Przeglądaj 2006, Studia de Arte et Educatione 2 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-9 z 9
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 34. Studia de Arte et Educatione 2
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2006)Prezentowana publikacja to część druga studiów i refleksji o sztuce i nauczaniu, przygotowanych z okazji 25-lecia Instytutu Sztuki Akademii Pedagogicznej w Krakowie. Stanowi kontynuację cyklu, który ma na celu ożywienie ... -
Malarstwo kobiet. Kobiece malarstwo czy babska sztuka?
(2006)The author of the article considers the problem whether there exists such a phenomenon as feminine painting. Negative answer to that question entails the necessity to use another more accurate expression: women’s painting. ... -
Victory Boogie Woogie, czyli o możliwościach odczuwania miejskości - szkice teoretyczne do scenariusza wystawy sztuki współczesnej
(2006)The text by Marcin Pawłowski is an analysis of the ways of experiencing the city individually and collectively. The visual perception allows the artist to notice the wealth of kinds of urban space; their matter, colour, ... -
Rozmowa o twórczości
(2006)Jan Bujnowski talks with dr Mirosława Moszkowicz about his artistic output of the years 1976-1996, in the field of painting, photography and drawing. The artist declares an approach different from the modernist idea of ... -
Artyści i litery
(2006)In the 20th century, artistic phenomena change like in a kaleidoscope. The general tendency of total information about everything has not spared art as well, with all the consequences of that. According to the principle ... -
O rombie w mojej sztuce
(2006)The text entitled On the Rhombus in My Art discusses one of the stages of Andrzej Bębenek’s creative journey; from the moment of selecting the simple form of a geometric sign - RHOMBUS, to introducing it in a number of ... -
Sztuka pamięci
(2006)Piotr Jargusz, a graduate of the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts, currently, a professor at the Art Institute of the Cracow Pedagogical University, in his individual exhibitions, contains the idea of a painter on the road, ... -
Światło w sztuce
(2006)The visible world in which we exist is contained between darkness and light. We see thanks to the light. The light sent from remote sun, rushing in the form of photons at the speed of 30000 km/s, reaching the earth makes ... -
Dziecięca interpretacja miasta i przestrzeni
(2006)The article comprises research results concerning types of spatial relations and strategies implemented by children in verbal and graphic construction and interpretation of the space of the city and the road. It was ...