Studia ad Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 122
O "czytaniu" dzieła malarskiego w szkole - inspiracje, kontynuacje, zaniechania
(2010)Discussing painting masterpieces has been a fixed component of Polish teaching for over a century, and has many times become the subject of educational theoreticians’ and practitioners’ reflections. A remarkably important ... -
Nowe tendencje w edukacji ikonicznej
(2010)The publication outlines the concept of iconic education on the level of elementary and secondary school. This idea is based on anthropological, inter-disciplinary understanding of the picture as well as on the tendency ... -
Interpretacje wierszy i obrazów – o świadomości dzieła sztuki
(2010)In the context of problems connected with the modern didactic inclination to complementary reading of literary and visual texts, the author emphasizes the question of the awareness of an artwork, referring to Martin ... -
Konie i detektywi. Szkolne perspektywy refleksji nad mechanizmami powstawania i oddziaływania literackiej opowieści
(2010)The article presents the methodology of working on a literary text in the higher-secondary school. By making his starting point reading of a fragment of a well-known novel, The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco, the author ... -
Z zagadnień budowania katedr
(2010)Using the polysemy of the word, the author of the article sketches an analogy between building the mediaeval cathedrals and building university chairs. The similarity of both processes is noticeable in the existence of ... -
Dydaktyka literatury polskiej i języka polskiego – nauce i szkole
(2010)Didactics of Polish language and literature is based on many disciplines. It joins science and methodology, and they complement each other. Whoever wants to follow this complex and syncretic discipline has to be both a ... -
Tożsamość metodyki
(2010)The article fits well the framework of the conference: the author continues the noble tradition of the 1970s when the Polish language teaching evolved as an independent subdiscipline. Having shaken off the burden of ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 79. Studia at Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia 2
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2010)Niezależnie od ewentualnych i pewnie uzasadnionych domniemywań, iż poprzez prezentację niniejszego zbioru chodzi nam głównie o zademonstrowanie lokalnego, typowo krakowskiego, by nie powiedzieć – galicyjskiego upodobania ... -
Problem piękna i brzydoty w twórczości Marii Dąbrowskiej
(2010)The aesthetic categories of the beautiful and the ugly in the works by Maria Dąbrowska, a famous Polish writer, are considered in the article. The research has been carried out on the material of her publicist articles ... -
Twórczość Stanisława Wyspiańskiego w szkole średniej i wyższej na Białorusi
(2010)This article sketches out the specific character of teaching Polish culture and literature in Belarus, on the example of the literary works by Stanisław Wyspiański. Firstly, the general situation in the secondary and ... -
Mickiewicz i Miłosz – miejsca wspólne
(2010)This article presents the issue of inheriting tradition, and of Adam Mickiewicz’s influence on aesthetic and ideological formation of Czesław Miłosz. Poets of the 19th (Mickiewicz) and 20th (Miłosz) century share the ... -
Nowy obraz ojczyzny w romantyzmie polskim (na przykładzie Pana Tadeusza Adama Mickiewicza)
(2010)The article is a presentation of the work with students during the monographic lecture “Ideologicalartistic pursuits of the Polish Romanticists”. The centre of the artistic space of Pan Tadeusz is the idealized image of ... -
Interpretacja jako dialog. W poszukiwaniu celów i metod interpretacji dzieła malarskiego
(2010)The article is an attempt to identify the directions of research and activity in the work of a teacher who employs the works of visual art in the Polish language class. It presents the most important views on the analysis ... -
Warunki odbioru dzieła malarskiego w szkole, czyli o strukturowaniu sytuacji wytwarzania znaczeń
(2010)The numerous advantages of discussing visual artworks in the Polish language classes have been emphasized in the materials on teaching Polish language and literature for the last hundred years. Also the core teaching ... -
Jak dzisiejsza młodzież interpretuje dzieła filmowe. Wnioski dla dydaktyki polonistycznej
(2010)The article presents the ways of understanding films, typical of secondary-school youth. The pattern of youth’s interpretation of films is called “anthropological interpretation of films”. It combines the postulates of ... -
Motyw tańca w literaturze i malarstwie (w perspektywie kulturowej)
(2010)The subject of consideration in this article is the presence of the motive of dance in different texts of culture. The author observes that dance is a frequent literary and visual motive. As the school interpretation of ... -
Czytając Herberta. Poezja autora Rovigo w świetle sztuk plastycznych i muzyki
(2010)In the first section of the article, those poems by Zbigniew Herbert (1924–1998), which contain reflections on art are presented. Secondly, an attempt is made at establishing the relation between Herbert’s poetry and ... -
„Rozprawka z czytania ze zrozumieniem” – czyli o najnowszej formie matury pisemnej z języka polskiego na poziomie podstawowym
(2010)The subject of the article concerns the evaluation of the recent innovations introduced in the new formula of the Matura (secondary school-leaving) examination in Polish. The presented reflections refer mainly to the ... -
Sprawność tekstotwórcza maturzystów w zakresie interpretacji fragmentu prozy (nowa matura)
(2010)Text production skills, that is the ability to produce a coherent, complete text on a given subject, is an important item in the core curriculum and school curricula; reception and production of a text is crucial skills ...