2012, Studia Paedagogica 2: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 41-60 z 67
Rodzice na różnych etapach rozwoju dziecka niepełnosprawnego i sposoby ich wspomagania – relacja z doświadczeń psychologa szkolnego
(2012)The authors of the article analyse – on the basis of their own professional experiences as school psychologists – different stages of the development of a disabled child from the perspective of the parents’ behaviour and ... -
Wczesne wspomaganie jako pomoc dziecku i rodzinie – na podstawie opisu pracy z dzieckiem. Analiza postępów w rozwoju
(2012)The main aims of the Early Support of Child Development include: early diagnosis of disorders, stimulation of child development, therapy, supporting and modelling the attitude of parents of children threatened by anomalous ... -
O czym należy pamiętać podczas wspomagania rozwoju emocjonalnego dziecka?
(2012)A child, who has not developed the ability of closeness, of expressing emotions or creating normal relationships with his or her peers must go through the same stadia of emotional development as a child without such ... -
Jak towarzyszyć osobie niepełnosprawnej i jej rodzinie?
(2012)The author of the article shares her professional experiences from the work in Special Education School Complex No. 11 in Krakow. She points to the fact that the accumulation of factors which pathologize the development ... -
Zespół Marfana w ujęciu interdyscyplinarnym
(2012)The article is a review paper on the medical and psychosocial aspects of Marfan syndrome (MFS). It presents the problem of the diagnosis, etiology, epidemiology, symptomology and medical therapy as well as the results ... -
Różne wymiary integracji dziecka z wieloraką niepełnosprawnością w szkole masowej
(2012)The article is devoted to the multidimensional problem of the integration of a child with multiple disabilities in the space of an ordinary school. It presents disorders that create the systems and the waterfall model ... -
Warsztaty edukacyjne jako metoda zmiany postaw wobec osób niepełnosprawnych
(2012)The aim of the research was to determine if participation in educational workshops could change the attitudes of secondary school students towards disabled people. It also checked if the level of the attitude change would ... -
Terapia sztuką osób ze złożoną niepełnosprawnością na przykładzie działań arteterapeutycznych Towarzystwa Pomocy Głuchoniewidomym
(2012)Art therapy has recently become one of the most popular forms of rehabilitation of disabled people. It is also used with people with multiple disabilities who, in spite of numerous dysfunctions, especially sensory ones, ... -
Zajęcia rewalidacyjno-wychowawcze dla osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w stopniu głębokim na przykładzie powiatu kolbuszowskiego i ropczycko-sędziszowskiego
(2012)In 1994 Mental Health Protection Act was supplemented with new solutions describing, among others, the notion of „rehabilitation and education classes” as education and therapy for children, adolescents and adults with ... -
Muzykoterapia w czasie wolnym dziecka niepełnosprawnego
(2012)Music is a branch of art that is becoming more and more frequently employed in the pedagogical, therapeutic and rehabilitating activities. It is methodically used in a number of ways to diagnose, facilitate, correct and ... -
Wykorzystanie ćwiczeń i technik muzykoterapeutycznych w edukacji osób z niepełnosprawnością złożoną
(2012)The aim of special education of people with multiple disabilities is to stimulate and support the developmental changes and the progress of the process of learning and developing the personality of an individual. It is ... -
Czas wolny uczniów o obniżonym potencjale intelektualnym
(2012)Proper and rational organization of spare time may be an inexhaustible source of possibilities which meet the specific developmental needs of children with intellectual dysfunctions. It provides opportunities of developing ... -
„Poczuć – poznać – zrozumieć” – projekt edukacyjny
(2012)The article presents the conclusions drawn from the educational project To feel – to know – to understand which was realized with the participation of students from the University of Wroclaw specializing at the Education ... -
Preferencja wartości i postawa wobec choroby a cele życiowe młodzieży niepełnosprawnej ruchowo
(2012)The general research problem of the article is the analysis of a set of conditions that determine the attitude of young people with motor disability but within the intellectual norm towards their illness. The aim of the ... -
Dzieci wielorako niepełnosprawne a terapia Integracji Sensorycznej (SI)
(2012)The sources of the profound multiple disabilities are connected with genetic, chromosomal, metabolic and neurological factors. Their common element is impairing the central functions i.e. the loss of efficiency of ... -
Opieka logopedyczna nad dziećmi wcześniaczymi zagrożonymi wieloraką niepełnosprawnością
(2012)The article is devoted to the assumptions of logopedic care of prematurely born children who are more likely to suffer from multiple disabilities than children born on time. The fact of being prematurely born is not ... -
Jakość życia rodzeństwa dzieci z niepełnosprawnością słuchową
(2012)The authors of the article present the results of research on the life quality of siblings of children with a hearing impairment, students of primary schools in Slovakia. The research was conducted on 16 respondents aged ... -
Właściwe narzędzie diagnostyczne wyzwaniem prawidłowej diagnozy. Wprowadzenie do polskich wersji dwóch instrumentów do diagnozy autyzmu: Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) oraz Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-G)
(2012)In order to start supporting the development of a person with multiple disabilities as early as possible it is necessary to properly and effectively conduct a diagnosis using appropriate diagnostic tools. Properly prepared ... -
Możliwości wspierania rodziny z dzieckiem autystycznym w warunkach szkoły
(2012)A lot of attention is devoted to the specificity of the functioning of a family with an autistic child with emphasis on the conditions of enormous stress and numerous problems burdening the family. Both researchers and ... -
Aktualny stan opieki nad osobami z głęboką wieloraką niepełnosprawnością na Słowacji
(2012)The area of upbringing and education of people with simultaneous occurrence of a number of disabilities or disorders is unquestionably the most complicated area of care for disabled people. That is why the eminent ...