Przeglądaj 2014, Studia Anglica 4 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-8 z 8
Loss made good: John Clare and Edward Thomas on poetry as a healing substance
(2014)The essay seeks to establish the significance of the mood of ‘loss made good’ in the poetry of John Clare and Edward Thomas, who are often labelled as ‘poets of nature.’ Rather than follow the reductive stereotyping, the ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 175. Studia Anglica 4
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2014)Many texts jostle for attention in this collection of articles focused around literary and cultural studies. Ewa Panecka endeavours to establish the significance of the mood of “loss made good” in the poetry of two “poets ... -
Under which Lord? The conflict between obedience and freedom of conscience in the Victorian religious novel
(2014)One of the issues regularly cropping up in Protestant polemic writings was the issue of the legitimacy of the Church of England. Attacked both by Dissenters and Roman Catholics as an “Act-of-Parliament” church, it defended ... -
‘Alas! The Irish peasant had tasted of famine and found that it was good’: The Times and The Great Irish Famine
(2014)The Great Irish Famine (1845–1852) played a pivotal role in the history of Ireland and Great Britain. It was a serious blot on the achievements of the British Empire, which exacerbated the strained relationship between ... -
Religious motifs in Andy Warhol’s selected visual realizations
(2014)Commonly associated with pop art and consumerism, Andy Warhol’s artistic output is a complex phenomenon, full of ambiguity and binary oppositions. The same could be said about his life in which religion, though not ... -
A ‘Knight of faith’ looking into the face of the other: existential transformation of dean Jocelin from William Golding’s The Spire
(2014)William Golding in his novel The Spire presents to the reader a surprisingly true to life story of a man who undergoes an existential transformation from Kierkegaard’s ‘knight’ through Sartre’s ‘being’ arriving at Levinas’s ... -
At the threshold of the dark: death, guilt, responsibility, and the question of normalcy in W. Irving’s The adventure of the german student and E. A. Poe’s The black cat – a deconstructive reading
(2014)Washington Irving’s short story “The Adventure of the German Student” and Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Black Cat” express psychological complexity of such categories as death, guilt, or responsibility. Both narratives are ... -
On furtive persistence of selfhood in three ekphrastic poems
(2014)The aim of this article is to investigate whether ekphrastic poetry, which by its very nature tends to focus solely on the element of pure description, allows one to compose verse entirely purged of any traces of authorial ...