Przeglądaj 2009, Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia 2 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-16 z 16
Ułamki algebraiczne i funkcje wymierne
(2009)The subject-matter of this article can be divided into three main parts. The first one includes the theoretical problems concerning the fields of algebraic fractions and rational functions. In the second part we deal with ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 65. Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia 2
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2009) -
Rola programu komputerowego CABRI w rozwiązywaniu matematycznych problemów
(2009)CABRI is a didactic program which has won a very stable position and is probably the most popular one in teaching mathematics. The program is constructed in such a way that it not only accepts and carries out tasks but ... -
Zastosowanie technologii informacyjnej w kursie rachunku prawdopodobieństwa z elementami statystyki opisowej dla przyszłych nauczycieli matematyki
(2009)This paper shows the concept of a probability theory course with elements of descriptive statistics for future Mathematics teachers. This course is backed up by electronic materials provided via the Internet. An e-learning ... -
Z badań nad sylwetką absolwenta matematycznych studiów w Akademii Pedagogicznej w Krakowie w latach 2001-2007
(2009)The main goal of our studies was eliciting the opinion of graduates and students of the last year of Master studies on the course for teachers of mathematics at the Pedagogical University of Cracow. The research method ... -
Wybrane problemy zadań konstrukcyjnych na płaszczyźnie euklidesowej i wykorzystanie do ich rozwiązywania twierdzeń geometrii rzutowej
(2009)The article gives examples of construction tasks of first and second degree on a Euclidean plane, which can be solved with the use of a simple ruler. For this purpose the theoretical backgrounds of projective geometry ... -
Idea czynnościowego wprowadzania pojęć geometrii elementarnej z pomocą kursu e-learningowego
(2009)The present article introduces a didactic proposal of supporting the process of teaching mathematics with blended learning. The authors discuss both benefits and dangers of this idea. Also, the concept of functional method ... -
O nieskończonych ciągach liczb naturalnych, parami względnie pierwszych
(2009)In the first part of the paper the authors, using general formulas, determine and describe a class of infinite series of natural numbers pairs of which are relatively prime. The second part of the paper contains - as a ... -
O różnych sposobach definiowania wartości bezwzględnej liczby rzeczywistej
(2009)In this article we present some didactic ideas of introducing the absolute value of a real number by means of functional equations and an inequality. The basic properties of the absolute value of a real number are written ... -
Wprowadzenie funkcji trygonometrycznych przez szeregi Eisensteina
(2009)In the paper we describe how to introduce the trigonometric functions using their functional characteristics and the Eisenstein series. -
Diagnoza wiedzy uczniów szkół ponadgimnazjalnych i studentów matematyki na temat związku twierdzenia z jego dowodem
(2009)The paper presents results of research carried out on the two following levels of mathematics education: the high school level and the level of pre-service Mathematics teachers training. The subject of the research was ... -
O fałszywych przekonaniach obserwowanych na zajęciach z analizy matematycznej
(2009)In this paper we present the results of our research carried out among the students of the first, second and third years of mathematical studies in the years 2003-2006. The research was focused on the diffi- culties ... -
Komputer jako narzędzie badania sytuacji zadaniowej w długoterminowej pracy domowej ucznia
(2009)In the article I submit a fragment of my research carried out in 2004-2007, which was connected with the role of mathematical computer programs in the independent extracurricular work of the pupil. These examinations ... -
Praktyka kształtowania matematycznej twórczości uczniów
(2009)The subject of this work, teacher's practice forming mathematical activity and creativity of the gifted pupils, is submerged in the issue of one of the contemporary trends in researching the methodology of teaching maths, ... -
O zastosowaniu sumowania według Eisensteina do pewnej sumy podwójnej
(2009)The lattice sum $S_2$ for the square array conditionally converges. Having used physical arguments, Rayleigh chose an order of summation in such a way that $S_2$ = π. The Eisenstein summation method applied to $S_2$ ...