Studia de Cultura: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 523
I varchi della letteratura: tra scienza, follia e spiritualità
(2017)In Italian twentieth century literature we find several writers whose work stands out for the way literature embraces other disciplines, such as science, psychiatry, theology. In this paper we describe the mutual exchanges ... -
Włoskie podróże w polskiej literaturze dokumentu osobistego kobiet (z jednym wyjątkiem dla powieści). Wybrane przykłady
(2017)Tekst jest krótką prezentacją wybranych autobiografii (szeroko pojętych) i jednej powieści, autorstwa kobiet, w których ważniejszym z motywów jest podroż do Włoch. Traktowana rekreacyjnie, jako życiowa konieczność, chwila ... -
Interferenze della filosofia buddista in Per Isabel. Un mandala di Tabucchi
(2017)In Per Isabel. Un Mandala Tabucchi has completed the trilogy of disquiet, of remorse and reflection of modern authors along with Requiem and Notturno indiano, internalizing oriental contents in more capillary manner, ... -
Guido Gozzano e la cultura letteraria europea
(2017)The study aims at reviewing the close relation that exists between Gozzano’s literary creation and the decadent European poetics, especially the French and Belgian ones. Contrary to what has been maintained, Gabriele ... -
Lazzi goldoniani in veste polacca. Analisi di alcune traduzioni polacche della commedia Il servitore di due padroni
(2017)The primary goal of the article is study the Polish translations of three lazzi present in the comedy Servant of Two Masters (Il servitore di due padroni) by Carlo Goldoni. The play that I have chosen to be analyzed is ... -
Sintassi e retorica tra sonetto e madrigale nelle Rime di Luigi Groto
(2017)The paper analyzes some aspects of the first part of the Rime of Luigi Groto Cieco d’Adria (1541–1585), one of the most interesting poets of the venetian literary mannerism. Through the analysis of the relation between ... -
La riflessione di Torquato Tasso sulla donna nel “Discorso della virtù feminile e donnesca”
(2017)This article presents Torquato Tasso’s Discorso sulla virtù femminile e donnesca (Venice, 1582). It focuses on the concepts of “virtù femminile” and “virtù donnesca”, “femina” and “donna”, in order to outline Tasso’s ... -
Non solo Ladri di biciclette. L’Italia fascista nei primi film di Vittorio de Sica
(2017)The article analyzes the four first films of the director Vittorio De Sica: Rose scarlatte (1940), Maddalena zero in condotta (1941), Teresa Venerdì (1941) e Un Garibladino in convento (1942). emphasizing their political, ... -
Promuovere la motivazione nella classe multilivello: uso della canzone nell’unità stratificata e differenziata
(2017)This paper presents findings from research on the adoption of ‘stratified and differentiated didactic units’ (Caon 2006) based on Italian songs. The didactic context of testing –an Italian as a Second Language multi-level ... -
Punteggiatura e coordinazione sintattica: il caso dei puntini di sospensione e della lineetta singola
(2017)This paper aims to analyze the emphatic uses of the ellipsis and of the single dash combined with the conjunction e ‘and’ in modern Italian. We will propose an empirically-based description of the textual effects produced ... -
L’interazione tra i due punti e i connettivi nella scrittura italiana contemporanea. Il caso di infatti e perché
(2017)The aim of this paper is to investigate the semantic value of combining the colon with connectives. For this purpose, on the basis of data obtained from the analysis of different corpora of functional written Italian, ... -
Il fondamento comunicativo della punteggiatura italiana contemporanea: il caso della virgola e del punto e virgola
(2017)Grammars typically describe high-register punctuation in modern Italian as being based on syntax and/or on prosody. The aim of this paper is to show that neither point of view is adequate. Punctuation in modern Italian ... -
Tecniche di traduzione dei termini minerari nelle guide della Miniera di Sale di Wieliczka
(2017)The article is concerned with the analysis of the texts of Wieliczka Salt Mine guidebooks and discusses the problems of their translation. They are mostly related to the presence of specialist terminology, above all from ... -
Between error and new usage: recent paths of Italian words
(2017)Semantic change, conceived as the rise of new meanings for existing words, can be studied while it happens. We present here some cases of Italian words whose recent non-canonical and in principle incorrect meanings are ... -
Considerazioni sull'uso aoristico del trapassato prossimo
(2017)Pier Marco Bertinetto theorizes the possibility of using the Italian pluperfect as an aoristic tense, endowed with propulsive capacities in accordance with the aoristic drift theory. The purpose of this paper is to provide ... -
Osservazioni sull’impiego del passato remoto nell’analessi
(2017)In Italian novels the trapassato prossimo (Past Perfect) tense is canonically used in flashbacks. Thanks to its perfect aspect, this tense enables going back to a time anterior to the past time of the principal narration. ... -
Punteggiatura: norme, tendenze e complessità. I casi del punto e della virgola
(2017)This paper aims to illustrate how punctuation in contemporary Italian language – a field which is considered poorly codified and barely codifiable – responds to specific communicativetextual regularities. Through the ... -
Funzioni del tempo presente nella strategia narrativa
(2017)The choice of verbal tense depends on establishing by the transmitter the relation between the moment of enunciation and the moment of reference of the message. Their coincidence means the present tense (Bertinetto). ... -
Cicli lessicali nei nomi deverbali in -mento e -zione
(2017)Deverbal nouns, in addition to the event meaning of the base verb, have often developed ‘lexical cycles’ (Simone 2000), that is systematic, regular and hierarchical semantic extensions. The rhetorical mechanism operating ... -
La coesione in italiano e in russo: alcune tendenze nell’espressione dei rapporti di caratterizzazione
(2017)We study different ways of coding the same denotative meaning in Italian and Russian that derive more from collective verbal usage than from differences in grammatical systems. For example, to express predicative relations ...