Przeglądaj 2009, Studia Historicolitteraria 9 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 24
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 67. Studia Historicolitteraria 9
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2009)W dniach od 11 do 13 czerwca 2008 roku odbyła się kolejna, dziewiąta tym razem Konferencja Naukowa Katedry Literatury Polskiej Instytutu Filologii Polskiej naszej Uczelni. Jak zwykle miała ona miejsce w Zajeździe Czorsztyńskim, ... -
Immanuel Kant i cortegiana honesta jako sygnatury tekstowego świata Manueli Gretkowskiej
(2009)The article presents a method which justifies using the term cortegiana honesta as a referential category, fitting within the possibility limits of the world of Manuela Gretkowska’s works. This category has not yet been ... -
Jerzego Ficowskiego Bajędy z augustowskich lasów
(2009)In the 1980s, Jerzy Ficowski listened to some stories told by an elderly tale-teller, encountered accidentally on the Mazurian lake Serwy. He noted them down, trying to retain the atmosphere of the original. He thus created ... -
Językowy dialog z tradycją w Barbarze Radziwiłłównie z Jaworzna-Szczakowej Michała Witkowskiego
(2009)In “Barbara Radziwillowna”, Michał Witkowski uses typization, which is the intensity of features and extreme conventionalization of all elements of the presented world. This attitude is used to create a better relationship ... -
Kategoria protagonizmu w twórczości senioralnej Mariana Pankowskiego
(2009)This paper is an attempt at a new viewing of Marian Pankowski’s prose, and in particular, of the senior works. The starting point is the category of protagonism, which functions as an invariable in the great majority of ... -
Kultura Holocaustu jako macierzysty kontekst literatury o zagładzie Żydów (przykład Tworek Marka Bieńczyka)
(2009)The article, investigating the relations between the development of the modern literature on the extermination of Jews and the so-called Holocaust culture, is divided into two parts. The first section refers to the history ... -
Literatura a psychologia głębi. Ostatnie historie Olgi Tokarczuk czyli droga do indywiduacji C.G. Junga
(2009)Modern literary-scientific reflection, noticing the relation between literature and the depth psychology, takes advantage of its tools in literary research. The prose of Olga Tokarczuk, who not only explicitly admits her ... -
Literatura trudno obecna w szkole. Strategie czytania literatury współczesnej po 1989 roku w liceum
(2009)The article is devoted to the problem of reading and reception of modern literature by secondary-school students. The author analyses the list of obligatory titles, looking especially for the most recent publications. The ... -
Melancholia i depresja w literaturze pisanej przez kobiety po 1989 roku
(2009)This article considers a number of novels written after 1989 by women writers (Olga Tokarczuk, Joanna Bator, Izabela Filipiak, Anna Nasiłowska, Anna Janko, Manuela Gretkowska, Marta Dzido). These women’s writers belong to ... -
Obecność tekstów prozy polskiej po 1989 roku i strategie ich czytania w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego
(2009)The aim of this article is showing the presence of Polish post-1989 prose in the teaching of Polish as a foreign language. The article examines the problem of literary canon in teaching foreigners. The author inquires into ... -
„Odpowiednie dać rzeczy słowo” – o czytaniu wiadomości telewizyjnych
(2009)The author presents reading strategies employed by dislexic school-children, basing on her own research. She described the linguistic symptoms of dislexia and explains their mechanisms. On the basis of examples, she argues ... -
Pamięć i tekst. Wypowiadanie Zagłady w Czarnych sezonach Michała Głowińskiego
(2009)The article takes up the problem of critical reception of Michał Głowiński’s “Czarne sezony” as an autobiographical text which describes the experience of Extermination, taking into account readers’ attitudes, ethical ... -
Plotki o gwiazdach jako składnik narracji transmedialnych. Propozycja teoretycznoliterackiej perspektywy
(2009)The article presents a specific kind of narrative – the story that the viewers of popular TV series create in their minds while watching them. In their majority, they are, at the same time, readers of tabloids, which ... -
Polska literatura współczesna w intermedialnym uścisku. Wpływ strategii marketingowych i promocyjnych na percepcję czytelniczą
(2009)The author of the article deals with the problems of position of a literary work in the new medial reality, in which the book becomes one of the products of the cultural industry. In her considerations, she refers to the ... -
Poziomy rzeczywistości w powieści Anny Janko Dziewczyna z zapałkami
(2009)Anna Janko’s “Dziewczyna z zapałkami” is an example of a popular antinomy: the expressible – the inexpressible. It also matches the dialectics of trace and presence. The division into two levels of reality reflects the ... -
Prawda i nieprawda w felietonach prawniczych Aleksandra Pocieja
(2009)The subject of this article is description of the textual model of a feuilleton as a journalistic genre. On the basis of examples from the volume “Ręce na biurku” (Hands on the desk) , the author shows the narrative ... -
Strategie czytania dzieci z niedokształceniem mowy o typie afazji
(2009)The article begins with considerations of the break-through in the history of mankind which was the invention of writing. The author supports her reflections with ideas of Paul Ricoeur and other authors dealing with the ... -
Strategie czytania powieści Janusza L. Wiśniewskiego S@motność w Sieci
(2009)In this article the author tries to show the sociological and cultural reasons of such popularity of Janusz L. Wiśniewski’s novel „Loneliness In the Web”. He claims, that the main reasons of success were not the literary ... -
Strategie czytania uczniów dyslektycznych
(2009)The author presents reading strategies employed by dislexic school-children, basing on her own research. She described the linguistic symptoms of dislexia and explains their mechanisms. On the basis of examples, she argues ... -
Strategie czytelnicze na dwóch poziomach kształcenia
(2009)The article presents an analysis of reading strategies employed by gymnasium pupils (lower secondary school) and students of the Polish Philology of the Pedagogical University of Krakow. Readers’ interest was evoked by the ...