2016, Studia Paedagogica 7
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Prawo możliwości - możliwości w prawie. Regulacje normatywne i praktyka dotycząca terapii oraz nauczania dzieci ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi
(2016)This article is a part of the research into the interpretation of legał texts and the conseąuences of their shape for the reception of the norms contained therein. The author presents Polish legał regulations concerning ... -
Wspomaganie w rozwoju, terapii i edukacji dziecka romskiego
(2016)This article presents the silhouette of a Roma child as a pupil with special educational needs in the light of the current regulation concerning psycho-pedagogical aid. The author seeks to portray the child of the minority ... -
Oddziaływania rewalidacyjne w świetle badań neurobiologicznych
(2016)The new approach to special pedagogy is related to modern neurobiology fmdings and reports on innovation in education and technology. Designing of therapeutic interactions is currently supported by brain research and ... -
Kinect w terapii osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną - rozwiązania praktyczne
(2016)The purpose of this article is to present the opportunities and benefits of usingKinect motion sensor for the treatment of people with intellectual disabilities. The publication discusses the developed and implemented, for ... -
Zastosowanie zasad neurodydaktyki w terapii dzieci z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną z wykorzystaniem gier planszowych
(2016)The article deals with theoretical considerations on the application of the rules of neurodidactics in the therapy of children with intellectual disabilities with the use of board games. The article begins with the ... -
Nieprzewidywalny mózg i nieprzewidywalny świat - zaburzenia ze spektrum autyzmu w ujęciu neuronauk a możliwości terapii
(2016)The article is an attempt to describe autism spectrum disorders in neurocognitive perspective. Autism-related difficulties in social cognition, such as disturbances in the development of social perception and theories of ... -
Nowoczesność w protetyce słuchu a możliwość wykorzystania szansy na poprawę percepcji słuchowej przez pacjentów
(2016)Neuroscience experience at the end of the 20th century led to the launch of new possibilities of hearing aids, opportunities using direct stimulation of endings of the auditory nerve in the inner ear or directly of the ... -
The Neuroscience of Sign Language
(2016)Current brain damage and neuroimaging research have shed some light on the neuronal network of the sign language processing. Similar manifestations of the left-sided sign language hemispheric specialization was observed ... -
Applying Algorithmic Reasoning in Education of Deaf Children
(2016)This paper deals with the process of learning and memory development in children with repair impairments, relative to information processing and storage theories. The presented research clearly shows that applying algorithmic ... -
Diagnoza kompetencji w zakresie percepcji słuchowej, wzrokowej i motorycznej w metodzie Warnkego. Wybrane zagadnienia
(2016)Fred Warnke’s method focuses primarily on the diagnosis and therapy of learning difficulties, especially speech, reading and writing. It also helps to expand and improve memory and concentration. The method is targeted at ... -
Zastosowanie techniki EEG i QEEG w diagnozie osób z zespołem Downa
(2016)The article presents basie information about EEG/QEEG techniąues and possibilities of using them in the process of planning of rehabilitation of people with Down syndrome. Research conducted in various research centers and ... -
Neurobiologiczne mechanizmy nabywania systemu językowego
(2016)The ability to use a language is one of the most characteristic skills for human beings. Its mastery begins with the earliest months of child's life and is determined by many factors. The higher the linguistic competence, ... -
Wielodyscyplinarny model stymulowania rozwoju językowego dziecka
(2016)The article presents issues connected with intentional, systematic and comprehensive stimulation of language development in children. The authors emphasise the importance of parental role in the process. They claim it is ... -
Rodzice wobec diagnozy dziecka niesłyszącego
(2016)In the article the author deals with the problem of diagnosing a deaf child. The main purpose of this article is to present parents’ reactions to the diagnosis of child's hearing impairmenL The author emphasizes that the ... -
Transdyscyplinarne standardy diagnozy i terapii osób z zaburzeniami słuchu i komunikacji
(2016)The aim of the study is a theoretical reflection on the diagnosis and speech therapy from the perspective of various disciplines. Attention was paid to two issues: 1. The interdisciplinary naturę of harmonize standards of ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 220. Studia Paedagogica 7
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2016)Badaniami układu nerwowego człowieka zajmuje się obszerna dziedzina naukowa - neurobiologia. W węższym znaczeniu stanowi zbiór dyscyplin wyłącznie biologicznych. W znaczeniu szerszym i współczesnym, hasłem tym określa się ...