Studia Psychologica: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 81
Empatyczność i poczucie alienacji młodzieży uzdolnionej muzycznie
(2014)W literaturze psychopedagogicznej niewiele jest badań związanych z funkcjonowaniem osób uzdolnionych. Wobec tego podjęto się dokonania próby określenia poziomu empatii i poczucia alienacji młodzieży uzdolnionej muzycznie. ... -
Osobowość i wiedza ekspercka jako wyznaczniki percepcji współczesnej sztuki wizualnej
(2014)Artykuł prezentuje przegląd badań dotyczących indywidualnych uwarunkowań percepcji estetycznej. Wśród rożnych wymiarów osobowości najsilniejszym predyktorem okazuje się otwartość na doświadczenie, która pozytywnie koreluje ... -
Motywacja do nauki gry na instrumencie muzycznym w świetle modelu Jachuelynne S. Eccles
(2014)Jednym z głównych celów artykułu jest prezentacja na tle klasycznego modelu oczekiwaniawartości założeń modelu oczekiwania-wartości w zakresie wyboru dziedzin osiągnięć (expectancy- value model of achievement-related ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 159. Studia Psychologica 7
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2014)Aktualny rocznik Studia Psychologica ma charakter wielotematyczny, jednak większość publikowanych w nim tekstów grupuje się wokół kilku wiodących zagadnień. I tak – pierwsze trzy artykuły mieszczą się w obszarze szeroko ... -
“In Eighty Stories Around the Human Life”. The Psychological Time Binding Strategies in the (auto)BIOGRAPHICAL Narrative GAME
(2013)The theoretical construct of balanced time perspective provides a valuable context for the process of searching the possibilities of its psychological applications. The possibilities could be connected not only with the ... -
Changes in Time Perspectives Resulting from Psychotherapy
(2013)Constructed for clinical use and based on the concept of the feedback and feedforward systems in “cybernetic-psychology,” the Time Perspective Scale (TPS) was administered to three clients in order to assess the effects ... -
Time Perspective in Healthy Individuals and Patients Suffering from Cancer and Diabetes
(2013)Introduction: Time orientation can significantly improve health-related prevention behaviour and influence disease outcome through boosting health-oriented behaviour. This study aims to compare time perspective between ... -
Time in the Context of Deafness
(2013)Hearing impairment is the factor influencing individual experience and development. However, as it influences the identity development, it might also impact the temporal processes. The article analyses the three levels ... -
Career Indecision from the Perspective of Time Orientation
(2013)The present study focuses on the link between career indecision status and time perspective of high school students. Previous works mainly investigated the relationship between future orientation and career indecision, ... -
Time Perspective and Self-Esteem: Negative Temporality Affects the Way We Judge Ourselves
(2013)Time Perspective is the process by which people categorize, archive and recover personal and social experiences through temporal frames (past, present, and future), influencing various aspects of human behaviour and ... -
Student Time Perspective in the Context of Their Preferred Values
(2013)The aim of the thesis is to research the connections between time perspective and values of university students. The following investigative methods were used: The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) and Schwartz’s ... -
Associations between Psychosocial Well-being and the Development of Beneficial Time Perspectives
(2013)A growing body of research suggests that some time perspective orientations are more beneficial than others with regard to well-being. However, little is known about the factors affecting the development of these time ... -
Interindividual Differences and Intraindividual Variability in Emotional Well-being: an Examination of Gender, Time Perspective and Emotion Regulation
(2013)This study examined Taiwanese undergraduates’ trajectories of emotional well-being, positive affect, and negative affect over a 16-week period within one semester. The effect of their differences in gender and time ... -
Variability of the Relationship Between Mood and Social Zeitgeber
(2013)Regularity in the emotional functioning of a human in specific time can be determined by cycles characterised by psycho-physiological and social changes. The objective of the research was to establish whether the population ... -
Different Measures of Future Orientation May Yield Opposite Predictions of Environmental Attitudes and Behaviour
(2013)Future orientation (FO) expresses interpersonal differences affecting the creation of attitudes and behaviour in many life areas. FO is a prerequisite of sustainability, which requires considering environmental consequences ... -
Testing a German Version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI)
(2013)The present study assesses the psychometric properties of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) in a German sample of N = 160 individuals. The five subscales (Past- Negative, Present-Hedonistic, Future, ... -
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Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 152. Studia Psychologica 6. Special Issue. On Time Perspective
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2013) -
Wiedza emocjonalna dzieci kończących edukację wczesnoszkolną
(2007)A study of 120 third-grade pupils has found that the children in carly education have some understanding of emotional causes and physical symptoms of the following emotions experienccd by themselves as well as by others: ...