These ... -
Rozwijanie postaw wychowawczych przyszłych nauczycieli
(1988)Necessity of more complete preparation students of teacher's specialization for their future professional role has been revealed in this article. The term "educational attitude" is especially useful in analysis of ... -
Wokół problematyki grup odniesienia
(1988)The author in his article presents various concepts of reference groups. The idea of normative and соmparison reference groups serves as a basis for the analysis. The cognitive and motivational functions of reference groups ... -
Kształtowanie zachowań prospołecznych u dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
(1988)Although prosocial behaviour is paid more and more attention in the present day psychological research, there is still felt – especially in Poland – a reat lack of sufficient empirical data on the initial appearance and ... -
Problem uwarunkowań cech zachowania antyspołecznego lub/i przyhamowanego u sześciolatków
(1988)The terms "antisocial” and "retarded behavior" are applied to describe negative or passive attitudes of children in relation to other persons and to the requirements of kindergarten, which are characterized by an expansive ... -
Struktura osobowości dzieci ze schorzeniami górnych dróg oddechowych (analiza porównawcza dzieci zdrowych i chorych)
(1988)The article describes searching tend towards revealing possible particular features of the children suffering from the upper air passages. 60 pupils suffering for asthma, 30 for another upper air passages were examined. ... -
Interpretacja self w analizie procesu komunikowania się
(1988)In this discussion on communication we talk ussually about the communication between the partners of an interaction. We assume that the communication is a process of an information interchange. This is popular paradigm, ... -
Wykorzystanie elementów nauczania w metodach badania dojrzałości szkolnej
(1988)Various kinds of diagnostic techniques with instructional components are regarded on the background of traditional methods for the study of school readiness. The author presents profits and possibilities of their using in ... -
Uczenie się serii jako proces stochastyczny
(1988)The proposed model of learning a sequence is based on the Konorski’s memory concept. The information is written down in specialized brain adresses. The assumptions formulated explicity, let alone the process of forgetting ... -
Stosunki uczuciowe w rodzinach dzieci astmatycznych
(1988)The paper presents results of empirical investigations concerning the problem of family relationships' specificity in the case of the children with bronchial asthma. 35 children with bronchial asthma, hospitalized in the ... -
Sprawność pamięciowa dzieci astmatycznych i zdrowych
(1988)The psychological test scores of a group 66 asthmatic children in the 7-15 year old range were compared with those of a matched nonasthmatic group with no history of possible brain disorder. The memory performance was ... -
Postawy religijne osób uzależnionych od alkoholu - członków klubu abstynentów „Trzeźwość” w Krakowie
(1988)In this article the results of our study on religious attitudes of persons addicted to alcohol are presented. In the attitudes of the alcoholic abstainers the existence of friendly relations to religiocity (in common sense) ... -
Androgenia - nowe spojrzenie na problem identyfikacji z rolą płci
(1992)This article presents a conception of androgyny which is free from culturally imposed definitions of masculinity and Femininity. Masculinity and femininity represent complementary domains of positive traits and behaviors, ...