Biblioteka Współczesnej Myśli Pedagogicznej ; 3: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 39
Dejiny učiteľského vzdelávania v Nitre
(2014)The history of teacher education in Nitra reaches back to the 18th century and revolves primarily around the work carried out by the Piarist monks (during the years 1701–1919). The first part of the article deals with ... -
Komisja Edukacji Narodowej - mit niedoceniony?
(2014)A myth is one of the central concepts of modern cultural theory. The term is no longer used in its original meaning of a fantasy story. Rather, myth is understood as telling of the values that are key to a given culture. ... -
Analiza historyczna i ideologiczna sztandarów szkół noszących imię Komisji Edukacji Narodowej
(2014)The most important symbol of school is its banner. Not only is it an element of the given school’s unity, but it also serves as a carrier for symbolic and ideological content. In Poland, there are fifty two schools which ... -
Komisja Edukacji Narodowej : kontekst historyczno-pedagogiczny
(Wydawnictwo Wydziału Pedagogicznego Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej, 2014) -
Inspiracje i odwołania do dzieła Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w nauczaniu szkolnym Polski Ludowej
(2014)Polish communists, while implementing a new educational system in Poland, referred to the so-called progressive traditions of history of Polish education. They were convincing the society that transformations in upbringing ... -
Wystawy, sympozja i konferencje naukowe poświęcone jubileuszowi 200-lecia Komisji Edukacji Narodowej
(2014)200-years anniversary associated with the foundation of The Commission of National Education, celebrated in the year 1973, were an integral part of the Polish Year of Science. The year of the jubilee was designed to be ... -
Problematyka KEN w programach i podręcznikach historii dla szkół stopnia podstawowego w latach 1944–1989
(2014)The contents concerning foundation and activity of The Commission of National Education in curricula and history school-books prepared for elementary schools in the period of the People’s Republic of Poland were the main ... -
Idea KEN w podręcznikach i systemie szkolnym po 1945 roku
(2014)The aim of the paper is showing the idea of The Commission of National Education as one of the elements existing in historical narration in the school system after the World War II. It is not my intention to describe ... -
Jezuici i Komisja Edukacji Narodowej w polskiej historiografii XX wieku i początkach XXI wieku
(2014)The problematic aspects of research on relations between the Society of Jesus and The Commission of National Education (KEN) undertaken in historical papers can be analysed by taking into consideration three criteria: ... -
Droga do zawodu nauczycielskiego w dobie KEN i dziś – różnice i podobieństwa
(2014)The study presented hereby reveals legal, economic, organizational and substantive considerations, which accompanied and accompany the way of gaining teacher profession in the decade of The Commission of National Education ... -
Stereotypy Komisji Edukacji Narodowej i sposoby ich przezwyciężania
(2014)The Commission of National Education is one of the most studied public institutions in Polish history. It would seem that we know everything about it, and our knowledge is true. It turns out, however, that the description ... -
Edukacja jako wspólne dobro niespełnionym przesłaniem KEN dla potomnych
(2014)The title of my article exposes education as a common good with reference to The Commission of National Education and its policy initiatives for democratization of education. I wonder how this idea and associated with ... -
XIX-wieczne wzorce polskiej rodziny i wychowania rodzinnego dziecka oraz ich oświeceniowe inspiracje
(2014)Polish pedagogical thought of the 19th century, open to the influence of western education, continued many topics concerning family education of children in the literature of the Enlightenment. It perpetuated the conviction ... -
Idee wychowawcze Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w świetle sprawozdań szkolnych polskich gimnazjów w Galicji doby autonomicznej
(2014)The article is a review of discussions contained in reports of Galician gymnasiums during 1860–1918. The analysis focused on guidance-related demands proposed in the times of The Commission of National Education which ... -
Wokół 150 rocznicy reformy szkolnej Aleksandra Wielopolskiego
(2014)The defeat of Russia in the Crimean War and the ascension to the throne of Alexander II brought hope for a change to the Poles in the Kingdom of Poland. The Warsaw Medical- Surgical Academy founded in 1857, woke an ... -
Poglądy Pawła Ksawerego Brzostowskiego w nurcie reform oświatowych doby Komisji Edukacji Narodowej
(2014)In 1767 Paul Brzostowski organized in his estate of Merecz near Vilnius Pawłowska Republic, peasant “state” which was based on the principles of social equality, the right to prosperity and co-governing the country. He ... -
Dziedzictwo kulturowe Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w XIX wieku
(2014)The reforms of The Commission of National Education could not save the statehood of the Republic of Poland, but they contributed to the modern education of many Poles. People drew from its heritage throughout the 19th ... -
Lata szkolne we wspomnieniach pamiętnikarzy czasów stanisławowskich (1764–1795)
(2014)School years in the memories of the diarists of the Stanislavian times recorded in quite a surprising way. A clear mark on them was left by the downfall of the Republic of Poland. The diarists that were aware of the ... -
Szkolnictwo parafialne województwa krakowskiego w dobie Sejmu Wielkiego (1788–1792)
(2014)In the western Voivodeship of Malopolska Province of the former medieval network of parochial schools in urban and rural areas was one of the most developed in the entire Noble Republic of Poland. Destruction and ... -
Szkolnictwo Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Białymstoku
(2014)In Białystok in the years 1777–1794 acted the sub-divisional school established by The Commission of National Education. To the creation of the school in the city has contributed greatly Izabela Branicka née Poniatowska ...