Przeglądaj 2010, Studia ad Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia 1 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 33
Licealne (prze)boje z ironią, czyli skąd się biorą trudności w interpretacji tekstów ironicznych
(2010)The author of the article concentrates on identifying the causes of incorrect reading of ironic texts by secondary school pupils. She points to the main features of ironic speech in literature, and identifies the stages ... -
Między cogito a dubito. Uczniowskie drogi nie tylko do Różewicza
(2010)The author of the article characterizes the situation of school interpretation of literary texts. She mentions the necessity of constant oscillation between motivation to read and care about the development of the pupils’ ... -
Lektura Norwida we współczesnych podręcznikach gimnazjalnych do literatury i kultury
(2010)The article presents the results of the research on the presence of Norwid’s works in school textbooks, especially those used in the lower-secondary school. It also presents the methods of didactic elaboration of Norwid’s ... -
Wolność jak chałwa? O uwarunkowaniach szkolnego dialogu interpretacyjnego
(2010)This article takes up the problem of relation between values such as truth, freedom, democracy, tolerance, solidarity or objectivism, which determine the conditions of the interpretational dialogue in class. In showing ... -
Jak patrzeć w dwa okna? Niebo Wisławy Szymborskiej a szkolne interpretacje
(2010)The basic feature of human condition is uncertainty. The necessary limits and certainties, always yearned for, are only illusory forms of escape from this existential discomfort. Our contemporariness reveals this illusionary ... -
Z problemów odbioru klasyki w gimnazjum na przykładzie rozważań o ludowości ballad Adama Mickiewicza
(2010)This article is devoted to the issue of folk character, which is very well known in the Polish school. The author draws attention to teachers’ lack of didactic reflection in their expression of this problem, which leads ... -
Empatia i hermeneutyka. Poszukiwanie relacji
(2010)The article concerns the relation between the interactional theory of empathy and the hermeneutic model of reader’s communion with a poetic text. It is assumed that encounter with poetry does not need to be simplified ... -
Interpretacja jako rozmowa
(2010)Interpretation – especially in the spirit of hermeneutics, also the radical one, by Derrida – becomes a form of unyielding resistance against all forms of political, ethnic, and religious powers, or the dictate of popular ... -
Warunki odbioru dzieła malarskiego w szkole, czyli o strukturowaniu sytuacji wytwarzania znaczeń
(2010)The numerous advantages of discussing visual artworks in the Polish language classes have been emphasized in the materials on teaching Polish language and literature for the last hundred years. Also the core teaching ... -
Nowy obraz ojczyzny w romantyzmie polskim (na przykładzie Pana Tadeusza Adama Mickiewicza)
(2010)The article is a presentation of the work with students during the monographic lecture “Ideologicalartistic pursuits of the Polish Romanticists”. The centre of the artistic space of Pan Tadeusz is the idealized image of ... -
Szkolna interpretacja w epoce mass mediów i multimediów
(2010)The iconic context helps to create substantiation and to read symbolic meanings of texts. The contemporary teacher should refer to the deconstructionist model, which assumes that the reader should seek the meaning of the ... -
Jak dzisiejsza młodzież interpretuje dzieła filmowe. Wnioski dla dydaktyki polonistycznej
(2010)The article presents the ways of understanding films, typical of secondary-school youth. The pattern of youth’s interpretation of films is called “anthropological interpretation of films”. It combines the postulates of ... -
Twórczość Stanisława Wyspiańskiego w szkole średniej i wyższej na Białorusi
(2010)This article sketches out the specific character of teaching Polish culture and literature in Belarus, on the example of the literary works by Stanisław Wyspiański. Firstly, the general situation in the secondary and ... -
Interpretacja jako dialog. W poszukiwaniu celów i metod interpretacji dzieła malarskiego
(2010)The article is an attempt to identify the directions of research and activity in the work of a teacher who employs the works of visual art in the Polish language class. It presents the most important views on the analysis ... -
Mickiewicz i Miłosz – miejsca wspólne
(2010)This article presents the issue of inheriting tradition, and of Adam Mickiewicz’s influence on aesthetic and ideological formation of Czesław Miłosz. Poets of the 19th (Mickiewicz) and 20th (Miłosz) century share the ... -
Problem piękna i brzydoty w twórczości Marii Dąbrowskiej
(2010)The aesthetic categories of the beautiful and the ugly in the works by Maria Dąbrowska, a famous Polish writer, are considered in the article. The research has been carried out on the material of her publicist articles ... -
Akademickie a szkolne czytanie tekstu literackiego (zróżnicowanie potrzeb i możliwości badacza i ucznia jako odbiorców)
(2010)The concept of reading is understood differently by the academic researchers and by the psychoeducators who deal with the praxeology of organizing the school process of acquiring reading skills. For the literary experts, ... -
Традиции Болеслава Пруса в творчестве Зофьи Налковской (к проблеме интерпретации)
(2010)Bolesław Prus rozpoczyna w literaturze polskiej nurty i procesy, które będą właściwe i popularne w XX wieku. Dlatego z jego twórczości korzystali pisarze okresu międzywojennego, do których należała „wielka dama literatury ... -
Komplementarność wiedzy wyjaśniającej i interpretacyjnej w kształceniu polonistycznym
(2010)The paper attempts to analyse the existence of fundamental terms of natural science in the native language teaching, and outlines the methods used within that scope. The author presents varying viewpoints on the modern ... -
Problem tajemnicy poezji w edukacji szkolnej
(2010)The motive of mystery is present in the reflections on the poetry of great poets and literary theoreticians and critics, such as T.S. Eliot, S. Heaney, H. Friedrich or H. Bremond. This phenomenon is analysed in more ...