Recent Submissions

  • Spotkanie jako element strukturacji społecznej w ujęciu A. Giddensa. Konteksty edukacyjne 

    Ryk, Andrzej (2008)
    The article is an attempt at applying the ideas of A. Giddens, a British sociologist, in educational research. The core of his structuration theory is the reality of encounter, in a multidimensional approach. For Giddens, ...
  • Występowanie stresu w sytuacjach kryzysów życiowych 

    Stochmiałek, Jerzy (2008)
    Stress – an extremely complex phenomenon – is a subject of many scientific investigations, conducted on the background of philosophy, psychology, sociology, social politics and natural sciences. Their theoretical bases ...
  • O czym mówią egzaminy zewnętrzne 

    Konarzewski, Krzysztof (2008)
    In the course of the educational reform, external examination was introduced to schools, yet school-internal grading was also retained. The achievements of a school-leaving pupil are characterised by the school-leaving ...
  • Nauczanie a profesja (anglosaski punkt widzenia) 

    Kawecki, Ireneusz (2008)
    The article concerns the question whether teaching can be a profession. In Polish, such wording of the problem seems artificial, since the words: profession, occupation, trade, are treated as synonyms. Therefore the ...
  • O sztuce nauczania 

    Śnieżyński, Marian (2008)
    In the article, the author attempts to answer two basic questions: what should the realization of the art of teaching consist in, and how can it be told whether a teacher only practices the craft of teaching, or actually ...
  • Przeobrażenia szkolnictwa wyższego w dobie globalizmu 

    Pachociński, Ryszard (2008)
    According to the author, the main causes of the contemporary reforms of higher education can be traced back to the spread of neoliberal ideas, decrease in state’s participation in financing tertiary education with the ...
  • Strategia i prognoza rozwoju edukacji w Polsce do roku 2020 – zadania nauk pedagogicznych 

    Banach, Czesław (2008)
    The author of the article presents the strategy of development for Polish education, accepted by the “Poland 2000 Plus” Forecast Committee, affiliated with the Presidium of PAN (the Polish Academy of Sciences) , in ...
  • Wartości jako wyznaczniki sensu życia współczesnego człowieka 

    de Tchorzewski, Andrzej M. (2008)
    Questioning the sense and senselessness of life is inherent to and unavoidable for any human being. Yet what has already been said on the sense of reality and the sense of human existence is gradually losing its force. ...
  • Samotność podmiotu ponowoczesnego 

    Nowicka-Kozioł, Maria (2008)
    The present article is a reflection on solitude, perceived as human fundamental experience related to the nature of being, i.e. ontologically, and understood as a certain mode of existence, i.e. ontically. Ontological ...
  • Wielka gra Aleksandra Kamińskiego o demokrację 

    Śliwerski, Bogusław (2008)
    The author recalls the views of Aleksander Kamiński, an outstanding educator and a cofounder of the scouts movement, on the relations between pedagogy and politics. Kamiński had to function in difficult circumstances, ...
  • Poziom wczesnej alfabetyzacji a jakość życia w dorosłości 

    Kwieciński, Zbigniew (2008)
    The basic functional literacy, i.e. understanding simple textual relations in native language written texts, is an elementary ability which determines access to the resources of the symbolic culture. The author of the ...
  • O szkodliwości współczesnego języka sfery publicznej 

    Lewowicki, Tadeusz (2008)
    Language is a reflection of thoughts and of the image of reality, as it is perceived by people. At the same time, it is a means of creating subjective images of reality and thus, to some extent, of creating reality. This ...
  • Problematyka edukacyjna we współczesnej debacie publicznej 

    Szymański, Mirosław (2008)
    The rise in social status of education is a characteristic of our time. It is determined by a complex network of various conditions, of which the most prominent are: democratic transformations in the modern world, dynamic ...
  • Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 50. Studia Paedagogica 1 

    Szymański, Mirosław J. (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2008)
    W warunkach gwałtownych zmian społecznych, gospodarczych i kulturowych dokonujących się w całym świecie problematyka pedagogiczna coraz częściej pojawia się wśród najważniejszych kwestii będących przedmiotem debaty ...