Artykuły naukowe (WSz): Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 21-40 z 62
Technologia współczesnej polichromii. Wybrane zagadnienia malarstwa ściennego
(2010)The article focuses on issues related to contemporary wall painting. The author of the article, familiar with the topic from his own practical experience, argues as follows: he stresses that what decides about the level ... -
Peintre-graveur, malarz uprawiający grafikę. Współzależność technologii i formy
(2010)The first part of the article discusses the figures of Albrecht Dürer and Rembrandt van Rijn as they were able not only to pass on the topics and problems of the epoch in which they happened to live but ... -
Miłośnicy kontra krytycy i artyści, czyli spory wokół Zachęty w międzywojennej Polsce
(2017)The Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts was founded in 1860 in order to promote and support young Polish artists and popularize art as an important element of socio-cultural life at a time when Poland did not exist ... -
The political (in) landscape and post-Occupy art practices
(2017)Artykuł dotyczy politycznych aspektów land artu oraz stara się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, na ile współczesny klimat artystyczny i polityczny wytworzył sytuację, w której naturalnym kontekstem dla tworzenia politycznych ... -
Muralistka (Mona Tusz) i fotograf (Arkadiusz Gola) wobec zjawisk negatywnych po restrukturyzacji gospodarczej na Śląsku
(2017)The task of this essay is to scrutinize of possibilities of a visual artist to express his attitude toward difficult social problems that appeared in Silesia after revitalization and deindustrialization of this region. ... -
The network of performance art festivals as an independent art institution – a historical survey
(2017)Artykuł jest przeglądem historycznym festiwali sztuki performance, organizowanych od lat 60. do czasów współczesnych w wybranych krajach Europy, obu Ameryk i Azji. W tekście wymieniono ok. 120 festiwali organizowanych ... -
Instructive Invisibility: Paradoxical Sub-Pedagogy of Janusz Orbitowski
(2018)The text focuses on Janusz Orbitowski, a Krakow-based painter of geometric abstraction, and on his teaching methods at the Academy of Fine Arts. This discussion is combined with interpretation of his works. Orbitowski’s ... -
Perfoactivism: from Three Weeks in May to The Museum of Arte Útil
(2018)From the very beginning, performance art has been anti-institutional and counter-cultural. Because of that performance artists tended to look for other channels to achieve visibility, often intentionally avoiding it. ... -
The Private Hidden Art of Janusz Kaczorowski
(2018)Artistic practice of Janusz Kaczorowski, of which only a few traces remain in the collections of institutions and in private hands, is characterised by surprisingly high quality of intellectual reflection. With his ... -
Invisible Violence: Drone Warfare and Landscape after 9/11
(2018)The paper investigates representations of landscape in selected examples of contemporary artworks that were produced in the aftermath of and in direct response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the subsequent war on ... -
Мурал - художественная деятельность - воспитание и интеграция
(2015)The article proved that the Mural or street art as a form of artistic activity substantially affects the enrichment, development and education of the human person and the whole society associations. Art works that come ... -
Sztuka graficzna czy zapis wizualny
(2016)The author of the paper provides a closer look at the question of a peculiar tension between the domain of illustration practiced as a visualization of scientific issues and illustration as a work of graphic arts where ... -
60 bananów i 127 trumien Titusa-Carmela
(2016)The works of French artist Gerard Titus-Carmel in the late 1960s and 70s met with great interest in critical and philosophical thinking. Jacques Derrida devoted one of his most important essays, entitled Carthage, to one ... -
O niejawnej poznawczości praktyk artystycznych – casus Moneta
(2016)The aim of the article is to present the hypothesis that artists frequently use intentionally, however unknowingly, the artistic research procedures in their artistic practices. The plausibility of that hypothesis is ... -
Artur Żmijewski – Plener rzeźbiarski. Świecie 2009. Artysta na polu nauk społecznych wobec zjawisk w przestrzeni industrialnej
(2016)This sketch refers to the presence of the artist in the field of social research. The author looks at the situation when the artist on his own initiative enters into the field of scientific research, especially concerning ... -
Flexible, shaky form. “Fatality of the commentary” and socially engaged art
(2016)W artykule zostały poddane analizie metodologiczne propozycje dla badania historii sztuki zaangażowanej społecznie, które Claire Bishop wysuwa w swojej książce Sztuczne piekła. Według anglo-amerykańskiej krytyczki i ... -
Hermeneutyka spojrzenia we współczesnej sztuce wizualnej. Idea widzenia i poetyckie „wypatrywanie”
(2016)The article at the beginning recalls the various reflections on looking, seeing, vision and image discussed within the so-called visual turn. Next we conduct analyzes and interpretations of works of David Hockney, Marina ... -
Wypowiedź jako forma percepcji współczesnej sztuki wizualnej
(2009)After the discussion on the definition of the utterance, the author of the article suggests the possible use of the word in the visual art domain. The basic examples of the 20th century conceptual artworks, autotelically ... -
Słowo, pismo, obraz i myślenie w sztukach wizualnych
(2009)The divergence of the idea, the word, and its visual record results in an opportunity for extremely different approaches to the semantics of the word and to the iconic function of the written character within the realm of ...