Przeglądaj 2011, Studia ad Didacticam Biologiae Pertinentia 1 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 21
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 86. Studia ad Didacticam Biologiae Pertinentia 1
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2011) -
Biological education, ethics and society
(2011)Questions about living organisms are never neutral, and there can be no single answer. What is possible to do with biotechnology? Who should decide? Without biological references, individuals are just as illiterate today ... -
Wpływ polskich towarzystw naukowych na zmiany zachodzące w edukacji przyrodniczej
(2011)Science subjects teaching in Poland has been constantly changing during the last years. According to the opinion of many circles, these changes have often negatively impacted science education. As a consequence, some ... -
Nauczyciel edukacji biologicznej epoki cyfrowej
(2011)The primary aim of this paper is to recognize possibilities of achieving an essential change in the education and improvement of biology teachers to meet the challenges of the digital epoch. The major issue was specified ... -
Polish teachers’ conceptions related to the environment
(2011)We analyse conceptions of 322 Polish teachers, related to the environment. These differ mainly in the way some teachers think that animals such as snails, flies or frogs can or cannot feel happiness and, independently, ... -
Motywacja i postawy uczniów szkół ponadgimnazjalnych wobec uczenia się biologii człowieka
(2011)The aim of the present research was to determine the level of motivation of upper secondary school students to learn human biology. Students of general secondary schools (liceum) taking advanced courses in human biology ... -
Na szlaku rozwoju polskiej dydaktyki biologii
(2011)The paper presents a brief history of the development of biology teaching in Poland. It dates back to the eighteenth century, when the first books were written. Krzysztof Kluk, naturalist and breeder, published the book ... -
Badania jakościowe w dydaktyce biologii i ochrony środowiska
(2011)The qualitative methods, though applied in practice, fail to be fully reflected in the methodological foundations of biology didactics research. The article attempts to present the usefulness of these methods and to ... -
Wspieranie zrównoważonego rozwoju ucznia z trudnościami w nauce wyzwaniem dla dydaktyków i nauczycieli biologii
(2011)Education for sustainable development is designed to assist learners in gaining skills, knowledge and attributes which ensure continuous sustainable development. Implementation of the postulates for sustainable development ... -
The role of the family in shaping attitudes in favour of nature
(2011)The role of the family in shaping the attitudes in favour of nature is connected with the problems of the family as a basic social group, its functions in creating children’s personalities, children’s position in the ... -
Nauczanie wybranych zagadnień z anatomii i fizjologii człowieka w różnych typach szkół ponadgimnazjalnych
(2011)This paper describes the results of a test and a survey of 305 students of two kinds of secondary schools. It shows secondary school and technical secondary school students’ achievements (selected knowledge and skills) ... -
Wiedza ekologiczna uczniów liceum w świetle wymagań programowych
(2011)Biology teachers are increasingly interested in optimising the audit process and estimating students’ achievement; further, they are concerned with results of teaching, taking into account differences in the program ... -
On the diversity of humans – scientific and educational considerations
(2011)Diversity is a major factor in education and also an issue of human biology and biology instruction. The educational and the disciplinary aspects are connected by the aims of respecting the other and of accepting one’s ... -
Zunehmender Alkoholmissbrauch von Jugendlichen in Deutschland: Nur ein erfolgreiches didaktisches Modell kann helfen
(2011)Author describes the results of research showing the increase of alcohol consumption by young people in Germany and points to psychological, social and cultural causes of this phenomenon. Author assigns an important role ... -
Edukacja przyrodniczo-leśna w nadleśnictwach
(2011)The paper presents the origins of forest and nature education. The author analyzed the bases and forms of forest and nature education within a forest district and Regional Management of State Forests. The benefits of ...