Artykuły naukowe (WSz): Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 41-60 z 62
Trzy odsłony słowa. Sztuka Ewy Sataleckiej
(2009)Ewa Satalecka is a graphic designer, typographer, stage designer and teacher. She makes visual presentations of texts with the music of such composers as Witold Lutoslawski, Witold Szalonek, Philip Glass and Alfred Schnittke. ... -
Inicjatywy pedagogów na rzecz wychowania plastycznego w latach 1864–1914
(2014)On the territory of Russian partition sector and under the conditions of liquidation of national education system, the establishment of the University for All and the Polish Educational Society should be noted among other ... -
Kreacja artystyczna – metody aktywizacji młodzieży w szkole średniej
(2014)The article discusses the following matters: low awareness about the significance of works of art, art gallery as a place of a meeting between creators. Private view – is it only an exhibition? Active participation of a ... -
Spotkania w życiu, spotkania w twórczości. O Twórczych Spotkaniach Bez Barier – doświadczeniach osobistych i kreatywnych studentów w kontekście niepełnosprawności
(2014)The topic of a creative teacher, who apart from his/her educational activities also undertakes creative endeavours, is associated with the responsibility in the experiences with fellow participants of the common reality. ... -
Animować czy upowszechniać? Pytania na kanwie analizy programu nauczania na kierunku edukacja artystyczna w zakresie sztuk plastycznych na Wydziale Sztuki UP
(2014)The article comprises a description of activities in artistic studios and theoretical courses as part of Artistic Education in Visual Arts with elements of and references to culture management. The curriculum of this ... -
Design (w) edukacji – projektowanie procesu nauczania o sztuce i dziedzictwie kulturowym w konkursie „Skarby Małopolski”
(2014)The article is devoted to utilizing methods developed through design – both as a tool for creating the process of education, as well as an element which facilitates teaching arts and cultural heritage – based on ten-year ... -
Film jako produkt marketingowy − studium dwóch przypadków
(2017)Popularną tendencją, jaką można zaobserwować w marketingu filmowym od 1997 r., jest aktywizowanie widzów i nobilitowanie ich do rangi kreatorów, mających realny wpływ na fabułę bądź osób „wtajemniczonych” – wiedzących ... -
Obraz – tąpnięcia i rozwarstwienia w strukturze malarskiej
(2013)Both the painting series and its complementary text are a divagation on the condition of the contemporary human. They are an attempt of answering whether we are able to find our place in the world, formulate thoughts and ... -
52 LAZY WEEKS – koncepcje paraarchitektoniczne
(2013)Bartosz Mucha is a designer. The article 52 LAZY WEEKS – paraarchitectonic conceptual designs is a description of the artistic work that he carried out in the years 2010 and 2011. Undertaking a year-long action aimed at ... -
Światło jako medium w sztuce
(2013)Both this article and my work deal with the reception of light filtered by the perception of the human eye, processes associated with seeing and perceiving which can be used as the subject of art. Light and sound are ... -
Some words about cultural identity and visual communication
(2013)Wszystko w kulturze związane jest z zachowaniami społecznymi i komunikacją jako platformą przekazywania myśli i zachowań. Kluczem do międzykulturowego porozumienia jest wiedza o potencjalnych problemach i sposobach ich ... -
Pracownie intermedialne i interdyscyplinarne w teorii i praktyce akademickiej. Wydział Sztuki UP w Krakowie
(2013)The article is an analysis of selected aspects of the didactic process at the Faculty of Arts at the Pedagogical University of Krakow in view of the practices of other art universities. It pays special attention to the ... -
Nowe media, poetyka, tożsamość i metafizyka. Wspomnienie badawcze
(2013)The article is an attempt of defining new media and analyzing video installations by Joan Jonas, Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Emmanuelle Antille, Jana Sterbak, Su-Mei Tse, Steina and Woody Vasulka, Bill Viola and Robert Cahen in ... -
Kilka uwag o intermediach w kontekście teorii Dicka Higginsa
(2013)The article discusses “intermedia” – a concept that was introduced in 1960s by an American artist and theoretician Dick Higgins. The term covered hybrid phenomena in art such as sound sculpture, visual poetry, or a ... -
(2008)The article considers the original project of five drawing classes with the comments on these classes. The project was realised by a group of students in the third year who specialise in Art Education, supervised by the ... -
Grafika komputerowa – technika analogowa czy nowe medium?
(2008)The text elaborates on the problem of the independence of analog and digital graphic art in the context of the traditions of printing techniques, but also in the confrontation with the development of graphic techniques ... -
Nowe media – nowa sztuka
(2008)The way of looking, seeing will never be the same as they were before photography was discovered. A similar revolution with our way of thinking may happen: that would be because of the hypertextual structure of the content ... -
Technologia w kreacji artystycznej w odniesieniu do litografii
(2008)Lithography was a revolutionary invention. The complexity of processes and the simplicity of phenomena, as well as multiformity and naturalness of lithography has fascinated many artists. However, the specificity of ... -
Literacka poetyka i jej filozoficzna funkcja w sztuce współczesnej na przykładzie konceptualnych projektów Ona Kawary i Romana Opałki
(2008)The text refers to the conceptual tradition of concentrating on the intellectual transmission of a work of art looking at Joseph Kosuth’s actions as an example it points out how the manifestation of resistance to the ... -
Przestrzeń jako środek wyrazu w rzeźbie XX wieku
(2008)Until the end of the 19th century, sculpture was based around the classical compositional assumptions of Greek sculpture such as: harmony, symmetry, rhythm, as well as the rules of the organic construction of a human ...