2005, Studia Historicolitteraria 5: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
Krytyka - sublimacja agresji czy chęć wywierania wpływu na ludzi?
(2005)The article covers the problems of criticism as one of forms of aggression and as a way to influence people. The author comments on the space between the critic and the recipient, who may be a reader, listener or viewer, ... -
Jak dziś pisze się o kinie? Modele krytyki filmowej
(2005)The articles analyses the film review as a discourse genre. Peculiar naturę of contemporary critical texts, their main features, functions and social, cultural and medial conditions are discussed. The fundamental conceptual ... -
O przyczynach i sposobach (nie?) istnienia krytyki telewizyjnej
(2005)The article focuses on the presentation of the naturę of television and factors determining its language evolution, as well as forms and goals of presentation in the contemporary media such as television, the Internet, ... -
Cóż po krytyce w czasach postmodernizmu
(2005)The author attempts to demonstrate the change in the function of literary criticism against the background of widespread commercialization of culture. The change consists in departing from the interpretation of a certain ... -
Fantastyczna krytyka - krytyczna fantastyka. O kłopotach współczesnej krytyki literackiej z literaturą fantastyczną
(2005)The phenomenon of literary hermeticism and critical “self-service” concern different environments: on the one hand the literary avant-garde, on the other popular literaturę, including science fiction. However, with the ... -
„Młodzi" krytycy o „młodej" poezji (spojrzenia na literaturę pokolenia „bruLionu")
(2005)The author attempts to gather critical voices on the poetry of the so-called “BruLion” generation - the poets bom in the 1960-ties and making their debut thirty years later. The author tried to demonstrate the topography ... -
Dzieła i autorzy w felietonach Jerzego Pilcha
(2005)The author analysing a selection of Jerzy Pilch’s texts entitled Upadek człowieka pod Dworcem Centralnym (Man's Fall at the Central Station) tries to catch the literary criticism motifs in the Vistula writer’s columns. ... -
Językowa przestrzeń felietonów literackich Czesława Miłosza
(2005)The objective of the article is to demonstrate the most essential linguistic features of Czesław Milosz’s columns against the background of the criteria of the genre, which constitute the peculiar “Miłosz” discourse ... -
Twórczość krytycznoliteracka Ryszarda Krynickiego (wybrane zagadnienia)
(2005)The article presents the literary journalism of Ryszard Krynicki, who was an outstanding Polish poet and one of the most significant participants in the New Wave movement. On the basis of his numerous published reviews, ... -
Adam Zagajewski jako krytyk - wokół grupy Teraz
(2005)The article concerns critical materials on Adam Zagajewski that appeared during the existence of the Cracovian group “Teraz” (“Now”) (1968-1975). Zagajewski was one of its founders and he participated in preparing the ... -
Stanisław Grochowiak jako krytyk (zarys problematyki)
(2005)Stanisław Grochowiak, known as aplaywright and prose writer, was predominantly a poet and also the author of a considerable joumalistic output. In his joumalism, he was associated with several editorial boards among which ... -
Zasada estetycznego dystansu w prozie senioralnej Mariana Pankowskiego
(2005)In this sketch, senior prose by Marian Pankowski is subject to analysis, together with techniąues of distancing the narrator from the world presented. One of such techniąues is a theatrical metaphor, other include pastiche ... -
Recepcja krytyczna Obywateli i Matki Królów Kazimierza Brandysa
(2005)Kazimierz Brandys’s literary output was widely commented on by critics during the communist period in Poland. The amplitudę among critical voices was considerable. Brandys’s novel Obywatele attracted particular attention ... -
Czarny humor w świadomości krytycznej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego
(2005)The work attempts to reconstruct that area of critical awareness of the inter-war period which was formed in reaction to changes in the contemporary culture of humour. Those changes were caused by the popularity of various ... -
Józef Maśliński jako teoretyk i krytyk awangardy
(2005)The article introduces Józef Maśliński as an avant-garde theoretician and critic. The subject discussed were selected critical discussions that were published in Pion, Żagary, Kurier Wileński and Comoedia in the 1930-ties. ... -
Koneczny o dramatach Wyspiańskiego
(2005)Feliks Koneczny, a Slavic historian, in the years 1896-1905 in Przegląd Polski, reviewed Cracovian performances of the following dramas by Stanisław Wyspiański: Warszawianka, Lelewel, Wesele, Wyzwolenie, Protesilas i ... -
Uwagi o Makowieckim - norwidyście
(2005)Norwid is alive in Tadeusz Makowieckie research (1900-1952) over the whole time of his scholarly activities, from the period of studies to posthumously published dissertation entitled Norwid a rok 1848 (Norwid and the ... -
Wokół Literackiej Nagrody Nobla dla Reymonta
(2005)The text deals with controversies around the literary Nobel Prize received by the author of Chłopi (Peasants) in 1924. Using materials from scholarly archives in Cracow and Warsaw, as well as critical and memoriał ... -
O katolickiej krytyce literackiej na łamach „Przeglądu Powszechnego" na przełomie XIX i XX wieku (wokół tzw. konkursu maryjnego)
(2005)In 1903, Przegląd Powszechny announced a competition for the most interesting work whose contents or main motif was to be a subject connected with the life of Virgin Mary. Editorial board madę a reservation that beside ... -
Orzeszkowa - Rydel - Reymont. Korespondencyjne uwagi o nowej literaturze
(2005)Critical and literary output belongs to a subsidiary linę of writing achievements of Eliza Orzeszkowa although, for example opinions about artisfs tasks and art in forming so- cial and national attitudes have not lost ...