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Znaczenia niedosłowne w pragmatyce językoznawczej i lingwistyce edukacyjnej
(2006)Researches on non-literal meanings of expressions, e.g. allusion, irony, metaphor, are nowadays among the most intensively developed branches of classical pragmatics as well as preferable subject of interest of both ... -
Komunikowanie przybliżone i relewancja w dyskursie szkolnym
(2006)Approximation in mathematics is an interesting idea of presenting particular elements of a continuum by means of throwing light on the continuum and replacing some values with other ones that are, for some reasons, more ... -
Wprowadzenie do lingwistyki edukacyjnej
(2006)B. Spolsky’s General Introduction: The Field of Educational Linguistics is the first part of Introduction to the Field, an introductory chapter of edited by the author Concise Encyclopedia of Educational Linguistics ... -
Kognitywizm a pragmatyka językowa w ujęciu lingwoedukacyjnym
(2006)The issue of relations between pragmatics and cognitive grammar becomes interesting especially within educational linguistics. Differences between pragmatics and traditional semantics lie in the spheres of interest: ... -
Wybrane zagadnienia pragmatyki językowej - ujęcie lingwoedukacyjne
(2006)Pragmatics (Greek pragma - „activity”) is a field of linguistics in which language description is presented against the background of human activity in general. In pragmatic approach language is one of tools used by man. ... -
Dialogiczność tekstów naukowych (educational linguistics a lingwistyka edukacyjna)
(2006)The purpose of the paper is to compare some basic terms used in educational linguistics in Poland and in the world. The terms are taken, on the one hand, from two books by T. Rittel: „Podstawy lingwistyki edukacyjnej. ... -
Wstęp [w: Studia Logopaedica 1]
(2006) -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 31. Studia Logopaedica 1
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2006) -
Sprawność pragmatyczna uczniów szkół średnich (na przykładzie zakazu jako gatunku mowy)
(2006)Analyses presented in the paper reveals some regularities observed in the manner of verbalization of prohibition by the youth. The analyses also enable to estimate the quality of the sixth form students’ pragmatic ... -
Metafory w dyskursie edukacyjnym (na marginesie książki Lynne Cameron)
(2006)The paper focuses on the history of metaphor in linguistic studies of the past half-century. Metaphor as a way of thinking and explaining reality has become a subject of careful research especially in the spheres of ... -
Konteksty słownictwa metaforycznego polskiego i obcego (na przykładzie metafory astronomicznej z "Pana Tadeusza")
(2006)Cultural space of educational discourse is filled with cultural translation metaphor. Cultural metaphor in texts by A. Mickiewicz, indicating so called common places (Lat loci communes), discovers definite sociocultural ... -
Wartościowanie z pomocą predykatywu modalnego powinien na lekcjach języka polskiego w szkole podstawowej i gimnazjum
(2006)Analyzing both teachers' and pupils’ utterances (recorded at primary and secondary school) the author focuses mainly on the relations between deontic, alethic, epistemic, and evaluative (referring to stating the value ... -
Porównania i metafory w dyskursie szkolnym
(2006)Studying metaphors in classroom discourse enables to notice both didactic and methodical values of them, especially in forming notions which is connected with building creative contexts circumstances suitable to learning ... -
Nauczycielskie proszę w szkole podstawowej i w gimnazjum
(2006)The variety of functions and meanings of the teacher’s asking for/to (proszę) is joined mainly with separateness of pragmatic and social contexts within which educational speech acts are produced. In classroom communication ... -
Konteksty pragmalingwistyczne definicji dziecięcych w dyskursie zaburzonym
(2006)The paper shows the necessity of taking into account pragmatic context in empirical linguistic researches on disordered discourse (of both children suffering from dysarthria and mentally handicapped). It results from the ... -
Odbiorczo-nadawczy model przyswajania języka wartości w dyskursie szkolnym
(2006)Receiving-sending model of acquiring the language of valuation presented in the paper deals with some aspects of classroom communication which - according to the author - is primarily receiving. Efficiency of teachers’ ... -
Metaforyczna konceptualizacja ŚWIATA w wypowiedziach uczniów i studentów
(2006)The paper deals with pragmatics of some language phenomena in the perspective both of cognitive grammar and educational linguistics. On the basis of pieces of writing by pupils and students several issues were distinguished: ... -
Metaforyczne użycie przypadków w języku uczniów w młodszym wieku szkolnym (metafory gramatyczne)
(2006)The subject of the paper is to show grammar metaphor in a cognitive perspective. The analyzed empirical material was taken from written discourse (both thematic - referring to FAIRY-TALE - and activity [intersemiotic ... -
ŻYCIE w metaforach uczniowskich
(2006)The author understands metaphor primarily as a phenomenon of thinking and only secondarily as a language phenomenon. Therefore she tries to answer the following questions: what does a young speaker of Polish associate ... -
Metaforyczne definiowanie cierpienia w języku uczniów
(2006)Pragmatics (Greek pragma - „activity”) is a field of linguistics in which language description is presented against the background of human activity in general. In pragmatic approach language is one of tools used by man. ...