2008, Studia Logopaedica 2
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Istota metafor ŚMIERCI jako „odejścia”, „pójścia” i „odlotu” w wierszach nagrobnych
(2008)The paper deals with describing metaphors of death expressed by means of verbs that mean motion (“go away”, “go”, “fly away”). The author explains what makes the metaphor of death as “going away” popular and shows the ... -
Relewancja i redundancja w opisie materiału onomastycznego (na przykładzie nazwisk z osiemnastowiecznych ksiąg metrykalnych)
(2008)The material gathered by the author is not only typical for the discussed region (the district of Nowy Sącz) but is also introduced into general Polish onomastics. Among primary surnames dominate these derived from names ... -
Głoska czy sylaba, czyli o relewancji i redundancji w nauce czytania
(2008)Studies presented in the paper show children’s difficulties in acquisition of reading skills, difficulties arising from teachers’ methodical and essential mistakes. A phonetic method based on the synthesis and analysis ... -
Nabywanie umiejętności wyrażania intencji komunikacyjnej w trakcie terapii dziecka autystycznego (wyrazy dźwiękonaśladowcze)
(2008)Results achieved in therapy of autistic children allow to formulate a conclusion that considering their therapeutic qualities onomatopoeia and onomatopoeic interjections may be involved into speech therapy, especially ... -
Struktura i spójność tekstów tworzonych przez niesłyszących gimnazjalistów
(2008)Linguistic material gathered by the author of the paper proves univocally that the lack of linguistic competence in deaf pupils in secondary school for children with special educational needs occurs both in spoken and ... -
Próba oceny testów logopedycznych z perspektywy diagnozy logopedycznej
(2008)It does not exist one verified and widely accepted by speech therapists questionnaire for child language examination. A need to elaborate such an examination device seems to be essential and urgent. And this paper ... -
Kognitywne podstawy języka w aspekcie komunikacji dziecka upośledzonego umysłowo w stopniu głębokim
(2008)An analysis of verbal activity of deeply mentally handicapped children, activity that is limited to using a one-word utterance, generates several questions and paves the way to studies of abilities to send and receive ... -
Definiowanie znaczeń czasowników. Pozycje relewantne i redundantne. Wiek przedszkolny
(2008)The verb exists in children’s minds as an open (syntactic definitions) and dynamic (emblematic definitions) category, which makes it possible to activate the whole utterance. Defining notions children most often use ... -
Istotność w rozumieniu pojęcia PIĘKNA w wypowiedziach uczniowskich
(2008)In categorization process the basic matter is not only the issue of definition models but first of all the question of putting a good construction on essential features in the meaning of a studied word. First works and ... -
Semantyczna relewancja w zakresie pojęć: CZĘŚĆ i CAŁOŚĆ w dyskursie wczesnoszkolnym
(2008)The paper is an attempt to show linguistic manifestations of relevance of semantic parametrization of the world in written discourse of pupils at the early school age (the first and second forms). Reconstruction of an ... -
Redundancja – zjawisko zbędne czy pożądane? O „nadmiarowości” w definicjach uczniowskich
(2008)The paper pays attention to two different ways of perceiving the phenomenon of redundancy. “Excessiveness” is sometimes treated as a phenomenon that may be an intended exertion used for persuading as well as for stylistic ... -
Zastosowanie teorii relewancji komunikacyjnej w badaniach dyskursu szkolnego (w normie i w zaburzeniach)
(2008)An experiment using D. Sperber and D. Wilson’s relevance theory for studying a part of classroom discourse showed a very low level of acquiring communicational competence as a component of linguistic competence by slightly ... -
Problematyka redundancji i relewancji w idiolekcie dziecka w wieku przedszkolnym
(2008)The paper belongs to a trend in a study of language of the youngest users of Polish and its material basis consists of one child’s utterances recorded regularly by her parents who are educated in Polish philology. Except ... -
Relewancja i redundancja w nabywaniu kategorii semantycznych z zakresu nauki o języku
(2008)The paper deals with roles that relevance and redundancy play in the process of acquisition lexical items from the sphere of linguistics. Referring to notions like category, linguistic category, semantic category and ... -
Błąd językowy jako przypadek relewancji negatywnej w dyskursie szkolnym
(2008)The paper is an attempt to consider the issue of pupils’ language mistakes from the point of view of D. Sperber and D. Wilson’s relevance theory. The new approach to interpersonal communication in educational activities ... -
Kontekstowe poszukiwanie relewancji w dyskursie lekcyjnym (na przykładzie obrazu Mona Lisa)
(2008)By means of an example of a particular lesson the author of the paper visualizes how relevance theory may improve leading classroom discourse, especially in separating contextual effects that make the basis for conclusions ... -
Niektóre możliwości teorii relewancji w opisie dyskursu szkolnego
(2008)An analysis of universal, objective definitions of relevance shows their inadequacy and fuzziness. Comparison of referring to relevance considerations in philosophy of common knowledge (A. Schutz), in a theory of cognitive ... -
Relewancja i redundancja w lingwistyce edukacyjnej (diagnozowanie języka dziecka w wieku przedszkolnym i wczesnoszkolnym)
(2008)Educational linguistics as an educational theory of language proposes – for the scope considered in the paper – distinguishing between ‘systemic relevance and redundancy’ and ‘relevance and redundancy of use’ as well as ... -
Relewancja i redundancja w ujęciu strukturalistycznym i pragmalingwistycznym
(2008)The author of the paper is particularly interested in an originally structural notion of relevance involved in cognitive and pragmatic contexts of information processing and having in its terminological structure a notion ... -
Relewancja i redundancja w komunikacji. Relacje metodologiczne
(2008)The methodological conception presented in the paper enables to characterize relevance in two approaches: analytical and synthetic ones. The analytical approach consists in joining characteristics of communicativeness ...