2012, Studia Sociologica 4
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Polish Mothers on the Move: Transnationality and Discourses of Gender, Care, and Co-residentiality Requirement in the Narratives of Polish Women Raising Children in the West
(2012)The article examines the phenomenon of migrant motherhood as it is embedded in the broader discourses of gender (personal and political), and the specificities of care provision debates. Transnationalism theory has been ... -
The Social and Educational Situation of Circular Migrants’ Children in Poland
(2012)This article is an attempt to fill in the missing knowledge about children called ‘Euro-orphans’ in the context of relations between the circular migration of their parents, its motives, duration, frequency and forms of ... -
Immigration and Primary Education in Ireland
(2012)The structure of this paper could be compared to a camera with a zoom as it proceeds from the description of general issues to individual problems. It begins with a short section that introduces the context of the study. ... -
W poszukiwaniu oznak szoku kulturowego – polskie imigrantki w Wielkiej Brytanii
(2012)Od momentu wstąpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej Polacy zaczęli masowo emigrować do Wielkiej Brytanii. Polscy imigranci stanęli przed wyzwaniem dostosowania się do życia w nowym kraju. Główne pytanie postawione w ... -
Migration as Multiple Pathways. Narrative Interviews with Polish Migrants in Belfast, Northern Ireland
(2012)This article explores the complexities of motivations and the multiplicity of trajectories amongst individual migrants. By analysing the migratory narratives of three Polish migrants in Belfast, Northern Ireland it ... -
Acculturation: Why Is It Not Always Desirable to ‘Fit’? Migratory Narratives from Ireland
(2012)It is commonly argued, that migration ‘is a transformative process with profound implications for the family’ (Suárez-Orozco, Suárez-Orozco 2001) in terms of socio-cultural adjustment in the host country. Drawing primarily ... -
The Employment and Earnings Mobility of Polish Migrants in Ireland in the Recession
(2012)How has the recession affected the employment and earnings of Polish migrants in Ireland? Using a unique dataset of Polish migrants in Dublin, the paper demonstrates that employment levels and earnings have been surprisingly ... -
Profil demograficzny polskich imigrantów poakcesyjnych w Wielkiej Brytanii
(2012)Po roku 2004 Wielka Brytania stała się głównym krajem docelowym dla polskich migrantów. W rezultacie rosnącego na przestrzeni kolejnych lat napływu tworzą tam oni obecnie ponad półmilionową zbiorowość. Charakteryzuje ich ... -
Making Sense of Their Own Mobile Identities in Internally Borderless Europe: Europeans, Poles, ‘Bread’ Migrants, Catholics...
(2012)EU enlargement and the intra-European labour mobility which followed it, have been conceptualized within two competing discourses. The first one reflects the view of the EU Commission: it has hailed post-accession mobility ... -
Local, National and European Identity in the Age of Globalisation – a Sociological Perspective
(2012)This paper examines the significance of different dimensions of identity in the context of European enlargement and globalisation. The analysis touches upon the subject of identity, which is treated as a processual, ... -
Between Cooperation and Hostility – Constructions of Ethnicity and Social Class among Polish Migrants in London
(2012)In the scholarship on Polish migrants, one of the frequently mentioned themes is the question of hostility expressed by Poles towards their co-ethnics. Analyzed through lenses of competition for the same economic resources ... -
New Wave, Old Ways? Post-accession Migration from Poland Seen from the Perspective of the Social Sciences
(2012)The unprecedented post-accession wave of Polish migration to the UK has resulted in research comparable to that on the Great Migration in the USA. This research uses similar methods and analytical categories to those of ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 118. Studia Sociologica 4 vol. 2. Migration, Identity, Ethnicity. Migracje, tożsamość, etniczność
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2012)Powstanie, a potem sukcesywne rozszerzanie Unii Europejskiej wytworzyło nie tylko nową przestrzeń ekonomiczną i zapełniającą ją sieć relacji gospodarczych, lecz także nowe lub przynajmniej znacząco zmodyfikowane środowisko ... -
Religijność pogranicza epok
(2012)Ponowoczesność, jako stan społeczeństwa współczesnego, charakteryzuje się pluralizmem w systemach wartości oraz kryzysem tożsamości, który dotyczy każdego człowieka poszukującego odpowiedzi na pytania o sens swego ... -
Legal Pluralisms, Legal Border Zones: Shar’ia Law and Trans-jurisdictional Migration in the United Kingdom
(2012)The Shar’ia councils began as an informally operated arena for mediating and resolving familial disputes in accordance with the principles of Shar’ia law. This changed in 2008, when an application of the 1996 Arbitration ...