2006, Studia Historicolitteraria 6
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Dzienniki - budowanie językowego obrazu świata dzieci niesłyszących
(2006)The article depicts the construction of the linguistic image of the world by deaf children through writing diaries. The main thesis of the article is to teach a deaf child grammatical rules of a language system and a complex ... -
Dzienniki wydarzeń uczniów niesłyszących - utrwalone pismem zachowania językowe
(2006)The article presents a peculiar language of deaf children that is recorded in diaries. It shows a difficult path that a deaf person must take in order to describe feelings spontaneously, and it discusses the role of certain ... -
Pamiętnik jako forma terapii
(2006)The author presents her own idea of implementing diaries as one of the techniques of cognitive and existential analysis. She suggests to use the diary/memoir also in therapy through positive disintegration. -
Sztuka życia czy sztuczne życie? Andrzeja Sapkowskiego strategie stawania się sobą
(2006)Not being an autobiography writer in the explicit meaning of the word, Andrzej Sapkows- ki uses literary and journalistic work for the particular purpose of creating his own image, of anticipating biography. Such a way of ... -
Fotografia reklamowa a pamięć twórcy. Fotokompozycje Ryszarda Horowitza
(2006)The subject matter of the present article is advertising viewed not from the communicative perspective but as a message, which through influencing our direct actions, i.e. behavioural changes, in the broader perspective ... -
Blog w autobiograficznym trójkącie fikcji
(2006)Blog, apart from other forms of personal account, such as memoirs, diary, or auto-por- trait, can be classified as autobiography in the narrow genre meaning of the term. The autobiographical pact means adopting towards the ... -
Kto wierzy w dinozaury? O zmianach w poetyce filmowego pamiętnika
(2006)The article discusses changes in the poetics of film diary and a general evolution of audio-visual documentary forms. The corpus of analysed material comprises an English television series entitled “The Return of the ... -
Autobiografizm jako fikcja osoby
(2006)The article attempts to situate autobiographical writing within the space of ’’new communication” outlined by the media. Features of this kind of communication are determined by the increasing importance of theatrical ... -
Poetycki dziennik intymny Jacka Podsiadły
(2006)The article deals with the poetry by Jacek Podsiadło, one of the best poets of the so called “'Brulion' generation”. The author makes an attempt at determining the degree in which Podsiadlo’s poems form an intimate poetic ... -
Dziennik poety z przełomu wieków
(2006)The sketch presents an analysis of Józef Baran’s diary entitled Koncert dla nosorożca (Poznań 2005). Text interpretation was conducted in view of theoretical considerations of Ryszard Nycz on the issue of sylphlike nature ... -
„Moje sobie przywłaszczone życie" - elementy autobiografizmu w prozie Jerzego Pilcha (na podstawie powieści Pod Mocnym Aniołem)
(2006)The article presents an analysis of Jerzy Pilch's prose through the filter of autobiogra- phism and intertextuality. The Vistula River writer implements his readings and autobiographical components in the creation of his ... -
Autokreacja literacka w twórczości Stefana Chwina
(2006)The article deals with the problem of literary auto-creation, which is presented on the basis of Stefan Chwin’s literary output. All works of the prose writer from Gdansk were treated as a uniform whole, which mirrors the ... -
Autokreacja Stefana Chwina w jego Kartkach z dziennika
(2006)Pages from a Diary by Stefan Chwin is clearly distinguished among many published autobiographical texts because their author purposefully connects different ways of conducting the autobiographical monologue. He auto-interprets ... -
Miesiące Kazimierza Brandysa - quasi-dziennik czyli zmagania pisarza z fikcją oraz własną biografią
(2006)In the years 1978-1987, Brandys's travel logs, everyday notes, reading notes, thoughts and recollections were being written in between Warsaw, New York and Paris. The written material was the basis for creating a quasi-diary ... -
Tryptyk trochę autobiograficzny
(2006)Tadeusz Konwicki’s Kalendarz i klepsydra (1976), Wschody i zachody księżyca (1982) and Nowy Świat i okolice (1986) were categorised as “memoirs”, “novels” or autobiographical sketches although, owing to their formal ... -
Doświadczenie przestrzeni i czasu w polskich dziennikach wojennych
(2006)The analysis of the relationship between time and space recorded in the war diaries concentrates on the problem of “familiarizing” with the world under threat. A major determinant of the created and re-created realities ... -
Kobiety w rodzinnej biografii Hanny Malewskiej
(2006)Hanna Malewska’s essay written in 1964 depicts genealogy of a “typical Polish representative of intelligentsia” starting from the Enlightenment to the 20th century. The writer presents lives of her predecessors against the ... -
Wizja Syberii w pamiętnikach zesłańców 2 połowy XIX wieku. Struktura relacji - podstawowe cechy
(2006)The subject of the article entitled The Vision of Siberia in the Memoirs of the Deportees of the Second Half of 19th Century. Structure of Report - Basic Features, concerns memoir recollections of Poles deported to Siberia ... -
Polskie drogi w tekstach wspomnień
(2006)The lexeme droga (road) in contemporary Polish has several meanings: a section of space leading from one place to another, somebody’s route, a distance, a trip, a way, a fate, life’s goal. It has many synonyms, rich ... -
Granice świata przedstawionego w pamiętniku Anny z Działyńskich Potockiej
(2006)Anna Potocka née Działyńska is the author of My Diary. Written in the years 1878-1902, the book tells the story of the Anna and Stanisław Potockis’ family. The use of the first- person singular narration, noticable amorphism ...