Biblioteka Współczesnej Myśli Pedagogicznej: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 84
Idee wychowawcze Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w świetle sprawozdań szkolnych polskich gimnazjów w Galicji doby autonomicznej
(2014)The article is a review of discussions contained in reports of Galician gymnasiums during 1860–1918. The analysis focused on guidance-related demands proposed in the times of The Commission of National Education which ... -
Wokół 150 rocznicy reformy szkolnej Aleksandra Wielopolskiego
(2014)The defeat of Russia in the Crimean War and the ascension to the throne of Alexander II brought hope for a change to the Poles in the Kingdom of Poland. The Warsaw Medical- Surgical Academy founded in 1857, woke an ... -
Poglądy Pawła Ksawerego Brzostowskiego w nurcie reform oświatowych doby Komisji Edukacji Narodowej
(2014)In 1767 Paul Brzostowski organized in his estate of Merecz near Vilnius Pawłowska Republic, peasant “state” which was based on the principles of social equality, the right to prosperity and co-governing the country. He ... -
Dziedzictwo kulturowe Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w XIX wieku
(2014)The reforms of The Commission of National Education could not save the statehood of the Republic of Poland, but they contributed to the modern education of many Poles. People drew from its heritage throughout the 19th ... -
Lata szkolne we wspomnieniach pamiętnikarzy czasów stanisławowskich (1764–1795)
(2014)School years in the memories of the diarists of the Stanislavian times recorded in quite a surprising way. A clear mark on them was left by the downfall of the Republic of Poland. The diarists that were aware of the ... -
Szkolnictwo parafialne województwa krakowskiego w dobie Sejmu Wielkiego (1788–1792)
(2014)In the western Voivodeship of Malopolska Province of the former medieval network of parochial schools in urban and rural areas was one of the most developed in the entire Noble Republic of Poland. Destruction and ... -
Szkolnictwo Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Białymstoku
(2014)In Białystok in the years 1777–1794 acted the sub-divisional school established by The Commission of National Education. To the creation of the school in the city has contributed greatly Izabela Branicka née Poniatowska ... -
„Piszę Panu wszystko, cokolwiek mu być może potrzebne…” : u początków działalności organizacyjnej Jana Śniadeckiego
(2014)Author on basis of research of egodocuments – correspondence, autobiography of Jan Śniadecki and memoirs of Michał Baliński – discusses the beginning of an organizational activities of Jan Śniadecki at the Jagiellonian ... -
Profesor Andrzej Badurski w służbie wielkiej reformy : szpital kliniczny św. Barbary w Krakowie
(2014)Born in Cracow, Andrzej Badurski after his studies in Italy, returned to his hometown where he became Professor and Dean at Cracow University. There he reformed the Medical Faculty and accomplished the work of his life ... -
Komisja Edukacji Narodowej wobec projektu studiów prawniczych Hugona Kołłątaja
(2014)Enlightenment, as commonly known, by recognizing rationalism, empiricism and utilitarianism as the main benchmark of the progress of science, led to a significant revaluation in the hierarchy of the existing authorities, ... -
Działalność oświatowa Uniwersytetu Krakowskiego w dobie Komisji Edukacji Narodowej
(2014)In the time of the reform implemented by Hugo Kołłątaj in Cracow Academy, professors of that university were obligated to popularize knowledge. From 1782, there were organized public sessions, during which professors of ... -
Autorzy podręczników szkolnych Komisji Edukacji Narodowej : próba zarysu portretu zbiorowego
(2014)The main aim of the article is an attempt to make a group portrait of the authors of The Commission of National Education textbooks, which were published under the auspices of the Society of Elementary Books. Among them ... -
Udział pijarów w pracach Towarzystwa do Ksiąg Elementarnych
(2014)The Society for Elementary Books was established by The Commission of National Education on February 10, 1775. The Society’s principal objective was to develop syllabuses and school textbooks. Among many of its members ... -
Nauczyciele eksjezuici w pracach i szkołach KEN
(2014)The article concerns the participation of the members of the dissolved Jesuit Order in teaching the youth in the schools of The Commission of National Education. The Polish historiography has been evaluating the ex-Jesuit ... -
Nauczyciel Komisji Edukacji Narodowej: ideał a rzeczywistość
(2014)One of the key tasks of The Commission of National Education was to precisely define the role of a teacher. The Commission emphasized the importance of education and the relative lack of interest in the prospective ... -
Komisja Edukacji Narodowej i jej Ustawy
(2014)The Commission of National Education, over almost 21 years of its activity, evolved as an institution. The concept of reform and its implementation were perfected over the years. This reflected in the laws and regulations ... -
Stan badań nad słownikiem biograficznym działaczy i nauczycieli Komisji Edukacji Narodowej
(2014)The article discusses the idea of a dictionary concerning biographies of The Commission of National Education members and activists as well as teachers and faculties of the colleges. The dictionary is based on work of ... -
Nauczyciele w materiałach źródłowych archiwów Wilna i Lwowa
(Komisja Edukacji Narodowej : kontekst historyczno-pedagogiczny / pod red. Katarzyny Dormus [et al.]. - Kraków, 2014. - S. [86]-98 (Biblioteka Współczesnej Myśli Pedagogicznej, ISSN 2300-2689 ; 3), 2014)Analysis of sources found in the archives of Wilno and Lwów constitutes a way to enriching the knowledge about teachers at the onset of the 20th century and in the Second Republic of Poland. The query that the author of ... -
Materiały i źródła do działalności Komisji Edukacji Narodowej dostępne w bibliotekach i archiwach krakowskich
(2014)The below article is to present the current state of the sources for the history of The Commission of National Education, which are stored in the libraries and archives in Cracow. We analysed the source materials found ... -
Źródła rękopiśmienne i drukowane w zasobach bibliotek wrocławskich : komunikat z kwerendy
(2014)The announcement contains a description of the initial query made in resources of Wrocław libraries, which aim was to search for materials associated with task of The Commission of National Education (KEN). Search query ...