2013, Studia ad Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia 4: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
Polonista i dynamiczna kultura ucznia
(2013)The article discusses the character of relationship between a student and a teacher in the perspective of cultural changes. Nowadays, educational dialogue contains less confrontational elements and more the ones that a ... -
Słowo w multimediach edukacyjnych (na przykładzie programów komputerowych do nauki języka polskiego w gimnazjum i liceum)
(2013)The article presents results of an analysis of eight computer programs for Polish language and literature learning in Lower Secondary School and Secondary School. The following aspects of the examined multimedia have ... -
W poszukiwaniu wartości w perspektywie kształcenia kulturowo-literackiego gimnazjalistów
(2013)The considerations relate to reflections on the existence of values in the world and education of Lower Secondary School youth. The author traces those in selected educational and empirical material among teenagers (13–16 ... -
Złomoty, milipanci i bubeki, czyli dlaczego warto pogłębić ogląd powieściowego słowa we Wrońcu Jacka Dukaja? (komunikat)
(2013)The present article concerns Jacek Dukaj’s excellent novel The Crow. In 2009, this contem-porary writer published the book which aroused interest with its themes, selection of lexical stylistic means and a perspective ... -
Metodyka niesprzyjająca rozwojowi, czyli o tym., jak „czyta się” poezję współczesną w podręcznikach do literatury i kultury na poziomie szkoły podstawowej
(2013)The author of the text critically formulates means of methodological (unmethodological?) working over contemporary poetry suggested in Primary School textbooks for cultural and literary education. The analysis of questions ... -
Jak mówić i czytać o Zagładzie? Metodyczne wątpliwości polonisty
(2013)The author of the article considers the opportunities of talking about the Holocaust during Polish literature and culture lessons. She expresses her concern that discussing the Holocaust at school often boils down to ... -
Wiersze ostatnie Czesława Miłosza liryczną pieśnią o ludzkich sposobach doświadczania świata
(2013)A volume of Last Poems has a special meaning in the creative work of Czesław Miłosz as it constitutes a weaving structure of the core motifs and themes that the artist undertook during his long lifetime. Casting a light ... -
Obrazy mowy (na przykładzie poezji dwudziestowiecznej)
(2013)In the present article, the speech image category is, on the one hand, connected to the ways of utilizing in somebody else’s speech in poetry, by which an author communicates with a reader (cited in extenso or subjected ... -
Honor albo trzy pojedynki w Lalce. Lekcja języka polskiego jako wycieczka antropologiczna
(2013)The article touches upon the problem of honour as a value regulating social and cultural behaviours and being subject to historical changes over the centuries. Thus, a variable set of circumstances in which using the ... -
Soplicowo, czyli Sarmatopolitan Wykorzystanie elementów metody projektu w pracy nad Panem Tadeuszem
(2013)The first part of the article contains reflections concerning the rise of and further development of “project-based teaching”. The author emphasizes those elements thereof which, in compliance with the main assumptions ... -
Wiedza, ideologia, wiara, mit. O „najważniejszych wydarzeniach historycznych” starożytności w podręcznikach do kształcenia literacko-kulturowego dla liceów i techników
(2013)The author of the article historical tables placed in seven textbooks for literary and cultural education in Secondary School and Technical School. It appears that, apart from historical events from ancient Middle East, ... -
Od słowa do słowa, czyli o nieprofesjonalnych odbiorcach tekstów literackich i ich wypowiedziach na temat zadań i powinności literatury
(2013)The obsessive complaining about Lower Secondary School students being so pervasive, it seems difficult to imagine that anybody would all of a sudden start only singing praises to them. And yet, there are some people who ... -
Kultura pamięci w szkolnym dyskursie polonistycznym
(2013)Remembrance across generations as well as means of its consolidation, preservation and passing on are subjects of interest for researchers of a number disciplines. Culture of remembrance is understood as a social obligation ... -
Wy-słowienia i wy-obrażenia. Przyczynek do refleksji antropologicznej
(2013)The article discusses the phenomenon of human speech and word-image relationship in reference to contemporary culture (based on the logocentric tradition, but increasingly more dominated by image and “narrative of screen ... -
Rozumienie paradoksu wśród uczniów szkoły ponadgimnazjalnej
(2013)The authors discuss defining and conditions of observing a paradox, the level of comprehension of structures based on a paradox among students, as well as what functions a speech based on contradictions may have. A ... -
O kondycji słowa w szkole średniej – czyli o tym, czy można nabyć umiejętności mediacji, zdając dzisiejszą maturę z języka polskiego
(2013)The article presents selected possibilities of implementing mediation in Polish literature and culture teaching in Secondary School. It also depicts current ways of thinking of the youth about literary contents bringing ... -
„Ucynkowy” i „nieucynkowy” język nauczyciela
(2013)The article raises the problem of the language used by teachers connected with the process of assessment. On the basis of a internal evaluation report, a divergence between teachers’ sense of quality of their assessment ... -
Esej szkolny – przykładem mocowania się ucznia ze słowem
(2013)The aim of the article is to present attempts at writing a school essay as a means of effective and attractive training of students’ linguistic skills. An essay necessitates an application of a wide range of conscious ... -
Uczniowskie zmagania ze słowem. O pisaniu dłuższej formy wypowiedzi na różnych poziomach nauczania
(2013)The authors show a fragment of broader research on the state of linguistic knowledge in students and its translation to skills. The main goal of the presented part of the research is defining the level of text creation ... -
Konceptualizacja świata w neologizmach dziecięcych
(2013)Being influenced by school education, younger children aim at transforming common words (pseudoterms) into scientific terms, i.e. compliant with the current scientific knowledge. One of the ways of categorizing terminology ...